April 2020 Newsletter
Together, we will create a vibrant, intergenerational cohousing community in Novato, California where we know our neighbors well and live more sustainably.
Mark Your Calendars for
These Upcoming (Online) Events
Virtual Potluck
Saturday, April 25th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm
We are working to follow social distancing mandates, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have potlucks! Grab your dinner and join us online for a virtual meal from your own home. Ask us your questions, and get to know the members. Share your thoughts on what has helped you cope with the pandemic. RSVP/Email [email protected] to obtain the link to our online meeting room.

Family Zoom Call Meeting
Wednesday, May 6th at 8 to 9 pm
Join other C Street members with children under 18 years old in discussing issues related to children. Topic this month “Kid Culture”—What kind of culture do we want to encourage at C Street?
Email [email protected] to obtain the link to our online meeting room.

Virtual Playdate
Saturday, May 9th at 4 to 5 pm
Begin with singing, storytelling and fun! This will be a great time for parents to ask questions. Bring a snack!
RSVP/Email [email protected] to obtain the link to our online meeting room.

Virtual Potluck
When: Saturday, May 23rd from 6:30 to 7:30 pm
We are working to follow social distancing mandates, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have potlucks! Grab your dinner and join us online for a virtual meal from your own home. Ask us your questions, and get to know the members. Share your thoughts on what has helped you cope with the pandemic. RSVP/Email [email protected] to obtain the link to our online meeting room.

Webinar for Prospective C Street Village Community Members
Coming in June!
Come learn about Cohousing, what’s happening in Novato and have your questions answered.
RSVP/ Email [email protected]   to obtain the link to our online meeting room.
C Street Parent Share
C Street Village Cohousing parents with children have started meeting monthly via a family zoom call on the first Wednesday of the month. The meetings start at 8 pm and last an hour. Families with children under age 18 are welcome. This group provides a forum for cohousing parents with children to deepen their relationships, support one another, and share their vision for raising children in community with each other. A myriad of topics are discussed regarding children and parenting.

Future topics will include:
May—Kid Culture (What kind of culture do we want to encourage at C Street?)
June—Common Spaces (Standards and consequences)
July—Kids’ relationships-How do we encourage connection across the ages? What to do when kids don’t get along well?
August—Different preferences for setting limits for kids (in individual homes and common spaces)
September—Childcare needs and mutual ability to help
October—Extracurricular activities
November—Family traditions
December—Religious practices

Topics may change if another important issue arises that all members want to discuss. For more information and/or to join the group contact [email protected].

Meet Our Community Members,
Jonathon, Brooke and Ryder Stage
Brooke has said for years, that the way people used to live, in small, interdependent, supportive villages, sounds ideal to her! She has investigated several ways to try to make it happen for her family, to no avail. Enter... Cohousing. Finally!
Jonathon grew up in small-town Wisconsin, and moved to California during high school. He is currently a Vice President at an energy efficiency consulting company. While his spare time is limited in this phase of life, he enjoys fixing and building things, he's game for any outdoor activity, he enjoys perfecting his barbecuing skills, and is looking forward to the low pressure social interactions of the community, while having his own personal space to retreat to.
Brooke is a Bay Area native, former flight attendant and nanny, and current stay at home parent. She is very family and friend focused; always looking for any excuse to get loved ones together. Her favorite thing is whatever is "new" to her, whether that be traveling (including places/trails/museums around the Bay Area), cooking a recipe that stretches her skills, discovering a subject to nerd out about, or trying an activity she's never done before.
Ryder is four years old, and particularly energetic and friendly. He will be in heaven having a loving community of all ages around him. You can surely expect knocks at your door from an exuberant, chatty little fella!
C Street Village Moves On
C Street Village has not let the shelter-in-place order slow down their progress. All our teams continue to meet and do the work that will prepare our community for move in-Marketing and Membership, Process and Facilitation, Finance and Legal, Sustainability and Community Life. We meet every other Monday evening via Zoom calls for our business meetings and support one another with time to share what is relevant in the moment. We are also having virtual potlucks and are checking in with members by practicing our NVC skills (Non-Violent Communication) in conversations. Our City Process continues to move forward. We are lining up contractors, builders, financial partners and sustainability options. We are helping our members maintain Best Practices around ‘Money in Uncertain Times’ and are reminded of ‘ Hygge' that Danish term that helps us feel safe, experience a feeling of home (even if it is not yet built) and to savor one another’s company even if it’s just a face in a box on a computer screen.

-Judy Slater, C Street Village Community Member
Have You Seen Our Community Plans?
Preliminary Elevation
Elevation of Private Homes / Architecture by McCamant & Durrett Architects.
In cohousing , one   receives the benefits of living a connected life, while maintaining a private sanctuary in your own home. The private homes in C Street Village will have open floor plans and are designed to be filled with natural light, built with sustainable materials, advanced sound-proofing techniques, passive cooling and heating, front porches, and more. There are thirty two private homes with two, three, and four bedroom options available. There will also be 8 one bedroom and studio rental units (carriage units).
Building Momentum for Cohousing in Marin
Contact Us Today
If you are interested in learning more or reserving your home, please contact us at [email protected]. You can follow us at our website www.marincoho.com . Growing awareness is essential, but what we really need are future neighbors seeking to live in community in the 2021 timeframe. We understand that commitment takes time. So please join us at an upcoming meeting as we continue the momentum toward securing our site and designing our community. We are in contract on land and making progress.
We can only do this together. Please join us…and send us your thoughts!
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