Sacrament Program News for First Communion and Confirmation
St. Emily and St. Thomas Becket Parishes
September 24, 2019
Dear Families,

The year is off to a splendid start, and I'm happy to see the great spirit in both students and families.  (And among catechists, but that goes without saying!)

I want to take a minute to salute the five high school students who are helping in our programs.  Angelica Bielawski is beginning her fourth year in the third grade.  Others are Paddy Bateman, Robert Wiley, Isabella Fiarito and Teagan Groh.  (Teagan helps with the Sunday School.) Thanks to all of them.  They are both excellent witnesses to our students and a great help in our work together.

Please remember that Alpha is continuing this Wednesday.  After you drop off your child in the gym, you are welcome to join us in the school faculty room. Don't worry if you missed last week.  Come anyway. 

St. Emily kicked off its Sixtieth Anniversary year with a Feastival last week end.  Thank you to all who participated.  Please also join in the Fiftieth Anniversary at St. Thomas Becket.

And, save the date for the blessing of the animals.  Friday, October 4 is the Feast of St. Francis and in honor pets can be blessed.  Gather at 3:00 PM in the garden to the east of the school building.
parkingHow to Drop Off and Pick Up Your Students
Review the procedure for a smooth evening

Please note the process for dropping off and picking up your children. If everyone follows the process, it goes smoothly and more quickly.
  • Please note the traffic flow as you see in the picture above. Rick and David will direct you to a parking space.
  • We use 'pull through' parking so that no one needs to drive in reverse.
  • All students should be walked inside to the gym. (Even the big kids.  When it is dark out, it is safer - and a good example for the smaller kids.)
  • Students line up at their class sign in the gym.
  • If you are staying for an event, just tell David and you can park in the farthest end of the lot, out of the traffic flow.
At dismissal:
  • There is the same traffic flow. Do not drive in reverse.
  • Parents are asked to wait on the east side of the gym until ALL the classes have lined up.  (If you try to take your kids out of line, it gets chaotic and the last classes can't get to their assigned spots.  Just wait a few minutes.)
  • When all the classes have come in, you'll be given the 'all clear' to pick up your child.  
  • Please come up to the catechist to claim your child.  Tell him/her who you are taking.
Please remember that catechists are volunteers who are giving their time to help educate your children. Give them the courtesy of waiting so that they can register that you have claimed your child.  They are responsible for your children and want to know that they are safe.
Come to Alpha
Join us on Wednesdays at 6:15 PM  beginning on September 18
to find the real answers to questions

Come to Alpha.  

It can't be simpler.  Drop off your kids in the gym and come into the school faculty room to explore the answers to the big questions of life - faith, meaning, God, purpose.

Wednesdays at 6:15 PM in the fall.

Join us!

Explore More | Alpha Invitation 2017/18

First Communion Parent Orientation
Meetings this week on September 26 and 28

Families of First Communion candidates are required to come to a short, mandatory meeting as the preparation process begins.

The meetings are September 26 at 7:00 PM and September 28 at 9:30 AM - both in Hajdu Hall at St. Emily.

If you have had child in the program since 2015-16, you don't need to come to this meeting.  

Important Confirmation Preparation Events
For both Seventh and Eighth Graders 

Confirmation is a two-year preparation and important dates are coming up for candidates for 2020 and 2021.
  • There is a mandatory orientation for 2021 candidates and parents on October 17 and 19 - both in Hajdu Hall at St. Emily.  The RSVP form is here.
  • The Confirmation pilgrimage for the 2020 candidates will be on October 9.  All the information is in this recent newsletter.
  • The Enrollment Mass for both the 2020 and 2021 candidates is Saturday, November 16 at 5:00 PM.
All the information about Confirmation preparation can always be found on the website.

Join the St. Emily Children's Choir
Rehearsals begin this week

Calling all children of St. Emily Church!  If you like to sing and if you are in first through eighth grades, we invite you  to come sing with the  "Kid's Choir."

Kid's Choir will begin on Wednesday, September 25, from 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in school music room.  (Then you can go to RE class.)

All the sign up info is here.  If you are involved in sports or another commitment right now, please know that you can join at any point in the year.

Handbell choir for middle school through adults!
Any 7th or 8th graders (and/or their parents) looking to join the St. Emily Handbell choir which practices on Thursday nights from 6:30 PM -7:15 PM can please contact Mary Caldrone for more information.
Family Mass
Join us on October 5 at 5:00 PM

Family Mass is a great opportunity to not only worship together, but to minister together.

Each month, different families sign up to be the greeters, readers and gift bearers for our community.

The first mass of the year is Saturday, October 5 at 5:00 PM.  You can sign up here.
  • The greeters will welcome parishioners upon their arrival to mass and hand out bulletins as they leave. 
  • The readers will read the first and second readings, as well as the intercessions.
  • The gifts of bread and wine can be brought to the altar by the whole family.

St. Thomas Becket Fiftieth Anniversary
Dinner Dance on October 12

St. Thomas Becket is celebrating its Golden Anniversary with some special events. Come to the D inner Dance on October 12. 

Come to Holy Ghost Bingo
Friday, October 18 at 7:00 PM

Holy Ghost Bingo is brought to you by the same creative mind who developed Late Nite Catechism.

This fun, interactive play will be in the St. Emily Gym.

Knights of Columbus Essay Contest
Open to all eighth graders

Mount Prospect Council 6481 again is sponsoring the Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest. The essay contest is a creative way to encourage young people to become citizens who are firmly grounded in the Faith.

Theme: The meaning of Virtue and how I live and embody the virtue of Charity.

In an essay of 500-750 words, consider the meaning of virtue and think about ways in which you exemplify the virtue of Charity to glorify and reflect the nature of God. This could be at home with your families or in your communities, as you enrich the welfare of others.

Entries are due on October 11.  All the details are here.

tuition2Paying tuition and fees

If you have not yet paid tuition for St. Emily , please note three options:
  • You can, of course, pay in full any time now that classes have begun.  We accept checks or cash, or you can pay via eGiving;
  • You can choose to pay half of your tuition by the beginning of classes, and then pay the balance at mid-year.  You may also do this by cash, check or via eGiving;
  • The easiest option is to set up a monthly payment via credit card or bank draft in eGiving. Please set up the payments so that they are completed by April 1.
St. Thomas Becket families should pay at your parish.  Contact  Renata Sosin  if you have questions.
Dates to Save
  • September 26 and 28 - Parent orientation for the First Eucharist program
  • October 9 - Pilgrimage for eighth grade Confirmation candidates
  • October 17 and 19 - Parent and candidate orientation for seventh graders hoping to be confirmed in 2021.
  • November 16 at 5:00 PM - Enrollment mass for both seventh and eighth grade Confirmation candidates
Quick Links
St. Emily Parish
Catherine Crino, DRE
St. Thomas Becket Parish
Renata Sosin, CRE