Sun's out - Fun's out!
We are about to start our first of 10 weeks of Summer Theatre Camp, Imagination Camp, Summer Sort of Thing, and Shadow Company Camp! (Whew - It makes me tired even writing all that down.) We are expecting over 350 kids and youth this summer and you know we can't do it without YOU

Well over half of those we serve could not afford to come if it wasn't for you. If you haven't given yet to our Camperships Fund, please take a minute and give today.

We can't wait to tell you all about how your gift made a difference this summer in the life of one of these young  people!

All the best,

Michael Brix, Executive Director

Come see a show!
If you live close, we'd love to have you see our program in action! Call or email to set up a tour. OR come to see a show:

Every Friday at 3pm at 21 W. Washington Lane except

Friday, July 14 at 6pm
Friday, Aug 4 at 6pm
Friday, Aug 25 at 6pm
all at 6100 Greene Street 

Summer Sort of Thing presents "The Clean Green Machine"August 9, 10, & 11 at 6pm - come to 21 W. Washington Lane

Watch for our Shadow Company FringeArts show Sept 8. 9. 15. & 16

A few spaces remain!
Some families had to make changes so we have a few spaces left for our middle schoolers in Theatre Camp and Summer Sort of Thing. Act fast to sign up! The links are below:

Register for Theatre Camp 

Why do we love our middle schoolers? Check out this blog post written by our Executive Director on the importance of the arts for 'tweens.