Theatre Ontario Presents...
October 2018
In This Issue...
Emergence 2.0 from Youth Advisory Committee | Call for Youth Theatre Training Program Applications | Stories from the Professional Theatre Training Program | Introducing Festival 2019 Adjudicator | Call for Michael Spence Award Nominations | Upcoming Workshops | Stories from the Summer Theatre Intensive | Conversation Starters
Youth Advisory Committee
Join Us at Emergence 2.0 from our Youth Advisory Committee
Emergence 2.0 from Theatre Ontario's Youth Advisory Committee
Theatre Ontario’s Youth Advisory Committee is super excited for the awesome lineup of mentors who will be at Emergence 2.0 for our Coffee Dates Sessions.

Coffee Dates will include mentorship sessions where a young artist will get to speak with another artist one-on-one for 20 minutes.

Emergence 2.0 is on October 15 in Toronto.

We thank The Second City and the Associated Designers of Canada for their generous support of this event.

This event is in partnership with the Siminovitch Prize.
Emergence 2.0 sponsors Second City Associated Designers of Canada
Inviting Applications for Youth Theatre Training Program Grants
Does your organization want to undertake an accessible, unique youth training project, led by professional theatre artists? The deadline for applications for our Youth Theatre Training Program is October 15.

Stories from the Professional Theatre Training Program
Ontario Arts Council
PTTP and YTTP are funded by the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
Carolee Mason
Welcome Carolee Mason
Welcome to Carolee Mason who will be Adjudicator for Theatre Ontario Festival 2019 in Richmond Hill.

Carolee most recently adjudicated as the Western Ontario Drama League Festival preliminary adjudicator in 2017/18 and the Association of Community Theatres—Central Ontario (ACT-CO) Festival in 2015/16.

Michael Spence Award
Inviting Nominations for the 2019 Michael Spence Award
Do you know someone whose sustained contribution, generosity of spirit, involvement, and commitment within the Central Ontario region has helped community theatre flourish?

We invite nominations for our Michael Spence Award for Contribution to Community Theatre for 2019.

Creator Stream Workshops
Ready Set Show Foundations of Indie Producing
The Creator Stream of workshops is for anyone looking to produce their own work or start their own theatre company.

Ready, Set, Show! Foundations of Indie Producing workshop with Rachel Kennedy and guest Andrea Scott
Thinking of producing a show or starting a theatre company?
October 10 at 3pm in Toronto

Bring Your Show to Schools webinar with Tim Whalley (Prologue to the Performing Arts)
Does your theatre for young audiences show need an audience?
October 15 at 11am via live webinar

Perfect 10: How to Write a 10-Minute Play webinar with Dominik Loncar
Learn the dos and don'ts.
October 24 at 4pm via live webinar

Director - Dramaturge Collaborations workshop with Matt McGeachy
Turn what could be a strained, forced, or distant relationship to an intense and fruitful collaboration.
November 5 at 3pm in Toronto

Grant Writing Information FREE webinar with Pat Bradley (Ontario Arts Council)
Preparing an OAC application? Get the inside scoop
November 5 via pre-recorded webinar

What Is Intimacy for the Stage? An Introduction to Creating a Safe Space FREE webinar with Siobhan Richardson (Intimacy Directors International)
Learn about the background and impetus behind the Intimacy for the Stage initiative
November 9 via pre-recorded webinar

Intimacy for the Stage for Directors workshop with Siobhan Richardson (Intimacy Directors International)
Learn the techniques and the language to stage human sexuality in a way that is professional, dynamic and focused on storytelling
November 24 at 12noon in Toronto

Career Stream Workshops
The Career Stream of workshops is for those who want to learn and harness the basic tools and resources needed to thrive in the profession.

Voice Over workshop with Elley-Ray
Want to know the secrets of a successful voice acting career?
October 13 at 11am in Toronto

Propel Your Professional Career Forward workshop with Vera N. Held
Need help developing your long-term career goals?
October 20 at 11am in Toronto

smART Money: Personal Finances for Artists workshop with Natasha Mytnowych
Do your artistic projects make it even harder to stay on top of finances, bills and debts?
October 22 at 5pm in Toronto

Post-Performance Recovery workshop with Mairin Smit
Tools to reset from the stress of performing
October 29 at 4pm in Toronto

Launching Your Career workshop with Rachel Kennedy and guest Carly Chamberlain
Answers to your FAQs about the business of acting.
November 7 at 3pm in Toronto

Ask an Agent workshop with Michael L. Jackson
What does an agent do and why should you have one?
November 26 at 4pm in Toronto

Are stress and anxiety sabotaging your career?
November 28 at 3pm in Toronto

Voice Over Workshop
Propel your Professional Career Forward
Launching Your Career
Summer Theatre Intensive
Stories from the Summer Theatre Intensive
Maureen Lukie studied directing with Diana Leblanc and "building our ideas on sympathetic or inspiring insights from other people."

Robin Bennett returned to the Theatre Ontario Summer Theatre Intensive for the thirteenth time - this year for "Hot Scenes" with Brenda Kamino, exploring the question "What is left for me to learn? The answer, of course, is lots."

Coming in October: Inside the Summer Theatre Intensive Creation Lab
Summer Theatre Intensive - Directing
Summer Theatre Intensive 2018 - Hot Scenes
Conversation Starters
From Our Blog
Our most popular posts last month included:
Sign-up for updates under "Follow by Email"
Ontario Off Stage
In our "Ontario Off Stage" column, we share good conversations and news from Ontario's theatres. Recent highlights:
From September 21
  • Introducing the Cultural Human Resources Council's "Workplace Harassment and Violence" tool
  • Theatre Orangeville celebrates their 25th year
  • A 2-part series exploring successes and challenges in the Sudbury arts community
  • Catch up on this issue
From September 14
  • Continuing the creative process when bringing a past production back to the stage
  • Performing and parenting
  • New Ontario Arts Council policies for alternative services for applicants with accessibility needs and for Indigenous artists
  • Catch up on this issue
From September 7
  • Mississauga is the latest community to join SpaceFinder, the matchmaking tool for artists and venue providers
  • Catch up on this issue
Popular Resources
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For More Information
Theatre Ontario | 416.408.4556 x.13 | |
We gratefully acknowledge the support of our funders.
Ontario Arts Council
Toronto Arts Council