July 21st, 2022
Happy Thursday Theatre Family!


July 26th is "Sound of Music Youth Edition Auditions" in Lockport from 6-8pm.

July 30th is "Frozen Kids Auditions" in Lemont from 10:15-11:15am.
Audition Information for
Sound of Music Youth Edition

*Note: Many of you have expressed that you will not be able to make it to auditions and that is totally fine! Please create your audition video(s) and email them back to [email protected] by the time outlined in the audition packet. Video Auditions are only needed for those students who are unable to make the auditions on July 26th and July 30th.

Deadline for Sound of Music Video Auditions is Saturday, July 30th at 1pm.
Audition Information for Frozen Kids

Click here to fill out the audition google form (must be filled out prior to auditions)

*Note: Many of you have expressed that you will not be able to make it to auditions and that is totally fine! Please create your audition video(s) and email them back to [email protected] by the time outlined in the audition packet. Video Auditions are only needed for those students who are unable to make the auditions on July 26th and July 30th.

Deadline for Frozen Kids Video Auditions is Wednesday, August 3rd at 1pm.
Stay Informed
  • Join our family FB page HERE 
  • Follow us on FB and IG @allegroacademy
Mark Your Calendar
  • Saturday, July 23rd - Frozen Kids Audition Workshop
  • Tuesday, July 26th - Sound of Music AUDITIONS
  • Saturday, July 30th - Frozen Kids AUDITIONS

Thank you for being part of our Allegro Family!