Fall 2018
Watch our latest video "Creative Arts Workshop" to learn about our therapeutic arts program with Schuler Arts Studio.
In This Issue:

  • Mutual Support Group helped Marcelo turn his life around

  • Therapy dogs provide relief for students

  • Thanksgiving poetry contest winner Jordan shares his poem

"To see students engage with each other and encourage each other with their art work is a really rewarding experience.”

Cindy Wentworth, Guest Teacher at Schuler Arts
Growing Up
Thanks to Highfields' caring staff, Marcelo is becoming a man.
Sixteen-year-old Marcelo wants to start over. He’s not the same kid he used to be.

“I’ve matured a lot and I view things differently now,” he said.

Marcelo was first put on probation when he was 13 years old. He wasn’t getting along with his parents and began acting out, running away from home, and causing trouble.
Marcelo is becoming a man.
Sit, Fetch, and Heal
Therapy dogs help students who are dealing with trauma.
Did you know that pets can be more than just cute and cuddly?

Dogs, for instance, can be trained to provide affection, comfort and love to people in schools, hospitals, and even residential treatment facilities like Highfields. They are called therapy dogs.

Students at Highfields have a wide range of challenges. Most have suffered from trauma, mental health challenges, anxiety, depression, and other disorders.
Puppy play time = therapy time for students.
Thanksgiving at Highfields
Every Thanksgiving, students participate in a writing contest and share what they are grateful for. Jordan won the contest with his poem, "Why I'm Thankful" which you can read below.
I'm thankful for my family because they keep me going even when I want to give up.

I'm thankful for God because without God I would not be breathing.
Students brought donated food home to their families for Thanksgiving. Special thanks to two special donors who purchased turkeys for the students. (Residential Leadership L-R: Chris Jurasek, Chris Robinson, Darryl Scott)
For more information or to make a referral, please contact:

Brian Philson, President and CEO of Highfields
517.628.2287 x371

Chris Robinson, Residential Director
517.628.2287 x344

Julie Duffey, Intake Coordinator
517.628.2287 x321