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This newsletter is packed with resources and opportunities to help you gear up for the 2023 Science Fair year. Check it out!

  • Project Ideation Resources
  • Science Fair Ready Network Sign-up
  • Science Fair Ready Checklist
  • MSEF's Student Engagement Manager
  • MSEF Summer Intern update
  • Additional Resources

But first...

MSEF is excited to offer a virtual Engineering Workshop and Mentoring Program for Middle School and High School teachers. This on-line course will run through the fall and provide real world examples and actionable tools for launching student-led engineering projects. Learn more and sign-up here. PDPs available through STEMTeachers MassBay.


Help students hit the ground running with projects

As you setup your classroom this coming school year, how do you build a foundation for Science Fair participation? Beyond traditional research methods, we'd like to help you find resources on-line and in your community that you can share with students and say "There's a Science Fair Project in that!"

Help students find questions and problems that interest them and need to be addressed with launch activities like these:

  • Keep individual or collaborative journals and record trends like weather, traffic, or price fluctuations at nearby stores.
  • Contact local town or city offices, like the DPW or Public Safety, and ask what projects they are working on.
  • Provide assignments that involve listening to science podcasts on topics students are interested in or that you'll be covering in class -- check out Science Friday, the Hidden Brain, or Dope Labs.
  • Encourage students to read scientific papers of interest and contact the authors to get more information and make a connection.
  • Check out the UN Sustainable Development Goals to explore resources and ideas that are locally and globally relevant.
  • Explore citizen science project options on or
  • NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has a ton of resources that can be fascinating to explore, such as WeatherClimate Resilience, and Data Visualization.
  • Explore the Mass Environmental Public Health Tracking portal and learn more about what's going on in your community. Watch this orientation video to learn how.

As students explore, have them jot down questions and observations they have and identify how they would learn more.

How do you create a culture of Science Fair participation in your classroom?

Sign up for the Science Fair Ready Network

and request a 'Classroom Kit' of posters and prompts

to set the stage for strong project ideas.

Science Fair Ready Network

MSEF is here to help you through all stages of the science & engineering fair journey. Teachers and administrators, sign-up below to be a part of MSEF's 2023 Science Fair Ready Network.

You will receive

  • periodic newsletters with timely information and reminders
  • exclusive opportunities for classroom resources
  • free or discounted professional development
  • mentor connections and feedback 


There is no cost to be a Network member. You can sign up with no obligation to participate in the fair events and you can remove yourself from the list at any time.

Joining the Network will be the best way to receive ongoing communication about programs, special opportunities and news heading into next year, so don't miss out!

Sign Up Now

Planning for the year?

The Science Fair Ready Checklist for Middle School and High School participants provides an overview for the qualifications and steps to participate.

View the checklist here

Welcome Nick

MSEF is excited to welcome Nick Pioppi as our new Student Engagement Manager. In this new role, Nick will foster a collaborative and supportive environment for students through direct support, volunteer engagement, and training. Students can reach Nick at 

Nick has a degree in Environmental Conservation, experience in coral reef ecology as a field researcher, and more recently has spent time both educating and mentoring students at the New England Aquarium as well as in school classrooms. 

Summer Interns

MSEF's Student Interns have been hard at work this summer. After being split into 5 groups, they are focusing on different projects that provide them with a professional learning experience while also helping MSEF create valuable resources to support statewide Science & Engineering Fairs. Project goals include improving the ability to navigate the MSEF website as well as brainstorming a platform to bring high school students and mentors together and foster collaboration and support. 

Schools represented by this summer's interns include:

Acton-Boxborough High School

Advanced Math and Science Academy CS

Al-Noor Academy

Billerica Memorial High School

Bishop Feehan High School

Dana Hall

Hopkington High School

Joseph Case High School

Mass Academy of Math & Science at WPI

Medway High School

Natick High School

North Quincy High School

Pioneer Charter School of Science II

Shrewsbury High School

Westborough High School

Other opportunities and resources

Check out these other opportunities, resources and organizations.

This newsletter went out to students last week. Take a look at some of the resources and opportunities we shared.

We are so excited to help students across Massachusetts be Science Fair Ready in 2023! 

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Rebekah Stendahl

Program Director

Advancing science and engineering literacy since 1949, the Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair (MSEF) was founded by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, MIT professors, and a group of pioneering K-12 science educators. 

MSEF is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

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Massachusetts Science + Engineering Fair |

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