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Dear Ricardo and Beth,

The old adage is true…There really is no place like home! We were reminded of that when we were in our Old Kentucky Home for Asbury Seminary Board of Trustee meetings this month. The meetings happened to coincide with Beth’s 50th birthday which thanks to surprise visitors and a great party hosted by her folks and sister-in-law, she says “it was the best birthday ever!” However, we were also reminded when we got back to our home sweet home in Medellin, Colombia. When Ricardo and Jonathan went to Peru a few days later to preside over the Annual Meetings, despite enjoying colorful cultural presentations, meaningful meetings, great fellowship, and beautiful scenery they both said they were looking forward to getting back “home.” You see, home is a special place. It is our personal space. It is where we feel loved. It is where we make a lot of memories. It is where we feel most secure.

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Dad & Beth with 2 surprise visitors, sister Mindy (L) & cousin Becky (R)

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Ricardo ordained Pastor Edgar Apaza during the Annual Meeting in Peru

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On Friday our naivety was shattered. We returned from dinner to find that our home, our safe place, had been robbed. They stole all four of our computers, our good camera, our jewelry, and some other things of value which totaled nearly $40,000. Worse than the loss of material things was the loss of data…years’ worth of work was on those computers plus presentations and reports ready to be delivered this week. (We’re learning the lesson about the importance of backing up our data regularly.) We also lost sentimental items that carried with them many memories of people who have now passed away. And to add insult to injury, Jonathan hadn’t downloaded the pictures from Peru yet...perhaps the robbers will enjoy them. We are certain that whoever broke in already knew our home. They came in through the laundry room window and immediately turned off the electricity to deactivate the camera that would have detected them had they entered anywhere else.

We’ve already had the locks changed on our apartment and the building’s front door. We’re working to add additional security measures…such as bars on the windows and a few other things. The building owner got a watch dog. We’ve created a neighborhood notification group and now we are beginning the process of purchasing computers and other replacement items because it is amazing how much we depend upon computers and technology as the tools for our ministry and education! 

If you would like to help our family in the recovery process, you can send a special offering to our Missionary Support Account. Please write “Robbery Recovery” in the comments section.

Robbery Recovery Donation

Truth is though, that our security really isn’t found in a place! “Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” His presence in our lives will continue to make our home a special place!


And yet we find ourselves today in another place (working on a borrowed computer - thanks, Glenn Lorenz). Today we are in Guayaquil, Ecuador preparing to prove another adage, “Home is where your heart is!” We will spend the rest of this week with our beloved missionary family who will be gathering today and tomorrow for our missionary retreat. Pray for our time together and that we will be further united in mind, heart, and mission!

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We would deeply appreciate your continued prayers for our family. The break-in was hard on us emotionally, but we are thankful that no one was harmed and we know that God is good and his faithfulness endures forever. We also invite you to pray with us for the perpetrators, that they may repent and find God’s forgiveness and grace.


Please join us in praying for the 45 people who are gathering for the retreat that begins here in Guayaquil on Tuesday morning…and pray for the 8 who had to cancel at the last minute. The Leon family tested positive for covid yesterday and Bishop Linda and John Adams canceled because she is awaiting a much-needed hip replacement surgery on June 20. We know your prayers for their healing, not to mention the disappointment of missing the retreat, would be appreciated.

Phillipians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This is what we are striving for. We have much to be thankful for! We have much to pray for! And we are resting in His presence…which brings us peace. May it be the same with you!


With deep appreciation for your ministry to us!

Ricardo, Beth, Juliana & Jonathan

