This week's theme is RECONNECT.

Connecting expands possibilities - in work and in life - for ourselves as well as for others."
 - Adele Scheele

We want to hear from you!
  • Share your successes and your challenges.
  • Ask for help.
  • Offer content suggestions.
  • Ask technical questions.
  • Send a photo or video.

How? Just hit reply and type your email to Cori.
Let's Celebrate!
Week 3 focused on friends and family!
Time to celebrate! Be inspired by community:
Folks from across the nation, celebrating a great week of connection and commitment to health.

Can you spot our Bob Hoffman Zumba class and our BODYCOMBAT instructor, Joaquin?
Who is celebrating Week 3? The Active Older Adults in southern York County and our LIVESTRONG at the YMCA participants from the Eastern branch are LOVIN' the challenge and working out TOGETHER!

Please tag us in your social media posts to facebook and instagram and use the following hashtag.

Hear from our team!

Join Chris Lorber, The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA, in a virtual meditation practice. Click his image below.


What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility.

Below are Pilates Fundamentals demonstrated by Tara Neff, Wellness Director, The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA.
Lateral Rib Cage Breathing
Lie facing up, with the hands on the bottom part of the ribcage. Breathe in through the nose through 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts.
Star Fish
Lie face up with knees bent, drawing navel in towards the spine. Inhale, and slide the right leg out as the left arm reaches up towards the ear. Bring arm and leg back to center.
Leg Floats
Lie facing up, inhale and float the right leg up to table top, then gently float it back down. Repeat on the opposite side. 
Start with legs in tabletop, arms stacked over the shoulders. Extend the right arm and left leg out away from center. With control, bring them back into the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side. 
Diamond Press
Lie facing down, with the forehead resting on the palms of the hands. Float the chest off the floor, reaching through the crown of the head. Slowly melt back down towards the floor. 
Tabletop With Sliding Legs
Start on all fours with a neutral spine. Inhale and slide the right leg back, then exhale and bring it back in.
Try a class either at the YMCA or virtually on YouTube. Choose from our playlist or click the photos for 3 options.

Pilates with Cindy, The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA
Pilates Burn with Allison, York Branch YMCA
Pilates with Amanda, Bob Hoffman Branch YMCA, PREMIERES on Saturday, February 20, at 5:30 pm. Watch the premier or participate at your convenience by using the same link above.
Music to Motivate!

This playlist is one of Tara Neff's favorites for spirit, mind, body work. Use it for pilates, yoga, stretching or walking.


Celebrate: Goals + Accountability = Success
By Jennifer Hockensmith, Executive Director,
Bob Hoffman Dover Branch YMCA
In running, you can compete against others, but the biggest challenge is competing against yourself. Some say that running is 90% mental and most days I would agree. Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. Getting it in your head that you can accomplish the goals you set out to do.  


Beginning Monday, February 8, 8:00 am, you can pick up your Resistance Band at your home YMCA branch.

If you are not a Y member, you can pick up your band at any of the 4 York Association Locations:
  • Bob Hoffman Dover Branch (Dover)
  • Eastern Branch (East York)
  • W. Dale Brougher Foundations YMCA (Shrewsbury)
  • York Branch (City of York)