F E B R U A R Y  2 0 2 0,  I S S U E  # 73
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In This Issue

Upcoming Events:

September 9, 2020
Santa Clara Convention Center
Booth# TBD

January 26-28, 2021
San Diego Convention Center
Booth# TBD

This year marks Taiyo America, Inc.'s 30th year!  We thank you for your continued business, support and loyalty and look forward to bringing  you Unmatched Innovation for many years to come!

Taiyo's Solution to Thermal Management

The New Year has begun and it's time to travel to the various electronic conventions. I had a great time at the CES in Las Vegas, being able to see all the future electronics that are going to enhance our lives. I also visited Nepcon in Japan. Nepcon showcased high-end semiconductors to automotive and LED lighting electronics. The one common denominator I see with PCBs is that they are continuing to get smaller and require more functionality. As a supplier of materials for the manufacturing of these PCBs, it's easy to see how thermal management is becoming more relevant.

The CES products are pushing connectivity of all devices (IoTs) which causes more information to be handled by your electronics. The speed requirements and data transfer of these devices creates a lot of energy passing through the PCB, thus making them get hot. We all know heat is eventually going to lead to reliability issues. Beyond 5G and IoTs, electric cars are also on the rise so a solution for thermal management is needed.

At Taiyo America we have spent the past couple of years making improvements to a heat spreading product that was introduced years ago. Our first attempt was a photoimagable solder mask that could dissipate 2-3 W/mK. This was quite an achievement when you consider a standard solder mask would only dissipate about 0.2 W/mK. We quickly took this to some of the major OEMs only to discover that their future needs were closer to 10 W/mK. So, Taiyo chemists listened and designed a new single component thermal cure product that can dissipate heat at a rate of 10.2 W/mk. We call the product Thermo Cool 10.2W and see three potential applications for it. First, you can use it as a via fill since it is 100% solid and has great properties like a high Tg (169 °C) and low CTEs (14 / 45 ppm) which could help manage heat in tightly populated via areas. A second application is as a Thermal Interface Material (TIM) for LED assemble, and lastly, as a underfill for packaging / assembly; this material would act as an adhesive and thermal conductive layer.

I could go on and on about thermal management, but I will leave you with this update. Please feel free to contact me or any of your Taiyo resources to learn more. We are eager to help you grow your business and find ways to meet the future needs of all PCB manufacturing.
John T. Fix
Manager & Director, Sales and Marketing


New Options to Keep Cool in Hot Situations
Keeping your cool as things get heated isn't just sound advice for us, but for our electronic gadgets too.  From smart phones and wearables to drones and automotive controls, they all are getting more powerful, capable and smaller.  Read more...

Bob MacRae                                                                                                                                                                                              
Eastern Regional Sales Manager                                                                                                                                                                 

CES 2020

CES of course stands for "Consumer Electronics Show" which takes place every January in Las Vegas, Nevada.  2020 marked the 53rd year of this epic show.  The attendance this year was in excess of 175,000 people for the four-day event.  This includes over 61,000 from outside the US as over 160 countries were represented.  The event has more than 4,400 exhibitors and consumes over 2.9 million square feet.  People from all around the world come to Vegas for this epic event.  Once again, I was one of the masses that struggled to get around the exhibits is hopes of seeing or learning something new.    Continue reading...

Midwest Regional Sales Manager
A talk with Lance Riley President of Lone Star Circuits

Lone Star Circuits located in Dallas, Texas, is one of the most advanced PCB companies in North America. They specialize in building some of the most complex printed circuit boards built today; from metal backed thermal PCBs to Advanced HDI technology, Lone Star is the place go when you need to build the "tough stuff". I sat down with my long time friend, company president, Lance Riley to see what he is thinking about the market, and of course, about Taiyo products these days.  More...

To learn more about Lone Star Circuits  go to: https://www.lscpcbs.com/

For more information about Dan Beaulieu's DB Management Group:     https://www.dbmanagementgroup.com/

Taiyo's upcoming events:
September 9, 2020 Santa Clara Convention Center  
  Booth # TBD

January 26-28, 2021 San Diego Convention Center
B ooth # TBD

ITC Intercircuit   
Featured Equipment
Cf 200

I.T.C. Intercircuit Electronic GmbH
Wasserburger Landstr. 280
81827 Munich
Dear Valued Customer,

Taiyo America now offers ACH as a payment method.  If your company utilizes ACH, please contact Taiyo America's AR Department @ 775-885-9959, ext. 105.
Kindest Regards,
Staff Accountant

Established 30 years ago TAIYO AMERICA, INC. is a subsidiary of TAIYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD., the world's leading manufacturer of specialty inks and solder masks for printed circuit boards. Taiyo offers conductive inks for manufacturing printed electronics, lighting & displays and other applications.  www.taiyo-america.com

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