May 2022
Volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.
Inside This Issue... Vietnam Veterns Chapter Increases Scholarship, Private Pilot Pathway, Q&A with Cadets, Ray Foundation Cadet Success, New Jersey Wing Celebrates Diversity, Tuskegee Airmen Inc. Partnership, From CAP to Command Chief, Alumni Spotlight, Final Salute, more...
Vietnam Veterans of America, Detroit Chapter 9 Increases Scholarship Endowment

The Civil Air Patrol Foundation and Detroit Chapter #9 of the Vietnam Veterans of America have expanded their partnership nearly tenfold. After donating $12,500 to CAP for scholarships in 2020, this month the chapter endowed the scholarships for $90,000.

“Civil Air Patrol feels so blessed to have this endowed scholarship,” said Col. Chris Ballard, Michigan Wing commander.

Added Col. Raj Kothari, CAP Foundation Board chair: “This endowment is going to allow us to support cadets in Civil Air Patrol for decades to come and will have an immeasurable impact on their lives.”
About this story...
I served in Vietnam and am proud about this scholarship from my fellow veterans
No, I did not serve in Vietnam, but I am a veteran.
I did not serve in Vietnam, nor am I a veteran,...but this is a great story.
Wheeler Squadron Cadets Learn to Fly
Wheeler Squadron cadets conducted flight simulator training with the 25th Infantry Division Aviation Brigade. Cadets learned to fly CH-47 Chinook helicopter, UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter and AH-64 Apache Attack helicopter.
Private Pilot Pathway Opportunties for Cadets

Expand Your CAP Knowledge
Q & A: New Pilots Discuss Cadet Wings
Cadets from the Illinois, Minnesota and New Jersey wings have gained their private pilot certificates through the CAP Youth Aviation Initiative's Cadet Wings program, bringing the total number of new cadet pilots completing the program to 152.

Cadet Capt. Jonathan Norber of the Illinois Wing’s Col. Charles Compton Composite Squadron is the 150th cadet to earn his certificate through Cadet Wings. He’s interested in a career in...
Cadet Earns "Wings" with Ray Foundation Support
When Cadet 1st Lt. Mason Rowe of the Kentucky Wing’s Owensboro Composite Squadron earned his private pilot certificate through Civil Air Patrol March 24 – his 17th birthday – he became the first cadet to do so with an official mentor. 

Recently, a donation by the James C. Ray Foundation provided an additional funding source to open training slots for 30 Cadet Wings pilots. These training slots also include a dedicated mentor CAP calls a “navigator.” 
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Resonates with New Jersey Squadron
The Atlantic Ocean lies less than 10 miles away, but for most members of the New Jersey Wing’s Capt. Bud Jackson Composite Squadron, it's the Pacific that holds a special significance in May – Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month – and throughout the year.

After all, some 90% of the Jackson squadron’s 29 senior members and 106 cadets are of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) descent...
"Spring into spring" with CAP
Simplify Your Giving

A donor-advised fund (DAF), which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to CAP. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.
CAP invites you to make a financially-conscious gift that supports your own finances as you make a lasting impact by including us in your will. Our mission needs long-term support to be sustainable, and it’s one way to give that keeps your finances sustainable too.
We offer an easy way to create a will and a chance to ensure our missions serve communities across our nation. Your gift ensures our work can be envisioned beyond tomorrow and for generations of Americans.
About wills and trusts...
Yes, my estate plans are in order.
Yes, my estate plans are in order and include Civil Air Patrol.
It's time to make an update, thanks for the reminder.
Gee, I need to get started. Thanks for the information.
New Partnership

Civil Air Patrol and Tuskegee Airmen Inc. Pact
Yields Education Focus
CAP and Tuskegee Airmen Inc. have announced a new partnership to share CAP’s educational resources in helping chronicle the Tuskegee Airmen’s prominent place in history.

“We’re excited. Our folks are ready,” said Jerry “Hawk” Burton, national president for TAI.
Under the formal partnership agreement, executed in 2021, CAP’s aerospace education program has already produced a new Tuskegee Airmen middle school booklet that highlights several notable Tuskegee Airmen.

The booklet is available to...
Saving Lives
CAP's search and rescue missions continue. This map represents the number of saves since Oct. 1.
From Civil Air Patrol to Command Chief
From Civil Air Patrol to Command Chief

Earning the rank of Chief Master Sgt. is a competitive process accomplished by a small percentage of enlisted Airmen. To Jennifer McKendree, the idea of becoming a chief seemed completely unattainable. As a teenager, McKendree joined Civil...

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Alumni & Friends Spotlight

Former C/Maj Olivia Ornellas

Cadet Alumna
Hawaii Wing
Why did you join Civil Air Patrol? I initially joined CAP just as an extracurricular activity, but I stayed in CAP for the numerous leadership opportunities available, professional development, and to further my communication and organizational skills. And of course, it was really fun!

What is your current career? Currently, I am a college senior majoring in Social Work. I plan to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker after completing graduate school.

What specific lesson/experience from CAP has influenced your career or your life?
When I first joined my home squadron in 2015, there were 3 other female cadets regularly attending meetings. There were maybe 10 female cadets at my very first encampment in 2016.  I knew I wanted to lead and inspire other girls to join the program after seeing those numbers. As I promoted and applied for leadership positions, there have been many instances at various Hawaiʻi Wing events, encampments, and conferences where I taught these young cadets and offered them advice on their own cadet journey.

I know I could have used a strong female figure to look up to in CAP, and it meant the world to me that up-and-coming female leaders were telling me how much I inspired them to promote and apply for positions within their squadrons and the wing.

Since Hawaiʻi Wing is so small, I was able to witness their individual journeys while visiting other squadron/wing events and in turn, be inspired by them. Towards the end of my CAP career in 2019, it was so empowering being able to witness the many strong, capable, and assertive young women leading and filling the ranks at my last encampment. It really came full circle for me, and that was a surreal experience that I will never forget. 

What else should we know about you?
As a college student, I still take the leadership opportunities when I can. While still attending CAP events in my sophomore and junior college years, I took on a couple of peer mentoring jobs and used the teaching skills from CAP to mentor college freshmen.

CAP was the catalyst for my success as a current leader and future social worker. It taught me the fundamentals of following and leading, effective communication, and listening skills. The program gave me the confidence to put myself out there and try new things. Since leaving the program in 2021, I still keep in touch with friends and mentors I've met through the program. I still feel confident recommending CAP to families and friends. I still cannot emphasize enough how important this program was and still is for my community. I know there are other leaders who care just as much as I did who will take care of the next generation of young leaders.
Cass, Former National Commander, Blue Beret Founder, Passes at 87
Brig. Gen. William B. Cass, who served as Civil Air Patrol national commander from August 1984-March 1986, and two terms as Iowa Wing commander died May 13. He also founded what has evolved into the National Blue Beret special cadet activity. He was 87.

Before his tenure as national commander, Cass served...
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
CAP offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer.
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Carrie McMahon, Deputy Chief of Philanthropy and National Partnerships
Col. John M. Knowles, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Donna Bass Maraman, Development Manager
Rebecca Armstrong, Donor Database Specialist

(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy, at