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Just Ask for Whole Grains
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Your Guide to Eating More Whole Grains in 2024

Can you tell your sorghum from your spelt? Are you one of the 6% of Americans who has eaten amaranth? If trying more whole grains is one of your 2024 goals, you've come to the right place!

Learn about nearly 2 dozen different whole grains -- how to identify them, what they taste like, and what makes them special -- on our Whole Grains A to Z webpage. 


Whole Grain Research & Tips

Eating Whole Grains Linked with Slower Memory Decline in Aging

In a study of 3,326 older adults (average age 75), those eating three or more servings of whole grains per day had a slower rate of decline in global cognition, perceptual speed, and episodic memory compared to those who ate fewer than one serving per day.


These Whole Grains Are a Key Part of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet has been getting a lot of great press recently, and did you know that whole grains are one of the foundational foods of the Med Diet? If many traditional Mediterranean grains sound new and unfamiliar to you, we’ve got a great tip to help you expand your whole grain repertoire.


Whole Grain FAQ of the Month

Is going gluten-free healthier? Caroline explains.


Mediterranean-Inspired Oatmeal Recipes

Apricot and Tahini Steel Cut Oats with Cinnamon

An Oldways recipe and photo

Steel Cut Oat Risotto with Mushrooms

An Oldways recipe and photo

Taste Your Way Through Parma

Experience cultural tours, wine, and the magical flavors of Parmigiano Reggiano, Prosciutto di Parma, and Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale.

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