Get ready for cooler weather

NOVEMBER 3, 2023

Message from Principal Mills

Greetings TES Families,

As the autumn leaves fall and the weather turns cooler, we welcome the month of November with open arms. Here are some updates and important information from our school for this month:

The first quarter has come to a close, and we want to take a moment to celebrate the hard work and achievements of our students. Report cards for the first quarter will be distributed on Dec 1. Please review your child's progress and feel free to contact teachers or guidance counselors if you have any questions or concerns.

Parent-Teacher Conferences:

TES places a high emphasis on fostering robust communication between parents and teachers, recognizing its fundamental role in our students' success. If you have not yet scheduled a meeting with your child's teacher, we kindly urge you to do so at your earliest convenience. These conferences provide an excellent opportunity to engage in a constructive dialogue regarding your child's progress, pose questions, and collaboratively support their educational journey. 

Thanksgiving Break:

TES  will be observing Thanksgiving Break from November 20 - 24. During this time, there will be no school. It's an opportunity for students to recharge, spend time with family, and reflect on the things they are thankful for. We wish you a warm and joyous Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

All of us at TES want to express our gratitude to you for entrusting us with your child's education. Together, we can provide a positive and enriching learning experience.


Bernice Mills

Principal, Thetford Elementary School


November 9, Thursday - Veterans Day Assembly 9:30am

November 9, Thursday - Coffee & Conversations 5:30-6:30pm

November 10, Friday - NO SCHOOL

November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break/NO SCHOOL

TES Parents and Caregivers,

We'd like to inform you about two exciting events happening at TES on Thursday, November 9. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for these special occasions.

Morning Event - Veterans Day Assembly

In the morning, starting at 9:30 AM, we will be hosting a special Veterans Day assembly in the TES gym. We cordially invite all parents and caregivers to join us for this meaningful ceremony. We ask that you please do not arrive at TES earlier than 9:20. 

Evening Event - Coffee and Conversation Series

Later in the evening, we have something special planned for you. Join Sara Bailey and Caitlin Toleno for an engaging session of Coffee and Conversation. This evening event will take place from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the TES Library. The topic of discussion will revolve around our latest series, Technology: What parents can do, how to keep kids safe, and more!

We hope to see you at both of these events to celebrate Veterans Day and to engage in an informative discussion about technology and child safety.

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to your participation.


Caitlin Toleno, the Veterans Day Assembly Team, and Sara Bailey


It could be the changing weather, but we've noticed a rise in the number of students arriving late. This is a reminder that students should be in their classrooms, prepared to learn by 8:10am.

Trailblazers Against Hunger

The final numbers are in and our hike to raise awareness of food insecurity and to provide donations for the Thetford Food Shelf was a resounding success! We were able to donate 402 lbs of food and over $1,200 to the Thetford Food Shelf. What an amazing accomplishment! At our assembly on October 26, Mary Allen from the Thetford Food Shelf was presented with the donations from TES. We are so appreciative of our school community for your support of this important event and our local Food Shelf. 


TES Parents and Caregivers,

During the month of November students at TES will be learning all about the character strengths of Enthusiasm and Bravery. 

Enthusiasm is the ability to bring life and excitement to different situations. It often leads to a higher level of involvement and engagement both for individuals and for groups. Those who demonstrate enthusiasm bring an energy and level of intensity to individual and group work. These people are often identified as early leaders and innovators as a result of their outward excitement about a task or project. 

Bravery refers to voluntary action in the face of a dangerous circumstance. This strength involves judgement; the brave person must have an understanding of the risks and consequences involved in acting. According to Socrates and Plato, forethought separates acts of valor from acts of rashness. This means that bravery isn’t simply fearlessness, but instead the overcoming of fear.

To practice and encourage the character strength of enthusiasm and bravery with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.

Thank you for your continued support,

Caitlin Toleno, SEL Coordinator

News from Health Office with Nurse Kate

Updates from the Health Office!

I hope that everyone had a happy, healthy, and successful Halloween! I don’t have a lot to share this week, but there are a couple of upcoming events that I wanted to highlight.  

  • TICKS! Please continue to keep up with good tick checks nightly. The little critters are definitely still around. I really love the Vermont Department of Health’s website on tick prevention, as well as their information on identification. Check it out here!

  • The weather is getting cooler! Please help your child remember to pack their warm clothes (and an extra set!), hats, mittens, boots, etc!  

We are looking forward to the Winter Outerwear and Clothing Swap.

Families can both donate gently used children’s clothing in the bins around town, and can come “shop” for free the items they need on Saturday, November 11, from 8-1! Many, many thanks to TESCIA and other community partners who are helping make this a success!

  • For those still looking for COVID vaccines! I have just heard that Upper Valley Pediatrics has very recently received a small quantity of COVID vaccines for all age groups in their East Thetford office. You can reach out to them at 802-785-4722 to make an appointment for your child!

  • Last but certainly not least, we are fortunate to have our Ronald McDonald Dental Mobile coming December 4-7. The dental van helps provide children without dental homes the opportunity to access dental cleanings and care. Most insurances are accepted, and care is provided at a sliding scale to children who don’t have dental insurance. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested in hearing more about the Ronald McDonald Dental Mobile. You can also learn a little bit more about the program by clicking here!   

With any questions or concerns about these or any other topics, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at or call at 802-785-2426, x241.  

P2 Character Strength Shout Outs!


Mason Lamotte Kendall

Mason always strives to be the best person he can be. He looks out for his classmates and comes to school ready to learn every day with a smile on his face.

Ella Norden

Ella is a lover of the beauty of nature, and always stops to admire and appreciate magical moments and small wonders in the forest classroom

Liam Burke

Liam remains true to who he is. He is a great role model to many students in the classroom, and shows integrity in his work, in his friendships and in his interactions with all students and staff. 

Katie Ferriot

Katie has a great appreciation of beauty. She strives to make things a little brighter around her, and to make people smile. She works hard at everything she encounters and is a great mentor to many students. 

Emelyn Leitao

Emelyn demonstrates Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence because she has the ability to pause and appreciate the awe and beauty of things. She also goes the extra mile to make her school assignments and projects as excellent as they can be, as well as add decorations of beauty to make them pleasing to look at!

Ira Corbett

Ira demonstrates integrity every day by being honest and authentic in all situations. Ira is someone that I can count on to always give me the truth, and his classmates look up to him as a person they can count on to always be honest and kind with them!

Sophia Musty

Sophia is very aware of her surroundings and makes time to enjoy the beauty! This may be hiking with her dad, time with her mom or being outside at school to “stop and smell the roses”. She LOVES her nephew so much, as well as neighboring dogs, horses, and people! She always shares positive stories about life and people because she appreciates the beauty around her. Thank you for your positive vibes, Sophia!

KK Pellerin

KK shows an appreciation for the small things in life. She is always very kind and sees the best in her classmates. She enjoys nature and is a skilled artist.

Arlie Sansom

Arlie shows integrity in the classroom daily. She is honest and sincere with her peers. She takes pride in her work and responsibility for her actions. She is kind and thoughtful even in tough situations.

Addy Hazlett

Addy shows a great appreciation for beauty and excellence. She sees the beauty in everyone and appreciates everyone and everything she has in life. She is always eager to point out the positives that she sees everyday in every situation. 

Harper Barbato

Harper shows great integrity as one of her character strengths. She is genuine and honest, always eager to help a friend or classmate in need. She is true to herself, even when a situation might be challenging. Harper is always eager to help a friend in need, providing support and friendship. 

Capri Haggard Just

Capri can find and appreciates beauty wherever she goes. She notices others' strengths and shows appreciation by complimenting them or enlisting their help when their skills can come in handy. Capri can find a silver lining to just about any situation and her positive attitude keeps the class looking on the bright side. Capri is accepting of people from all walks of life and understands that everyone plays an important role in this world.

Oliver Egner

Oliver shows integrity through his work and actions. He works hard at school and completes his assignments on time, ensuring his work is done well and neatly. He shows integrity through his actions by including others in games and activities and pulls in students who he notices being left out or behind. Oliver takes care of the classroom and often goes above and beyond, cleaning and picking up materials left out. He is never looks for rewards or praise and does all of this because he knows it's the right thing to do.

Eliza Beckwith

Eliza finds beauty and amazement in all things great and small in the natural world. She is regularly showing us and telling us about the living and nonliving things she enjoys finding and inspecting in nature. She also admires the creativity and artistic work of others and finds inspiration for her own creations. 

Aubrey Machin

Aubrey is always conscientious and honorable in her school work, choices, and actions. She is quick to tell the truth about a situation and her own experiences and she regularly seeks clarification if there is confusion. Aubrey is thoughtful about how she approaches others and shares her good character and kindness with all who know her. 

Sophie Rutledge 

Sophie shows integrity every day. She is a truthful, kind student who treats all of her classmates and teachers with kindness and respect.

Jake Dubuque

Jake has a true meaning of what is right and wrong, and chooses right! If situations arise, he takes responsibility for his actions without thinking twice. Thank you for being a great role model in the character strength of having integrity.

Mackenzie Abraham

Mackenzie is honest and conscientious, and she follows directions even when others don't. She is kind, safe and responsible even when adults aren't looking. She returns lost tickets, helps tidy the supplies, and tries her best on every project.

Clark Barton

Clark is honest and conscientious, and he follows directions even when others don't. He is kind, safe and responsible even when adults aren't looking. He tries his best on every project, helps peers when they have questions, and he can always be trusted to take good care of the supplies.

Jeffery Stone

Jeffrey always takes time to appreciate and notice his surroundings. He is thankful for his environment and appreciates all the things he has. Jeffrey notices and compliments others (adults and peers) on their strengths and is always willing to lend a hand to anyone who may need it in a caring and supportive way!

Jeffrey Stone

Jeffrey cares about doing what's right. He is kind, safe, and responsible during classes, and he often volunteers to help other students. When problems come up, Jeffrey addresses them honestly and constructively.

Alice Gray

Alice has an appreciation of beauty and excellence. She enjoys beautiful things, especially in nature. Butterflies, flowers, and pulling the vegetables from our garden are some of the things she has shown appreciation in. She notices when her peers create drawings and crafts, and does not hesitate to give compliments to them about their creations.

Zephyr Barbato

Zephyr demonstrates integrity everyday in our classroom. He is honest and truthful. If others call out the answer he will continue to think for himself before he answers the question. Another example of Zephyr's honesty shined through when he found Pawsome tickets on the floor, he picked them up and brought them to his teacher! He did not keep them for himself.

Johanna Zelle

Johanna observes nature with a close eye, enjoying birds and butterflies and using field guides to identify them. You can often find her outdoors with binoculars. She appreciates the beauty and marvel of the natural world!

Capri Haggard Just

Capri notices the beautiful details of the world and approaches life with an artist's eye. She has endless creative ideas and is always working on something new! In art classes, Capri is engaged in discussions of craft and technique, and she often volunteers to help other children with the trickier parts of their projects.

Phoebe Hughes

I recently had the pleasure of hiking with Phoebe. The entire way, she excitedly pointed out beautiful details: she admired a soft puff of moss, she hugged trees, she celebrated the sights and smells of the season, and she reminded us that this was her final hike as a TES student. Phoebe has a special ability to be present in each moment. Her sincerity and enthusiasm helps the rest of us do that too.

Katie Schneider

Katie always takes great care in adding beautiful details to her drawings

Oscar Doucette

Oscar is very keen at noticing when things aren’t quite the way they should be. He’ll speak up to make things right!