March 2022
Spring is right around the corner, and Team Tigger has been busy planting the seeds for many upcoming events! We are especially grateful for our community partnerships this month as we continue to work together to reach our youth. We had the opportunity to host both our Advisory Board members and Ambassadors this month as we continue to move the Tigger Stavola Foundation towards new milestones.  
What's Been Happening at TSF?
Board Members Meet to Discuss Current & Future TSF Programs
On Wednesday, February 16th, members of the Advisory Board met to discuss exciting updates and upcoming programs for 2022. Agenda items included the growth of the Student Alliance Program for Fall 2022 and the announcement of the new TSF Scholarship, acknowledging students who are positive peer role models in their community. Other topics included how to expand TSF's reach within the community, including partnering with like-minded organizations, to continue to build a network to combat addiction and engage our community's youth. 
Student Alliance Members Send Additional Letters to Recovery Center Healthcare Workers
Last month, members of the Student Alliance were encouraged to write letters to healthcare workers at local recovery centers thanking them for their service. This month, students from the Dream Team Club at Westfield High School joined in to add their notes of gratitude, showing their appreciation for those working in the field of addiction and recovery. Thank you to the Dream Team!
TSF Expands Scholarship Program
Since the Tigger Stavola Scholarship launch last month, applications have been rolling in with many great candidates. This month, we are pleased to announce that the TSF Scholarship is now available for students attending Wall High School, Red Bank Catholic, and Middletown High School North! 

The TSF Scholarship is offered to any student at a participating school who feels they have been a positive role model either in the community or for their peers. Eligible students must be a high school senior pursuing a two or four-year college degree. The foundation is looking forward to continuing to partner with schools in the community. Please stay tuned for future announcements!

If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please email Andrea LeLand at or Carley Dietrick at
TSF Receives Opportunity to Hear Nathan Harmon's Incredible Story of Overcoming Hardship
Last month, Team Tigger was invited by Kristin Sonnek from the Matthew Thomas Toriello Memorial Fund and Michele Eskow from the Albert Anthony Kayal Foundation (AAKF) to hear Nathan Harmon, an internationally known speaker and the founder of Your Life Speaks. Nathan shared directly from his personal experience overcoming many challenges in his younger years, including drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, and a self-destructive lifestyle. He was responsible for the death of a close friend and spoke of his time in prison and his journey out, all the while discovering his life's real mission. Throughout Nathan's presentation, he stressed the importance of communication and shared that "communication is our activation.” 

The Matthew Thomas Toriello Memorial Fund and AAKF often collaborate to educate others about the importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle in an effort to save other families from losing their loved ones to addiction.

You can learn more about Nathan's powerful story and watch his videos here.  
(L-R) Andrea LeLand (TSF), Nathan Harmon (Your Life Speaks), and Carley Dietrick (TSF)
(L-R) Andrea LeLand (TSF), Kristin Sonnek (MTT Memorial Fund), Michele Eskow (AAKF), and Carley Dietrick (TSF)
(L-R) John and Marilyn Toriello (MTT Memorial Fund), Nathan Harmon (Your Life Speaks), Michele Eskow (AAKF), Kristin Sonnek (MTT Memorial Fund)
First Meeting of 2022 Held for TSF Ambassadors 
On Thursday, February 17th, members of the TSF Ambassador Program met at the office in Red Bank to discuss plans and ideas for the upcoming year. One initiative of the TSF Ambassador Program is to match young business professionals with student mentees in the Student Alliance. Ambassadors provide support through advising their mentees and assisting with any challenges they may be facing. As part of the program, Ambassadors have the opportunity to work with students, network with other Ambassadors, participate in speaking engagements, and attend TSF events. 

Coming from a variety of professional backgrounds, Ambassadors also assist in raising funds and promoting events, utilizing their networks to create new partnerships and increase community engagement. This month, an Ambassador will be paired with a school participating in the Polar Plunge and help motivate students to raise $500! 

If you are interested in becoming a TSF Ambassador, please email Andrea LeLand at or Carley Dietrick at
Kathleen Booth (RBC), Laura Stack and Carley Dietrick (TSF)

Below: John and Laura Stack (Johnny's Ambassadors), Andrea LeLand (TSF), Steve Glassman & Carley Dietrick (TSF)
Author and Speaker Laura Stack Presented on Marijuana Use by Today's Youth
Throughout this week the Tigger Stavola Foundation, in partnership with Monmouth Medical Center, hosted a free-of-charge event to hear nationally renowned speaker Laura Stack, author of The Dangerous Truth About Today's Marijuana. This event was only made possible by the generosity of our donors.

After meeting with local dad, Steve Glassman, and hearing the heartbreaking story of how the Glassman's lost their son Nick just a few short weeks ago to suicide, we felt the urgency to spread awareness and educate our community on the dangers of marijuana. Nick was a sophomore at Providence College, AP student at CBA and all-around good guy. On the outside, Nick was no different than any other twenty year old.

Nick began smoking recreational marijuana in college. As his smoking increased, his family noticed a significant change in his health. He became plaqued with anxiety, depression and an overall sense of mental instability; although pinpointing why, seemed to be the most difficult. After more than a year of medical intervention which included counseling, outpatient therapy and substance abuse specialists, Nick took his life, leaving his family shocked, devastated and most importantly, heartbroken.

Laura Stack has been instrumental in helping the Glassman family throughout their ordeal. Mrs. Stack's son suffered a similar fate, and she has made it her life's mission to educate both children and parents on the effects of today's high-THC marijuana, while also helping them to understand the devastating effects it has on mental health.

We couldn't be more grateful that we were able to facilitate programs with Mrs. Stack at local area high schools, as well as to parents at RBR during a community event.  

We are looking forward to hosting similar events in the future!

We also want to extend a huge thank you to one of our first sponsors, Hackensack Meridian Health for their support!

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and supporting this fun event, please click here.
Sharing Good News - One of Our Ambassadors Got Engaged this Month!
On March 5th, Jamie Jablonowski, a TSF Ambassador since 2020, got engaged to Thomas Carter on the beach at Sandy Hook. The couple currently lives in Highlands and is looking forward to celebrating the exciting news with friends and family!

A big thank you to Jamie for all she does for the Foundation!
To keep up to date with TSF programming and events, follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

As always, should someone you care about be struggling with addiction, our Addiction Navigator is always available at 732-865-1559 for support and resources.

We look forward to taking the plunge with you on April 3rd!

With love,
Tigger Stavola Foundation
Support Tigger Stavola Foundation through one-time donations or monthly giving. Your donations help TSF continue our mission and grow our programs.
Save the Date!
Polar Plunge to Freeze Addiction - April 3, 2022
Tigger Stavola Foundation's Annual Gala - October 1, 2022 
Need Support or Know Someone Who Does?
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and you are seeking help, please reach out to our Addiction Navigator at or 732-865-1559. We are here to offer support and provide a list of options so that you and your family can make the best choice together.
Want to Get Involved? 
TSF is always looking for volunteers who want to join the Foundation! If you are interested, please email Andrea LeLand at or 
Carley Dietrick at
If you know someone who may be interested in learning more about TSF, please forward this newsletter to a friend!