Think Pink Online Classes Boom

Something Special

Fem Belling Think Pink Ambassador  
The view from the Think Pink Living Centre at Docklands
The Think Pink Living Centre remains closed as part of the Victorian Government's COVID-19 virus restrictions to protect the health of our clients, staff, and visitors.
Whilst there have been some changes to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Think Pink Board will continue to be guided by the Government and the Chief Medical Officer's advice to ensure a safe environment for clients, volunteers, staff and visitors when we reopen.

We are all eagerly waiting for the day when we can return to the new Think Pink Living Centre at Docklands, which was generously funded, designed and developed for the Think Pink clients and the wider community by Mirvac, their contractors and suppliers. 

We also owe a great gratitude to the staff of Mirvac who were extremely gracious with the care and commitment to ensure every detail at the Centre was perfect.

To all the many volunteers, sponsors, supporters, friends, and clients of Think Pink, we thank you for your patience and continued support throughout these difficult times.
Ron Smith
Think Pink Foundation
Online Classes Boom at the Think Pink Living Centre
View the current programs available HERE

With the Think Living Centre presently closed, under the guidance of our Breast Nurse and Manager Andrea Cannon and staff, online programs including Art Therapy, Yoga, Reflexology, Tai Chi, Pilates and Support groups such as Second Hope Support group (for women with metastatic breast cancer) and the Supporting Blokes program, a program to support male partners of women with breast cancer to discuss the impact of breast cancer on themselves and family life, have continued to run and expand.

These online programs via Zoom are booming and have proved extremely popular with clients. A recent Tai Chi class involved 30 people, six times the normal class size, with other online classes becoming rapidly booked out.

We are also seeing an increase in clients from country and regional areas with one client participating from Perth whilst recovering at her daughter’s home. Other former clients from the country and regional Victoria are renewing their connection with the Think Pink Living Centre.

Make sure you download the COVIDSafe app onto your mobile phone - it could help save your life and others. CLICK HERE to download the app.

Ron Smith
Think Pink Foundation
Irene Hendel OAM
Patron and Founder
Think Pink Living Centre
Something Very Special  
An exceptional opportunity to enable a better journey through
breast cancer

The Think Pink Foundation has established a special IRYNA shopping page from which at least 20% of the value of your IRYNA and Nutrimetics purchases will be donated to The Think Pink Living Centre, directly aiding women with breast cancer.

Thank you for considering the purchase of the new IRYNA range of natural beauty products. Nutrimetic’s consultants have been proud supporters of the Think Pink Foundation and The Living Centre for over nine years.

Click HERE for a special message from Think Pink Patron and Founder Irene Hendel OAM
Fem Belling Think Pink Ambassador  

Fem Belling, one of Australia’s great Jazz singers, a client of Think Pink and a Think Pink Foundation Ambassador for many years, Fem has been generous with her time and talent and has graced many Think Pink functions with her voice, energy and commitment.

Think Pink now invite you to relax and enjoy Fem’s latest performances with some of Australia’s leading musicians. 

Click HERE and take a front seat and relax to enjoy Fem’s latest songs. 
Please pass this invitation onto Family and Friends 

📺     Fem is gathering her online viewing army   📺 
It's FREE and takes only a one click
Fem Belling in Concert CLICK HERE or the image above
For more information on the Think Pink Foundation and the Living Centre, please visit

Tel: (03) 9820 2888

Media Enquires:
Ron Smith, Chairman, Think Pink Foundation
Mobile: 0417 329 201
The Think Pink Foundation is proudly supported by Mirvac.