Despite the suspension of services at the Living Centre and the staff all working remotely, the Think Pink Living Centre has now successfully resumed several programs with the use of the online platform, Zoom to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 virus.
Under the leadership of the Think Pink Living Centre Manager and Breast Care Nurse, Andrea Cannon, the online programs have been established with the valuable assistance of staff, facilitators and volunteers over the last 4 weeks.
Ms Cannon said after the first week, Think Pink was running a number of Zoom sessions including Art Therapy, Yoga, Reflexology, Tai Chi, Pilates and Support groups such as Second Hope Support group (for women with metastatic breast cancer) and the Supporting Blokes program, a program to support male partners of women with breast cancer to discuss the impact of breast cancer on themselves and family life.
to view the online programs available.
Ron Smith
Chairman, Think Pink Foundation
on behalf of the Board of Think Pink