If you think you are voting for "Republicans" for the Ohio House and Senate next Tuesday - Think Again!

I just want to take the opportunity to make clear to every Ohioan, and especially those who are Republican voters, what a total FRAUD the "Super Majority" RINO's in the Ohio House and Senate really are - those who you are supposed to vote for next Tuesday, August 2nd. Below I will prove that these "do-nothing", bought-and-paid-for "Republican'ts" TOTALY FAILED Ohio Republican voters who gave them their HISTORIC "Super Majorities" in 2020! 

Think of it. 64 out of 99 seats in the Ohio House and 25 out of 33 Ohio Senate seats are held by "Republicans" - plus control of EVERY state office from Governor to Auditor. You did that! You voted for who you were told are "Republicans" who would pass conservative legislation that reflected the will of the conservative base that makes Ohio a Red State! Nothing could be further from the truth!

You gave them the ability to do ANYTHING they wanted and the Democrats could not stop them. As you will see, they did almost NOTHING. These frauds, these liars, these corrupt politicians, the vast majority of them, but not all, are NOT CONSERVATIVES! They run as Republicans but they represent big monied special interests and even Democrat Unions but they don't represent YOU - the voters who elect them in these RIGGED elections that they create to keep power for themselves and their funders.

Did they pass legislation to get the destructive marxist Critical Race theory out of your schools? NO!  Did they pass legislation to end mask mandates for your children in school? NO!  Did they pass legislation to protect your constitutional right to decided what drugs are put into your body without your losing your job? NO!  Did they pass legislation to keep boys out of girls sports? NO!  Did they pass legislation requiring a Photo ID to vote in Ohio when 77% of all Americans think you should, and probably 90% of Republicans in Ohio want it? NO!  Did they do anything to stop the flow of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into Ohio who illegally crossed our border and will now be YOUR financial responsibility to pay for their schooling, healthcare, food, housing and everything else? NO!  Did they do anything to stop Ohio schools from pushing the destructive Trans Agenda on our children and grandchildren? NO!  Did they do ANYTHING to protect small business owners and employees during Covid? NO - they protected their big business funders!  They DID NEXT TO NOTHING FOR TWO YEARS as you will see below.


It is so bad that out of 64 "Republicans" in the Ohio House the Ohio Citizens PAC can only endorse a measly 13 House incumbents in next Tuesday's election and offer only 25 total conservative candidates out of the total of 99 House races. Out of the 25 "Republicans" in the Ohio Senate, the Ohio Citizens PAC can only endorse two - TWO incumbents! Out of 17 Senate races next Tuesday, seven are rigged so they have NO opponent! No choice for you! The Ohio legislature went out of its way to, in our opinion, illegally prevent citizens from putting their name on the ballot to challenge these do-nothing legislators in this $30 million "2nd Primary" that will have the lowest vote turnout in Ohio History! Despite it being a "RIGGED" election by the Republicans, we sincerely hope that you will do your civic duty and show up to vote on Tuesday, August 2nd and vote for our endorsed candidates.

To show you just how bad the Ohio House and Senate are, as well as DeWine and the other State Officers, with the exception of Dave Yost, I thought it would be interesting to compare the legislation that was passed by the REAL Republicans in the Florida Legislature, and signed by a REAL Republican Governor like Ron DeSantis, with the pathetic record of the "RINO's" in the Ohio House and Senate, and Democrat DeWine! Read it and weep, but know the truth, these Ohio RINO's aren't Republicans and they aren't even conservatives. Vote Accordingly!

Tom Zawistowski

*The summary of Florida Legislation Passed was provided by The James Madison Institute and we thank them for their assistance.

Florida Republican Legislative Bills Passed 2019 - 2022


SB 7070 – Family Empowerment Scholarship (2019) – created new private school scholarship program funded from general revenues, with eligibility criteria matching that of the existing Corporate Tax Credit (CTC) Scholarship program; initially creates slots for 18,000 students.

HB 7045 – Family Empowerment Scholarship (2021) – expands school choice scholarship eligibility so that any family of four with annual income below $100k qualifies; also creates 51,000 new slots, making this the largest expansion of a school choice scholarship program in U.S. history  

HB 1557 – Parents Rights in Education (2022) – restricted grades pre-K to third grade from classroom discussions on gender identity or sexual orientation, provided parents with mechanisms to review and protest materials

HB 7 – Stop WOKE Act (2022) – restricted both educational and employment trainings from including mandatory sessions that include anything promoting Critical Race Theory or ideologies that present one race as an oppressor or oppressed.

HB 233 – Campus Intellectual Freedom (2021) – mandates DOE conduct a survey of faculty and students on all public higher education campuses to gauge academic freedom, viewpoint diversity, and levels of speech protection.

SB 1028 – Fairness in Women’s Sports Act (2021) – requires high school athletes in public schools to participate in competitive sports according to their biological gender.

HB 1767 – School Boards (2022) – 12-year term limits for all school board members

HB 1115 – Financial Literacy (2022) – requires HS students to pass a half-credit course on financial literacy for graduation.


HB 21 – Certificate of Need Repeal (2019) – repealed almost all of Florida’s certificate of need regs governing healthcare facilities and services. Only ones remaining are hospice/nursing homes and ambulance services.

HB 607 – Nurse Scope of Practice Expansion (2020) – allows independent practice for Advance Practice Registered Nurses

HB 389 – Pharmacist Test and Treat (2020) – allowed pharmacists to test and treat for flu, strep, and several other common ailments.

HB 23 – Telehealth Expansion (2019) – comprehensive telehealth legislation for video-enabled telehealth

HB 59 – Automated Prescription Dispensing Machines (2020) – enabling legislation for large “ATM-style” dispensing machines for roughly 200 of the most common medications dispensed (no controlled substances).

HB 37 – Direct Primary Care Agreements (2019) – enabling legislation to allow DPC subscriptions to operate independently of all insurance regulations within the state.


HB 273 – Money Transmission (2022) – deregulation of cryptocurrency in Florida, clarifies that only intermediaries, such as a platform that enables cryptocurrency transactions, requires a money transmitter license, individuals seeking to sell cryptocurrency are not subject to licensure requirements.

HB 1391 – FinTech Regulatory Sandbox (2020) – enables financial technology innovators to test new products and services within the consumer finance, payment instruments sellers, and money transmitter programs. 

HB 1239 – Broadband Internet Infrastructure (2021) – first steps in creating proper market conditions for broadband deployment to hard-to-reach areas (mainly pole lease attachment regs).


SB 90 – Election Reform (2021) – restricted use of drop boxes, required voters to request mail-in ballots more frequently, banned third-party non-profit donations to elections’ offices.

SB 524 – Election Reform (2022) – built upon prior year’s legislation, created a statewide election fraud and security office, tightened controls on ballot drop boxes, greater accountability on voter roll clean up at county election offices, made ballot harvesting/trafficking a third-degree felony.

Regulatory Reform

HB 1193 – Occupational Licensing Reform (2020) – comprehensive deregulation of occupational licensing categories in several industries. Removed/reduced requirements across more than 30 categories.

HB 735 – Preemption of Local Occupational Licensing (2021) – preempts local governments from requiring a local license for any person whose job scope does not substantially correspond to that of a contractor or journeyman type licensed by the Construction Industry Licensing Board, within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

SB 72 – Covid Liability Protection (2021) – shielded businesses and healthcare workers from frivolous litigation, provided they were making a good faith effort to adhere to CDC guidelines.

SB 7014 – Covid Liability Protection Healthcare Workers (2022) – extended liability protection window for healthcare workers for an additional 14 months.

HB 403 – Home-Based Business Protection (2021) – allows home-based businesses to operate and preempts local governments from restricting beyond standard zoning laws.

SB 280 – Mother of All Preemptions (2022) – requires local governments to obtain business impact statement for any local rule/regulation that could negatively affect businesses, provides avenue for local businesses to sue and injunct any local regulation with a negative business impact of 15 percent or more. (Vetoed by DeSantis)

HB 741 – Net Metering Reform (2022) – glide path off net metering rules for new solar installations in the state (from retail to wholesale rate for excess generation). (Vetoed by DeSantis)

HB 1B/2B – Covid Mandate Bans (2021 special session) - prohibits vaccination mandates for employees in government and public education and protects parental choice on masks, vaccines, and quarantine, private-sector employers can require vaccinations, but must offer the following five exemptions:

  • Medical reasons, as determined by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) or physician assistant (PA). Medical reasons include pregnancy or expectation of pregnancy.
  • Religious reasons, based on a sincerely held belief
  • Immunity based on prior COVID-19 infection, as documented by a lab test
  • Periodic testing, agreeing to comply with regular testing at no cost to the employee
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE), agreeing to comply with use of employer-provided PPE


SB 1808 – Immigration Reform (2022) – restricts common carrier companies engaged in the Biden administration’s immigrant transport program from getting any contract with a state or local government agency in Florida.


HB 5 – Abortion Restriction (2022) – no abortions after 15 weeks, except for cases in which life of mother is in direct jeopardy (no rape/incest exception).

HB 241 – Parental Rights for Minors (2021) – among other rights, requires parental consent for a minor to obtain an abortion.

Ohio Republican Legislative Bills Passed 2019 - 2022

HB 2 - Residential Broadband - The bill created Ohio’s first ever Residential Broadband Expansion Program through providing grants to offset construction cost hurdles and help facilitate the expansion of high-speed internet and all broadband services to unserved households across Ohio. The legislation contains $210 million in grant funding over a three-year period, and passed with an emergency clause.

HB 22Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection ActProhibiting abortions at the first detectable heartbeat

HB 122 - The Telemedicine Expansion Act - Expands on the types of providers who may bill for telehealth services, adds new services that a provider may bill for and implements new ways in which providers can see patients across state borders.

HB 509Reduction of business licensing requirementsis part of the process to review professional occupational licensure and ensure we are balancing consumer protections and quality standards with best practices, competitive fees, and reasonable education requirements.

SB 9 - Elimination of Regulatory RestrictionSenate Bill 9 extends the prohibition, included in the last operating budget, on adding new regulatory restrictions without removing two, through June 30, 2025, and further requires state agencies to reduce regulatory restrictions 30 percent by that same date.

SB 22 - Limits on Governor's Emergency Health Authorization powers - With this Bill the legislature has the ability to restrict the Governor’s power and that of his administration, including the Director of the Ohio Department of Health when issuing orders during the pandemic. 

SB 131 - Reform of Occupational Licensingadopted universal occupational license recognition for people moving to Ohio.

SB175 - Stand your GroundThe amendment allows a civilian with a gun to shoot someone else if they are not an aggressor, they are in fear of harm and deadly force is necessary, and they are "in a place in which they lawfully have the right to be.

SB 215 - Constitutional Carry - Ohio no longer requires gun owners to obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon from their local sheriff.

Important Budget Changes: Expanded School Choice, implemented 2nd chance grants to complete college degrees, and dropped the marginal state income tax rate to 3.99% in the budget.


Ohio Citizens PAC

Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom

Ohio Christian Alliance

Buckeye Firearms PAC

Ohio Value Voters

Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio

Ohio Republican PAC

Ohio Chamber of Commerce

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