
Third Quarter 2023

2023 Virtual Conference

- 15 Days of Patient Safety Activities

Wrapping Up the First Week

It has been an exciting week talking with attorneys Molly Casey and Adam Fulginiti about the current legal landscape discussing topics such as peer review, informed consent and violence. Day 2, we had a discussion with Geri Amori, Cyndi Siders and Cathy Kenny about the new early resolution foundational learning program that will launch on October 1. Day 3, attorney Robin Nagele reviewed emerging case law trends for protecting patient safety work product. Day 4, Lori Ley discussed the importance of implementing maternal early warning signs to identify significant complications in the early stages.

Day 5 focuses on programs to assist with healthcare violence - sharing interviews with Arnot Health, Evangelical Community Hospital and Meadville Medical Center regarding their programs and on-demand programs with Paul Uhrig and Justin Green on improving employee security and Monica Cooke on patient and visitor aggression management. CLICK HERE for more information on resources available.

Weeks 2 and 3: Still Time to Register for Sessions

The following patient safety mysteries will be unraveled:

  • Decoding the Challenging Healthcare Environment - Programs to Assist with Healthcare Violence
  • The Culture of Safety Enigma: Professionalism and Civility - Building a Culture of Safety
  • Cryptic Diagnostic Errors: Beyond Human Error - Leveraging AI to Mitigate Diagnostic Errors and Improve Patient Outcomes
  • The Mind-Boggling Task of Tracking and Trending: A Discussion of Tools
  • The Sepsis Puzzle: Improving Sepsis Compliance with Human Factors Interventions in a Community Hospital Emergency Room
  • The Legal Conundrum: OnPoint Interviews Exploring the 2023 Legal Landscape in Your State
  • The Mystical Virtual Reality World: Exploring the 2023 Simulation Pilot
  • Medications Unsolved: Unpacking the Mystery of Medication Reconciliation - A Member Program Discussed
  • The Curious Case of Patient Safety Resources: Digging into Patient Safety Resources - A Review of Member Website
  • Dissecting the Baffling Mystery of Workplace Violence - A Member Safe Table
  • Mysteries Unraveled - Conference Takeaways and Lessons Learned

To learn more about the sessions or to register, Click here.

Institute Updates

September Interview

Workplace Violence Program with Curtis Yeager, Associate Vice President of Quality, Safety and Risk and Matthew Exley, Manager of Employee and Public Safety at Evangelical Community Hospital

Apply Now for Patient Safety Scholarship

- Program to Help Obtain CPPS / CPHRM

Applications are now being accepted for the CHART Institute Patient Safety Scholarship. This program is designed to enable and encourage healthcare professionals to achieve safer patient outcomes by obtaining certification as a Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS) or Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management (CPHRM). Two $2000 scholarships are awarded annually based on qualifications and interest in the fields of patient safety and risk management.

Scholarship applications must be received by October 31, 2023. Applications will be reviewed by the CHART Institute Scholarship Panel. Scholarships will be awarded by December 15, 2023. 

Need CME/CE Hours?

- Check Out Available Course Bundles

CHART Institute has partnered with The Sullivan Group to offer members access to one of six customized bundles. The assigned course bundle is based on member feedback from a survey completed in February and input from the member leadership team. Each bundle offers continuing education hours for healthcare professionals (CME/CNE) and is available until March 31, 2024.

To obtain an account, send your first and last name, hospital, position and email address to [email protected].

CLICK HERE for more information about the six bundles and course descriptions.

Risk Zone

Back to Basics: Transitioning from Public Health Emergency to Conventional Operations

Prior to the pandemic, many CHART members were on a path to high reliability, supported by a strong culture of safety. This pathway reinforced improvement efforts aimed at increasing individual patient and workplace safety during conventional operations. According to a 2019 AHRQ study, similar efforts across the country resulted in a nationwide decrease in hospital associated conditions. Shortly thereafter, the pandemic struck and healthcare priorities necessarily shifted to guide decision-making based on crisis standards of care during the Public Health Emergency (PHE). 

Read More

Patient Safety Toolbox

RL - Incidental Findings

An “Incidental Findings” form is available in the CHART RL6 Risk module. This form provides an online tracking process for radiologist identified significant incidental findings. Through the form, hospital staff can track follow-up patient letters and phone calls. The tracking process provides automated alerts to designated staff based on a customized schedule.

Coverys closed claims data from 2014-2018 show that claims involving incidental findings often resulted in high indemnity payments with an average payment of $527K—significantly higher than the average Coverys indemnity payment of $372K. These claims often result in patient death and were difficult to defend, as more than half resulted in an indemnity payment.

CLICK HERE for the Patient Safety Resource on our website.


October 24, 2023, 10:00 to 11:30 am

Legal Update: Advanced Practice Providers

Register Here

*November 14, 2023, 10:00 to 11:00 am

PSO Safe Table - Patient Skin Issues: Pressure Injury

Register Here

December 7, 2023, 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Focus: Sepsis

Registration available soon

January 25, 2024, 10:00 to 11:00 am

Risk Managing the Grievance Process

Register Here

* PSO Members only

For more information, CLICK HERE.

If you have a 'best practice' hospital story that you want to share with members, please let us know by sending an email with a brief description to [email protected].
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