Third REFORM Newsletter | June 2018
Third REFORM Newsletter 
Dear readers,

Welcome to the third issue of our REFORM newsletter! 

After one year and a half of activities, the INTERREG Europe project REFORM is happy to share with you its latest developments.
Among the main achievements, the partners have published a collection of Good Practices on urban mobility and sustainable urban mobility planning. The project has also been active at various events over the last six months. The REFORM regions and cities discussed their Good Practices in a dedicated workshop (Nicosia) and the partners also represented REFORM at major events, including the European SUMP Conference (Nicosia) or the Italian national SUMP Conference (Bologna). Finally, don't miss in this issue the Region in the spotlight of this issue: Emilia-Romagna.

The REFORM partners wish you a good summer 2018!

Enjoy reading!
REFORM publishes its collection of Good Practices
The REFORM partners have collected Good Practices (GPs) on sustainable mobility planning and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) from the four REFORM regions and beyond. 26 GPs, coming from nine EU countries are available in a booklet.

Regions and cities meet in Nicosia
Representatives of the REFORM regions and representatives of the cities and towns located in these regions met for a  special workshop in Nicosia . One SUMP-related Good Practice (GP) from each region: Emilia-Romagna (IT), Parkstad Limburg (NL), Central Macedonia (GR) and Greater Manchester (UK) have been presented to the audience.

REFORM active at the European SUMP Conference
The REFORM project was very active during the SUMP Conference, which took place in Nicosia (Cyprus), on 14-15 May 2018. The project was presented in a session on SUMPs and multi-level governance and was also present in the exhibition area.

REFORM turns Italian - Italian national SUMP conference
On 24-25 May 2018, the second Italian national SUMP conference took place in Bologna, in the region Emilia-Romagna, which was an official support partner in the organisation of the conference.  The Italian partners of REFORM, ITL and Regione Emilia-Romagna as well as Transport for Greater Manchester and Polis represented the project at this occasion. 

Region in the spotlight: Emilia Romagna
Every six months, REFORM puts one of the four REFORM regions in the spotlight. In June 2018: Regione Emilia-Romagna.

Meet with our sister projects!

Every 6 months, discover one of our sister projects. This month: InnovaSUMP

The InnovaSUMP project aims at introducing innovations in the preparation, elaboration, consultation, adoption, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), based on the EU established methodology. The project also intends to encourage the adoption of policies and measures that promote the use of and investments in sustainable mobility solutions. Furthermore, InnovaSUMP uses SUMPs as an instrument to improve related policies (e.g. social inclusion) and intends to contribute to the improvement of the SUMP methodology.

Find more about all our sister projects on the dedicated page.

Upcoming events

CIVITAS Forum Conference
Umea, Sweden
19-21 September 2018

Paris, France
18-20 October 2018

Polis Annual Conference 2018
Manchester, UK
22 & 23 November 2018
REFORM is a member of the European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
This newsletter reflects the author's views only and the Interreg Europe programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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Polis - European cities & regions networking for innovative transport solutions
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