Our Mission of Prayer this Week
(Please keep the following people in your daily prayers)
We pray today for:
Our Church leaders Bishop Eaton, Bishop Suarez, and our Synod staff, 
all who suffer from COVID and

Alex, Barbara, Betty Bursiek, Caroline Smith, Charlotte Leslein, Chris, Chuck Swain, Dan, Dave, Deb, Diane Horman, Dick, Don, Donna Runyon, Doug, Dustin and Cindy Darby, Gail Watson, Geno Evans, Gerard Hawley, Gina List, Greg, Hal, Ismael Gomez, Jacque Lamb, James Parsley, Jo, Joe Davidson, Johanna Stencel, Kallo Elena, Kathy, Kelly Srock, Kim, Leah, Marge Case, Melissa, Mike Crowder, Pam, Phillip, Roy Hatten, Ruth, Ryan Gavigan, Shayna Feingold, Sue, Tim, Vicky Bardo, The family and friends of Jennifer Johnson, and Leslie Allen,

and all those we mention in our hearts and on our lips…

God of grace, sustain all victims of natural disasters everywhere in the world, especially those who have lost loved ones and their homes in the wildfires in our country and in the tornadoes in Fort Myers. Keep them in your care and raise up supporters who can help them rebuild. God of grace

If you have prayer requests, please email them to Pastor Anna Enderle or the Church Office Catie Kuhn.
If you have family members, neighbors or friends who
would like to receive our recorded services,
please send their email address to Messenger@MandarinLutheran.org

Please look for an e-mail from Mandarin Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon.
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Living in response to God's grace,
growing disciples and caring for all people.
Inviting and welcoming people
Committing to treat people with dignity and respect
Praising God through Christ centered worship and music
Serving and support fellow disciples,
our neighbors and all God's creation
Encouraging everyone to share their God given gifts.