Prelude: All Beautiful the March of Days by Mike Carson _,...__.....Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Call to Worship:______________.._______.......... Erin Beardemphl
Opening Hymn: #277 Holy, Holy, Holy _________________ Led by Alexia Benson
Opening Prayer:_______________________________________ Erin Beardemphl
Children's Circle: _________..............______________-._______...Connie Mitchell
Community Joys and Concerns: _______________...._Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Special Music: The Gift of Love by Mark Hayes
_______________________________._Alexia Benson, Jim Tong & Sophia Ohanian
Scripture: Song of Songs 4: 1 - 7__________________________ Erin Beardemphl
Message: Beguiled by Beauty: Awe and Wonder_________...___Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Offertory:  Wonder by Arelius__________________________.___ Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication: ___________________________________Erin Beardemphl
Closing Hymn: # 4 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You __________ Led by Craig Wesson
Time of Reflection: In Wonderment and Awe by Sophia Ohanian
______________________________________________________Sophia Ohanian