Update from the Mequon-Thiensville School District | Thursday, March 4, 2021
Third Trimester Shift to Instructional Scenario B
On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, all schools in the Mequon-Thiensville School District will transition to a new instructional scenario that provides students more movement and interaction with educators and our staff members with additional time to focus on the needs of each student. This improved instructional scenario - Instructional Scenario B - maintains a focus on mitigating risk associated with the spread of COVID-19.

Please review the following message to learn more about Instructional Scenario B and how it will enhance the educational experiences for our students.

The MTSD is committed to the academic achievement and growth of each student. 

This year, students and educators have worked together to find ways to progress forward, despite challenging circumstances. At the start of the third trimester, we will transition to a new instructional scenario that provides more variety to the daily routines our students have become accustomed to. Instructional Scenario B promotes more movement within the school day for our students, affording them access to different instructional environments and increased interaction with their content teachers. With daily schedules allowing for more movement within the school building, our staff members will have additional opportunities for collaboration and planning to meet the needs of each of our students.

In Instructional Scenario B:
  • Elementary school students will travel to their specials instructors, for example having the ability to work in the art and music rooms, respectively. Lunch will be eaten in the cafeteria.
  • At the middle school level, students will travel to their elective courses and have more regular in-person interaction with their core teachers.
  • At the high school level, students will travel to each of their five courses, every day, returning to the five-periods-a-day bell schedule. 

Distance Learning will continue for those students currently enrolled in this instructional environment. As schedules are finalized at each of our buildings, care will be taken to minimize any disruptions to the distance learning delivery model. 

The MTSD is committed to the safety and wellbeing of students and staff members. 

The health, safety, and wellbeing of each of our students and staff members remain a top priority in providing an educational environment where students can experience success. As we transition to Instructional Scenario B, each school’s student services team members will be available to support students and families through new routines and procedures. Families should continue to reach out to the school counselor or social emotional coach at their building when the need for additional student support arises. Enhancing the social and emotional wellbeing of students is a critical component of Instructional Scenario B and will remain a focus as we progress throughout the third trimester. 

Additionally, the mitigation practices currently in place to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our schools will remain in this new instructional scenario. We continue to follow sound protocols aligned with guidance and support from local health officials to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect the health of our students and staff members.

The MTSD is guided by the principle that research, assessment, and measurement must inform decision-making and accountability.

Last week, District leaders shared details of a new instructional scenario with the Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department (WOPHD), in our ongoing commitment to improving the educational environment for our students and staff members. We have navigated the 2020-21 school year understanding that school operating procedures and instructional scenarios will change as new information becomes available. We are pleased to share the following statement from WOPHD officials, after their review of Instructional Scenario B and the practices that remain in place to mitigate the risk associated with COVID-19.

“The Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department is comfortable supporting Mequon – Thiensville School District’s decision to move from Instructional Model C to Instructional Model B early given current mitigation strategies and data trends.” 

Our collaboration with the health department remains critical in decision-making, and our continued focus on mitigating risk associated with the spread of COVID-19 will be essential to the successful implementation of Instructional Scenario B. As a school community, we will continue to maintain focus on: 

  • limiting the exposure of COVID-19 in our schools and facilities, 
  • monitoring the current data trends relating to the decrease in community spread as reported by the CDC and WOPHD, 
  • tracking the availability of students and staff members, and 
  • Using intermittent classroom, grade level, and building closures when necessary to halt the spread of COVID-19 should increased exposure occur within our school communities.

Your child(ren)’s principal will be communicating additional details of our transition to Instructional Scenario B soon. The MTSD Responsible Return Operating Plan Version 10 is available for review and reflects school procedures within Instructional Scenario B. 

Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to our vision that each student, every time, is empowered to succeed.