The Link

The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."

-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.

 The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface

October 26, 2023

Online giving:

World Day of Prayer for Peace, October 27

We join Pope Francis in prayer and fasting for an end to the violence in the Holy Land and a lasting peace rooted in justice. We encourage everyone to participate with Pope Francis in the World Day of Prayer for Peace on Friday, October 27, 2023, joining Christians and all people of goodwill in worldwide prayer and fasting for peace.

Link to the Peace prayer

Last Call: Liturgical Ministers Workshop

Join us for a morning of prayer, fellowship, and training at the Assumption parish hall. Registration is necessary:

Saturday, October 28, 2023, 9:30am - 12:30pm, Assumption parish hall.

World Mission Sunday- Diocesan collection, October 29

In observing World Mission Sunday, we are most proud of our Fr. Anthony Andreassi, CO who was featured recently on the Preach: The Catholic Homilies Podcast.

Donations can be offered on Pushpay, in the collection or mailed to the parish office.

Coffee Hour after 11:15am Mass at St. Boniface

We will have Día de Los Muertos coffee hour after the 11:15am Mass on Sunday, October 29. Hosted by Brigida Munoz and family.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Hour Children, founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph, provides care and support to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children in Brooklyn and Queens.

From Sat, Oct 28 through Sun, Nov 19 canned goods may be left in the rear of either church in the areas marked “Food Drive.” Items being collected include:

Pasta * Rice * Stuffing Mix * Mashed Potato Mix * Cereal * Tomato/PastaSauce * Canned Vegetables * Canned Soups * Canned Juices * Canned Fruit * Instant Noodles (Packs, Bowls, Cups) * Instant Oatmeal Packets * Mac & Cheese Cheese (Boxes or Bowls) * Saltines and Crackers * Hot Chocolate Packets.

On Canned items, low sugar/low salt as possible.

To make a cash donation, please use PushPay on the parish website.

Walkthrough by Fr. Mark Paul and Sean McKeown at

St. Boniface construction site.

This is a view of where the old sacristy stood and where the new sacristy will begin and stretch to the double doors that lead to the basement stairs. Once the sacristy floor is poured, it will be on the same level as the double doors; you will just walk straight out, no steps except to the basement.

The workers are constructing a door to the basement that will continue to be used until the sacristy is constructed.

View from our future community space.

Holy Day Schedule

All Saints’ Day

Wednesday, November 1, (holy day of obligation)


12:10pm....St. Boniface (with music)

6:00pm.....Assumption (with music)

All Souls’ Day

Thursday, November 2


12:10pm....St. Boniface

Praying for the Dead

During the month of November, it is a long and venerable Catholic tradition to remember and pray for our beloved dead at Mass and in other prayers and rituals.

You may write the names of the deceased members of your family and friends in the “Book of the Dead” that will be placed in each church this week or by emailing the names to If you send in names for the All Souls Novena of Masses, these will be automatically placed in these books. You are also invited to bring a picture of a loved one to place on St. Joseph’s altar at Assumption.

Family Faith Formation and Sacrament Preparation Update ECCKIRJY8/edit?usp=sharing

Thanksgiving Day Mass, November 23 and Friday, November 24 9am @ Assumption

We will not celebrate our weekday 12:10pm Mass at St. Boniface on November 23 and 24.

Volunteers Needed for ABVM Coffee Hours

ABVM will be hosting a coffee hour once a month after the 9:30am Mass. Volunteers are needed to bring goodies (baked goods, bagels, fruit etc.) and to help with set-up and clean-up. The currently scheduled dates for coffee hours are: November 12, Dec 3, Jan 14.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Coleen McGrath at We look forward to hearing from you!

Annual Coat Drive sponsored by Social Justice Action

Help keep New Yorkers warm this winter by donating your gently used coats. Volunteers from the Social Justice Action Committee (SJAC) will bring the coats to local NYPD precincts to distribute as part of the annual New York Cares Coat Drive. Collection bins will be placed in ABVM and STB the weekends of Dec. 2, 9 and 16. New coats are also welcome! Coats only. (Please no hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, sweaters, etc.)

Please contact SJAC at to join the committee or with any questions. Thank you for sharing your warmth with others.

Weekly Mass Intention Schedule

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Readings:


10-28 .....5:00pm .....Intentions- Oratory Women’s Community

10-29 .....9:30am .....For the people of the parish

10-30 .....8:00am .....Santina and Anthony Andrreassi

10-31 ......8:00am .....John Hughes

11-1 .........8:00am .....People of the parish (All Saints’)

11-1 .........6:00pm .....Tom Capone-Healing

11-2 ........8:00am ......All Souls Novena

11-3 ........8:00am ......Intentions (Carol & Tom Amon)

11-4 ........9:00am ......All Souls Novena (Cho Family)

St. Boniface

10-29 .....11:15am .....Evelyn Gentile

10-29 .....6:00pm .....People of the Parish

10-30 .....12:10pm .....John Landers

10-31 .....12:10pm .....Oratory Community Prayer

11-1 ........12:10pm .....Dennis Delaney

11-2 .......12:10pm .....All Souls Novena

11-3 .......12:10pm .....All Souls Novena

Baptism at the Oratory Parishes

If you are expecting a child or are new to our communities and would like to have your child baptized in our parishes, please send your inquiry to We will follow up with you. Please check our website for upcoming baptism dates here: Baptisms are celebrated during Mass.

Upcoming Calendar


10/28......Ministers Workshop


11/01......All Saints Day

11/02......All Souls Day

11/03......First Friday

11/04......First Saturday Mass, ABVM 9am

11/05......Holy Hour, StB 5pm

11/05......NYC Marathon

11/06......Oratory Prayer

11/11.......Veterans Day

11/19......Family Mass, ABVM

11/23......Thanksgiving Day, 9am Mass @ ABVM

11/24......Thanksgiving Friday, 9am Mass @ ABVM

Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:

Walter Balcerak, Norman Landsburg, Joseph Gasparik, Jim Muhs, Tom Capone, Gretchen Beach, Fay Chu, Kimberly Pflug, Mary McGeeney, Louis Acerra, Mary Cella, Kim Manzi.

Rest In Peace: John Landers, Tomasa Gonzalez, Patricia Averill, Jose Antonio Fred, Raul Lopez, Teresa Alonso.

Altar Dedications

St Joseph candle offered by Connie Leone

St Jude candle offered by Notre Thomas

Prayer for Peace

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

55 Cranberry St. between Henry and Hicks

Brooklyn Heights

Church of St. Boniface

190 Duffield St.

Downtown Brooklyn

Daily Masses

Monday - Friday, 8:00am at Assumption

Monday - Friday, 12:10pm at St. Boniface

Weekend Masses

Saturdays, 5:00pm at Assumption

Sundays, 9:30am at Assumption

Sundays, 11:15am and 6:00pm at St. Boniface

The Sacrament of Penance

Saturdays, 4:15 - 4:45pm at Assumption

Wednesdays, 12:30 pm at St. Boniface

Sundays, 5:15 - 5:45pm at St. Boniface

Weekday Church Hours

Monday through Friday, 11:30am - 1:00pm at St. Boniface

Monday through Friday, 7:30am - 9:00am at Assumption

Prayers and Devotions

Rosary, Tuesdays & Thursdays after the 12:10pm Mass at St. Boniface,

Thursdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption

St. Anthony Novena, Tuesdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption

First Fridays, Sacred Heart Novena after 8:00am Mass at Assumption

First Saturdays, 9:00am Mass with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction at Assumption

First Sunday Holy Hour, 5:00pm at St. Boniface


Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the links.

For St. Boniface:

For Assumption:

Or mail checks or envelopes to:

64 Middagh St

Brooklyn NY 11201

Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface

The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes 

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface

Roman Catholic Communities in

Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights

Both parishes operate from one office:

64 Middagh Street

Brooklyn, NY 11201
