Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 12, 2023

Explore this Sunday's Scriptures Here
Family Zone - Activities for all ages

We do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, about those who have fallen asleep, so that you may not grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose, so too will God, through Jesus, bring with him those who have fallen asleep.  ~ 1 Thessalonians

From The Pastor

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Last Wednesday morning we had a wonderful Saint Kateri School sponsored Veterans Day service and on Saturday, Veterans Day, there was a special offsite recognition of the late Major General Norbert Rappel, with a bench and a portion of Route 590 being dedicated in his memory. General Rappel was an active parishioner of Saint Kateri parish.

This weekend, we pray for all members who serve in our armed forces, especially our military service parishioners and for their parents and families.

My gratitude to all who have been so generous in giving to the needy and migrants in our area with donations of foods, socks, blankets, winter clothing and Christmas basket items. Thank you!

With winter fast approaching, you can see a frenzy of activity happening at the Saint Cecilia campus with development of a new senior living complex that will be called "Ellen's Place." The old rectory has been removed to provide space for new parking for the church and parish center.

For now, parking at Saint Cecilia church will remain a real challenge until we can add our additional parking spaces in the spring, but things will improve!

The final result should make for a beautifully landscaped campus that will benefit church parishioners and future senior residents.


May God bless them and you!

 Fr. Gonyo

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Baptisms and Deaths

Congratulations and may

God’s blessings be upon these children:

Please remember in prayer our Beloved who have recently passed away: 


Joan Aloi

Adele Mitchell

Parish Happenings

Weekly Calendar of Parish Events

Sunday, November 12:

* Confirmation Session: 12pm-2pm - CTK

Tuesday, November 14:

* Seven Sorrows Rosary: 5pm-5:30pm at CTK in Mary's Chapel

* Men’s Club: Traditional Turkey Dinner at 6pm in the Newcomb Friendship Center at SC

Wednesday, November 15: 

* RCIA, Catholicism 101: 7 - 8pm at CTK

* Music Ministry Rehearsal: 7:30pm at CTK


Friday, November 17:

* Women's Bible Study: 9:15am in the Saint Kateri Center behind CTK

* Confession & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 12:45pm at CTK

Saturday, November 18:

* Music Ministry Rehearsal: 9 am at SC

* Altar Server Training: 9 am at CTK

* Pray and Play: 10am - 11:30am in the Saint Kateri Center

Sunday, November 19:

* Faith Formation Sessions: 12pm at CTK

Don’t forget to pick up your pre-ordered Pies on Saturday, November 18th between the hours of

10 a.m. & 1p.m. at Christ The King. When you arrive, please drive to the Parish Center entrance (in the back). A volunteer will come out and bring your order to your car.

Looking for weekend Altar Servers:

There will be Altar Server training on

Saturday, November 18 at 9:00 AM

at Christ the King church.

All youth from 3rd grade to 12th grade who have made their First Communion are welcome!!!!!

Traditional Turkey Dinner

Tuesday November 14th

 Newcomb Friendship Center at St. Cecilia Church

All Men of the Parish are Invited!

  Doors open at 6:00 pm

 Dinner will be served at 6:45 pm

Turkey Dinner including Appetizer, Green Salad,

Sweet Potato, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Beverages,

Coffee and Dessert - All for only $25 per person!

Please call John Aloisio: President 441-1293 or

Gary Moroni: Vice-President. 342-4447

for reservations


Join us for

Thanksgiving Day Mass on

Thursday, November 23rd at

9am at Christ the King Church

You may bring a food item from your table to have blessed during this Mass.


Bring a non-perishable food item for the Giving Tree, if you'd like!

Please Note:

On November 23rd & 24th,

NOON Daily Mass will NOT be held and the Parish Offices will be CLOSED.


Giving Tree

Signup Genius

Eucharistic Revival

The National Eucharistic Revival

“Until you know deep inside that Jesus thirsts for you – you can’t begin to know who He wants to be for you. Or who He wants you to be for Him.”

~ Mother Teresa



Please join us for some upcoming events and opportunities!  More exciting news is on the way!


Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered on

Friday, November 17th

at Christ The King Church from 12:45 pm - 1 pm,

following Noon Mass.


The Saint Kateri Eucharistic Revival Committee wants to know what moves you?

How can we help you be closer to the Real Presence of Jesus Christ and Revive your Faith?

Faith Formation

Please Keep Children Preparing to Receive Sacraments in Prayer



As our First Reconciliation preparation program comes to an end, we are looking forward to a break for the holiday season and will begin preparing for First Holy Eucharist in February.  


Our Parent Meeting for First Holy Eucharist preparation will be held on Thursday, February 15th at 7pm at Christ The King Church.

The dates for the rest of the First Holy Eucharist preparation sessions will be announced in January.

Sacrament preparation is a very exciting time for children and their families. We ask that you continue to keep them in prayer as they continue on their faith journeys.


Please contact Anna Steele if you have any questions:, 338-1146


Faith Formation Dates for November:

Sunday November 19th

Pray and Play

A New Ministry for Families with Children Newborn to 3 Years Old!


Come connect through play and fellowship!

Meet us at the Saint Kateri Center behind Christ the King on

Saturday, November 18th from 10am - 11:30am.

Register using the QR code or visit

Contact Christine Bondi at 544-8889; x 3133 or


Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish & School 2022 -2023

Annual Report to Parishioners

Catholic Ministries Appeal

Saint Kateri Parish

2023-2024 CMA APPEAL      

Our parish’s 2023-24 Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal this year: $194,000. The CMA helps our Church and our parish in so many ways. Please consider all the ways that God has blessed you and your family and think about how the Church has brought goodness into your lives. Join our appeal and give back what you can so that we remain strong and able to do God’s great work!

As of October 31st, 267 donors have pledged $56,959.00 towards our goal of $194,000 (30.58%)


   Thank you

for your continued generous support to our Parish!


CMA Video

Bulletin Submissions

Send to

Articles are due by 10am Thursday mornings, prior to the publication date.

Space may be limited for your desired date.

Bulletin Date

Article Due

*November 26, 2023

Thurs, Nov 9

December 3, 2023

Thurs, Nov 16

Community News

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