My dear parish family,
We are blessed to be able to celebrate another THANKSGIVING DAY on NOVEMBER 23, 2023. This celebration has become a common cliché that we sometimes fail to truly appreciate its significance. Thanksgiving Day presents us the opportunity to express our gratitude to God and to others. It reminds us of the blessings of life, the blessings of family and friends; the blessing of health and nourishment, and the blessings of work and leisure. But most of all, we thank God for the gift of Himself in the Most Holy Eucharist, the height and object of our gratitude. As G. K. Chesterton noted, “The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them.” Therefore, I urge you to be more intentional and deliberate this Thanksgiving Day in being grateful for someone or something in your life. We shall have a special bilingual MASS OF THANKSGIVING on Thursday, November 23, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the Church. Don’t forget to bring your Thanksgiving food to be blessed, too. Everyone is welcome!
On behalf of the clergy and staff, I take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving holiday with your families and friends. For those traveling, I pray for your safety. The office will be closed on Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week so that the staff can also spend time with their families. There will be no adoration on Thursday and Friday. It will resume on Monday.
Also, remember to make your contribution for #iGiveCatholic on Giving Tuesday. Let’s keep our record again this year by being number one of all the parishes in America. Thank you immensely for your generosity. Donate on our website,, or use the envelopes in the narthex. The deadline for contributions is Tuesday, November 28, 2023.
God bless you and see you at Mass!
Father Henry
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Vital to the parish community, ushers provide invaluable service by assisting those with special needs, finding available seating, collecting the offerings and distributing materials to the congregation. The ministry is open to all.
There will be an Usher training this evening, Thursday, November 16, from 7:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. . For more information, please contact Dan Jakl at
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Preschool Religious Socks Fundraiser
ends tomorrow!
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No K-5 or Edge sessions on Sunday, November 19, or November 26 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
No High School/Confirmation session on November 21 due to Thanksgiving.
First Reconciliation Preparation, all grades:
1. Tonight! Grades 6-8, Middle School, & Grades 9-12, High School, November 16, 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in Johnson Hall First Reconciliation Prep. It is mandatory for the student. Contact Michelle at x416 or Nic at x445 for more information.
2. For Grades 2-5, Second-Year First Communion parents: The First Reconciliation Retreat is 2 weeks away on Saturday, December 2, from 11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. in the Gym. It is mandatory, and at least one parent attends with their child. Lunch will be served. Contact Michelle at x416 for more information.
The monthly 2nd Year-Confirmation Parent Meeting is the Wednesday after Thanksgiving, November 29, while the teens are in session.
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The Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee meeting will be held Monday, November 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Divine Mercy Room. We are always happy to have new members join our group. If you are interested in meeting and helping new parishioners get acquainted, we’re looking for you!
If you have questions, please contact Glenn Zipfel 770.815.3334 or
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Men of Faith
Monday, November 27 at 6:30 p.m. in Cogswell Hall. All men 25+ are invited!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We will meet on Tuesday, November 28 at 1:00 p.m. in Cogswell Hall. Interested? Please contact Christine Barth
| This Week on FORMED: Saint Peter Watch the epic story of the spread of Christianity during the early years of the Church. This film follows the journey of St. Peter through his martyrdom on a cross. | To register for Scott Hahn on December 8 & 9, click here: There is no charge to attend. |
The Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study Group continues its weekly bible study sessions at 9:00 AM each Sunday in the Divine Mercy room. We are currently studying one of the wisdom literature books, The Book of Sirach, using the Ignatius Bible Study Guide and Commentary as our guide. The inspirations contained in this book are extremely relevant to our times. All adults are invited! No previous bible study experience is necessary and extra copies of the book will be made available.”
We will continue to meet each Sunday in November and December with the following exceptions: November 26 (Thanksgiving weekend), December 24 (Christmas), and December 31 (New Year’s).
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Let us pray...
For our faithful departed especially: Jean Daniel, Michael Johnson, Shirley Johnson, and José de Jesús Mercedes. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
For the sick of our parish, especially: Caren Barnaby, Stuart Blackburn, Shirley Brown, Susan Clayton, Mary Jane Cofield, Pat Crellin, Bryan D’amico, Kim Davis, Karen Dekle, Antonio Diaz, Monique Eluka, Judy Fletcher, Maria Garza, Philip Gibson, Lynne Gormley, Peggy Grannan, Bob Haegi, Teresa Haywood, Mike Hernandez, Bob Lauman, Mary Lee, Fisher Londono, John Lucas, Claudia Luviano, Rose Mackin, Jack Martin, Martha Adriana Muñiz, Irene Muse, Gabriel Orozco, Gaudencio Ortiz, Lucy Pérez, Michelle Pérez, Tony Pérez, Gwen Persichetti, Betsy Podriznik, Carl Raimondi, Elvia Rosa Rodriguez, Maira Rodriguez, Joshua Rosas, Shirlee Schneider, Carlos Soares, Betty Suiter, Judy Szekely, Marlene Torres, Paul Van Name, Sidney Weaver, and Laura Ann Wingate, along with their families and caregivers To add or remove names, contact Darleine Arce, parish secretary, at 770.963.8992 x442 or by email at
For our men and women in uniform, especially: Vallerie Azansou, Philip Balmes, Nathan Barrick, Brandon Crocker, Jordan Crocker, Nathan Crocker, Ryan & Kirsten Crocker, Justin Ellis, Mario Flamenco, Giovanni Gachelin, Edgar Godinez, Isaac Gomez, Mark F. Gonzalez, Simone Hardy, Matthew Herbig, Brian Hodgson, Mariana Lacuzong, Nick McNabb, Brendon Murray, Wesley Phillips, Dillon Riedlinger, Dethan Stafford, Eileen Dilks Tatum, Philip Turner, Da’Maris Vanzandt, and Brandon Ware. If you have a son or daughter serving in the military and would like for his or her name to be on our prayer list, please contact Mary Jo Ware at
For all pregnant mothers and mothers to be, especially: Rachael Bird, Ashley Blackwood, Caitlinrose Clemons, Tiffany Morley, Nneze Eluka Nwankwo, Virginia Partridge, Tori Osterbur, Angelica Rios, Luz Mariela, To add your name to this list, please contact our Respect Life Ministry at
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Our Stewardship of Treasure
November 11-12
Envelopes: $26,179.81
Online Giving: $11,408.00
Total: $37,587.81
Children’s Offertory: $574.00
St. Vincent de Paul: $10,938.30
The second collection this Sunday (November 19) is for the Campaign for Human Development.
Online Giving through Vanco Here is how it works: You authorize a specified amount of money to be electronically transferred directly from your checking, savings or credit card to the parish account. You also specify the frequency of the transfer. Of course you can cancel your authorization of transfer at any time by logging in to your account or by notifying us in writing:
Text to Give: Simply text your donation amount to: 770.659.7789 dedicated for our Give Plus Text users. The first time you do this you will be given an option to fill in your card information. Subsequently, all you need to do is text your donation to that number. You will always be given a receipt and funds will be credited to your parish donation statement.
Thank you for your support!
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