Dear Friends:
Every so often, we build up a store of "this and that" information to share with you. And so we will, after a quick update on where things stand these days.
Respiratory Illnesses
Nationwide, the "worst influenza outbreak in nearly a decade is well underway," according to Becker's Hospital Review. Cases in Wisconsin are also climbing rapidly, but appear to have slowed in the past week.
Things are somewhat less clear with COVID and RSV. COVID cases are definitely increasing, as are hospitalizations. Most—but not all—experts think things will get worse before they get better.
RSV may have peaked nationally, and has been on the decline in Wisconsin since the middle of November.
All of this may seem like good news, and it is, modestly. But COVID and flu in particular remain dangerous diseases, killing 10 Wisconsin residents each in the past week. As we reported last Thursday, both the new COVID boosters and this year's flu shots are well matched to strains in circulation. This week, we're learning that COVID vaccinations may have saved up to 3.5 million lives in the U.S.
Bottom line: there is still a considerable threat from respiratory diseases this winter. Meanwhile, vaccinations are safe, effective and potentially life-saving, for you and for your loved ones. Get them.
Other Items
Adults who have contracted COVID were 50% less likely to be hospitalized after taking Paxlovid, according to the CDC. If you don't know where to get Paxlovid, or don't have a primary care physician who can prescribe it, go to the State of Wisconsin's telehealth portal to get access.
I know I've mentioned our new tool for building a custom mitigation table before, but both times, it's been buried in the article. I wanted to highlight it directly today, because it is so cool (if I do say so myself). If you're not sure what I'm talking about, it's the table that appears at the bottom of our COVID Risk Map page, giving you suggestions based on the level of threat in your county. You can see what I'm talking about below, then go make your own and download it as an image.