For Immediate Release

Contact: Peggy K. Goodwin


Happy Thanksgiving
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DETROIT, MI / Nov. 3, 2021 – Detroit Towing Association (DTA), an organization comprised of most police authorized towing companies in Detroit, are teaming up with Bishop Edgar L. Vann and Second Ebenezer Church for their annual turkey drive. Wishing everyone goodwill and a Happy Thanksgiving, the DTA is bringing 2,000 Butterball® Turkeys to people in need.  The Turkey Drive Thru includes a parade of tow trucks and Parade Company floats and takes place Friday, Nov. 12 from 9:00 a.m. - Noon in the Second Ebenezer Parking Lot. We hold regular food drives at Second Ebenezer,” said Vann. “And I am pleased to help bring Thanksgiving to them as well. For that, I am grateful to the hardworking men and women of the DTA,” he said.

DTA Vice President Julie Semma is eagerly anticipating this event. “I can’t wait to see the parade of trucks lined up, and to experience the good vibes we all feel when we give back,” said Semma.   “We are thrilled to partner with Bishop Vann and Second Ebenezer Church. This is going to be a morning to remember as we share some good tidings and Butterball® turkeys,” said Barry Foster, DTA President.

What: Turkey Drive Thru for People in Need

2,000 Turkeys Donated

Parade of DTA Tow Trucks and floats from The Parade Compay

One Turkey per Household. Recipients must present I.D.


When: Friday, November 12, 2021

9:00 a.m. – Noon (or until all Turkeys are distributed)


Where: Second Ebenezer Church Parking Lot

14601 Dequindre Road, just south of McNichols and east of

 I-75 in Detroit, MI 48212

Click Here for Directions

Who: Bishop Edgar L. Vann and Second Ebenezer Church, Detroit Towing Association members, and invited special guests. Hundreds of people will be driving through to see the trucks and receive their turkey.  


The Detroit Towing Association is a group of professional, police authorized towing companies who organized to advocate for best practices, transparency, and fair towing practices in Detroit.


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