A special thanks to our May sponsor:

The Bigham Agency is sponsoring May's meeting.
in-person, or on Zoom!
Two Good Books 
Terrific Conversations & Networking
and a great Park City Club breakfast.

(Also, streamed live on Zoom.
Scroll down for Zoom info).


A respected Admiral (retired). A true communication expert. These are the authors of the two books I will be presenting at the May 5 First Friday Book Synopsis.

The Admiral is William McRaven, U. S. Navy, (Retired), and this book is his best thinking about leadership. It is worth learning!

The communication expert is journalist, debate expert, interviewer par excellence, Mehdi Hasan. My graduate work was in Rhetoric, and I can tell you this book is well-grounded, practicable. and terrific!

Join us on May 5. It will be a great use of your time: the key content of
two can't miss books, wonderful food, and great conversation.
Come join us. And, bring a friend or two. 

Randy Mayeux, First Friday Book Synopsis

PS - Note: If you plan to attend on Zoom, the meeting is free; if you would like to contribute to participate, Randy would welcome you to send $12.00 directly to him through PayPal. Click here for a direct link to “donate” through PayPal.

{And, don't forget the other two events I recommend; each meeting monthly.

Success North Dallas
Wednesday, May 17 
(SND meets the third Wednesday of each month, at the Clubs of Prestonwood, 7:00 am). Click here to register: SuccessNorthDallas.com


sponsored by CitySquare, Thursday, May 18
12:00 noon - Synopsis of Poverty, By America by Matthew Desmond.
We meet the third Thursday each month; now meeting in-person, and on Zoom. -- I present a synopsis of a book dealing with an issue of Social Justice each month.
(Zoom info, and downloadable synopsis handout, will be sent out on the morning of the event).}

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
Don't Miss These Summaries
Randy Mayeux will present
his synopsis of

The Wisdom of the Bullfrog: Leadership Made Simple
(But Not Easy) 
by Admiral William H. McRaven.  Grand Central Publishing (April 4, 2023)


Randy Mayeux will present
his synopsis of

Win Every Argument:
The Art of Debating, Persuading,
and Public Speaking 
by Mehdi Hasan. Henry Holt and Co. (February 28, 2023)

• And, we give away the books:
We give away a copy of each of the two books we present. Special thanks to High Profile (Hiring Excellence) for sponsoring our Book Giveaway in 2023.
Zoom Info:
Randy Mayeux is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Randy Mayeux is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: First Friday Book Synopsis, 2023
May 5, 2023 07:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

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