This Friday! CAEP Summit 2021 Call for Proposals Close
CAEP Model Program Submissions Are Still Open
This Friday! CAEP Program Area Report for 2019-20 Webinar
Reminder: CAEP Annual Plan Due August 15th
CCAE Southern Section Call for Presenters
Hanover Research: Benchmarking Analysis Innovative Operational Models
Deadlines and Deliverables
This Friday! CAEP Summit 2021 Call for Proposals Close
In two days, the CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee will close the call for proposals! The CAEP Summit 2021 provides an opportunity to share the practices utilized at your agency that reaches stakeholders in your region and increases learners’ outcomes. The CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee and attendees are looking forward to the opportunity to learn from you and how your program and practices have aligned with the CAEP State Priorities. Submit your proposal by August 13, 2021.
If you experience any difficulty, contact the CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee at [email protected] to receive answers to your questions.
CAEP Model Program Submissions Are Still Open
Thought you missed the deadline to submit a model program? Well, technically, the deadline has passed. However, we know there are programs making amazing strides in adult education and we want to learn about these programs and recognize the wonderful work that is taking place. Model programs are reviewed and added to the repository via a nomination process and are awarded annually at the CAEP Summit, including a professional highlight video. This once-a-year opportunity is worth the short amount of time you will spend submitting a model program. Do not miss out!
If you experience any difficulty, contact the CAEP TAP at [email protected] to receive answers to your questions.
This Friday! CAEP Program Area Report for 2019-20 Webinar
Join Tim Harmon this Friday as he reviews the analysis results of the 2019-20 program area report. This webinar will provide an opportunity for CAEP providers to ask questions about the results and recommended changes to reporting requirements.
If you haven’t accessed the CAEP Program Area Report for 2020-21 memo, it is still available. The memo is to advise the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) consortia and their members of the CAEP Program Area reporting requirements for the 2020–21 year. The memo provides changes to the CAEP reporting for 2021, NOVA reporting parameters, definitions, methods for gathering data, and step-by-step instructions. Download and review the memo for full details.
Reminder: CAEP Annual Plan Due August 15th
The CAEP annual plan due date is fast-approaching! The annual plan is a two-phase process. The first phase is submission of the consortium annual plan, by August 15th. The annual plan references the consortium’s key accomplishments, goals and strategies (based on CAEP objectives) for the 2021-22 program year. The second phase, certification of the consortium budget and work plan, is due by September 30th. For guidance on the CAEP annual plan, refer to the CAEP Annual Plan Memo.
Helpful Tips:
- Adhere to the character limits for each section.
- Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.
- NOVA does not accept any special characters – plain text only.
- Fully formatted documents may be uploaded in the “Supporting Documents” section.
- All members have to approve in order for the deliverable to be completed.
- Send approval reminders to member representatives from NOVA.
CCAE Southern Section Call for Presenters
The California Council of Adult Education (CCAE) - Southern Section is holding the Fall Conference on November 19th through the 20th at the Hilton in Palm Springs this year (in person)! We are looking for dynamic and remarkable presentations during the conference.
The theme of this year's conference is Good Vibrations in Adult Education. CCAE welcomes presentations from all adult educators in California, including administrators, teachers, and classified staff. Come share your passion for Adult Education and present your experiences and knowledge in the areas of:
- Successful implementation and coordination of IELCE and IET programs
- Increasing and sustaining enrollment in ABE, ASE, ESL, Citizenship, CTE programs
- Successful student engagement and retention
- Transitioning students to college and career
- California Adult Education Programs (CAEP)
- How to use data to bring about change
- Improving customer service in adult education
- Effective ways to increase community partnerships
- Improving organizational skills and prioritizing
- Increasing employee motivation
- And more!
Additionally – this year, CCAE wants to emphasize presenting topics applicable to Classified and Support staff. If you know anyone who is an amazing classified staff member in adult education and would do a terrific job presenting, please pass on the link to them so they can sign up to present! The form is due by end of day Friday, September 24th. CCAE will contact all submitters the week after the due date, via telephone or email, to discuss the details and let you know if you are selected to present.
Hanover Research: Benchmarking Analysis Innovative Operational Models
In the following report, Hanover Research presents the results of a benchmarking analysis of innovative operational models, specifically highlighting themes and strategies among different types of institutions and organizations in the United States. Key findings from the analysis include:
- Among those institutions that have adopted innovative models, three themes stand out: collaboration, taking advantage of digitalization, and fostering innovation.
- Although institutions of higher education are being forced to rapidly confront dramatic changes, it appears that most have yet to connect their strategic plan to a new organizational and operational structure.
- No single organizational model works best.
Review the full report to learn more about the analysis, recommendations, and key findings.
CAEP Program Area Report Results for 2019-20
Friday, August 13, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST
The State CAEP Office again contracted with Workforce Enterprise Services, Inc. (WES) to analyze the results of the 2019-2020 Hours and Expenditures report submission. This webinar will review the results of our analysis, and will provide an opportunity for CAEP providers to ask questions about the results and recommended changes to reporting requirements. Tim Harmon, President of WES, will lead this discussion.
New! NOVA Consortium Monitoring Dashboard and Reports
Friday, August 20, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST
Want to learn how to maximize consortium efficiency? How about ensure CAEP deliverables are submitted on time, accurate and utilized in consortium decision-making? Join Neil Kelly and Veronica Parker as they unveil the new consortium monitor dashboards and reports in NOVA, and demonstrate how to utilize these new resources to improve consortium effectiveness.
Aug 15: Annual Plan for 2021-22 due in NOVA
Sep 1: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q4)
Sep 1: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 expenses by program area due (estimates only) in NOVA *
Sep 1: 21/22 certification of allocation amendment due in NOVA (new)
Sep 30: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q4) *
Sep 30: 21/22 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan due in NOVA
Sep 30: End of Q1