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SJRC Staff 2021 New Year's Resolutions
Raney Krev
Recreation Supervisor
This year my word is Simplify. I want to focus more on saying no to things that I don’t enjoy or that overload my schedule and bring JOY into my life with the things I do enjoy. My husband and I will be spending more weekends camping, going on picnics, spending more time outside, baking and making lots of new memories as a family of four. I want to declutter/organize my house and donate the items that I no longer need or don’t bring me JOY anymore but can bring JOY to someone else. I want to spend more time investing in my faith and being positive.
Sara Deats
Recreation Coordinator
For the New Year, I’m going to create a vision board in my home to cover with images and words that represent who I am, want to be, do and have as a part of my life. I’m going to nurture my creativity by posting things that inspire and stoke my imagination. I also want to create a memory jar to fill with the special and amazing things that happen for me throughout the year to remember and contemplate next New Year's Eve.
Kelly Fernandez
Recreation Coordinator
In 2021, I want to focus on reducing my carbon footprint by continuing to invest in reusable and sustainable items, cutting down on food waste and riding my bike or walking to work more often. I also want to continue exploring my creativity in the kitchen by creating healthy, plant-based meals. I plan to nourish my mind with daily journaling, restorative yoga, meditation, and thoughtful reading.
Janet Leavitt
Customer Service Representative
This year I want to be more grateful and learn something new every day. I also want to increase my emotional intelligence.
15 Achievable New Year's Resolutions!
Keep Clutter Out Of The Kitchen
If you can barely see your counter tops through all the papers, Post-its, and not-yet-put-away groceries, you may end up paying for that chaos on the scale. Take 20 minutes to put items away where they belong and it can help you eat more mindfully in days to come.

Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Good
Spend the afternoon shopping for clothes that flatter your body: Studies show that what we wear affects the way we feel, which impacts our ability to get stuff done.

Donate Old Clothes
Say goodbye to your too-tight jeans or clothing items that don't fit, are out of style, or are uncomfortable to wear. As a rule of thumb, if you haven't worn it in a year, it may be a sign that you just don't like it anymore.

Explore New Hobbies
Don't let sleepy Sunday's get in your way. Today could be the day your try Ethiopian food, take a painting class, or go for a hike - whatever feels fun!

Give Yourself a New Look
Working on your look is just as refreshing as turning over a new leaf internally. Take off a few inches in the new year, or change up your style and color! It could brighten your days and put some pep back into your step in 2021.

Start a Journal
Daily journaling is a great habit to start in 2021. A journal has the potential to be both a therapist and a dear friend who will listen without judgement or interruption. Writing things down can help take the edge off more toxic feelings and emotions. It helps you better understand what you're feeling and frees up thinking space to gain clarity.

Take more Walks
The National Institute on Aging suggests that regular aerobic activity such as walking has health benefits across the board for older adults. The advantages of walking as exercise include alleviation of arthritis symptoms, less anxiety and depression and overall heart health, among many other perks!

Make Your Bed Every Morning
Set the tone of your day with this simple routine in the morning that will help you kickstart a productive day. It may sound small, but it can have a big impact!

Stay Glued to the Windows
Spending as much time outside as possible is great for your health - but even when the weather is frigid, sunlight is crucial to regulate your mood throughout the day. Try journaling or reading a good book near a sunny window and let the light do it's magic!

Learn a New Skill
Physical exercise keeps your body healthy, and mental exercise is essential in keeping your mind sharp. Trying something new can boost your memory skills and much more!

Add More Citrus To Your Grocery Cart
Winter citrus can help skin keep looking healthy thanks to Vitamin C, which aids in collagen production. Fun Fact: A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate foods high in Vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin that those who didn't.

Ease Stress With Kindness
Practice more kindness towards yourself! Recent studies show that practicing self-compassion slowed people's heart rate and sweating, two symptoms our bodies produce when under chronic stress. Take some time each day to focus on something you love about yourself!

Cut Down on Screen Time
Limiting your screen time can help you avoid health issues like eye sight problems, back pain and bent shoulders. Avoid digital burnout and try swapping the screen for a book if you're looking to occupy your spare time.

Create A Vision Board
A vision board is where images and words are displayed that represent who you are or want to be, do or have in your life. Creating a vision board helps identify your intentions, keeps you focused on these intentions and then helps to make them a reality. 

Make a Memory Jar
Life can get so busy that it's very easy to remember the big memories, however happy, sad, stressful or amazing they are and forget the smaller joys that come in-between. A memory jar helps you capture those special moments as they happen through the year. Start your own memory jar at the start of the year and open it towards the end to reminisce!
Get Active in 2021 With Online Fitness Classes!
Yoga 50+-ONLINE
Taught by Suzi Checki

Monday #35339 11am-12pm, January 4th - January 25th $39 Register Here
Wednesday #35341 11am-12pm, January 6th - January 27th $39 Register Here
Friday #35340 11am-12pm, January 8th - January 29th $39 Register Here

When you feel younger, you look younger! Yoga promotes physical fitness and enhances your health through stretching, breathing and relaxation exercises. This class will be offered via Zoom and login instructions will be emailed prior to the start of class. A yoga mat is recommended. 
Strengthen, Stretch & Tone-ONLINE-NEW
Taught by Aileen Brady
Tuesday, January 5th - January 26th

Strength, Stretch and Tone is a 50-minute class that includes a full body stretch, strength exercises with weights and toning for the whole body. Weights and a small ball are recommended for the class. This class will be offered via Zoom and login instructions will be emailed prior to the start of class.
Totally Fit-ONLINE
Taught by Aileen Brady
Tuesday, January 5th - January 26th

This class will be taught online via Zoom. Lively, non-impact cardio class designed to be gentle on the joints while improving your cardiovascular fitness. Movements are designed to stimulate your brain, as well as improve posture, core, balance, flexibility and strength. Weights and a small ball are recommended for the class. This class will be offered via Zoom and login instructions will be emailed prior to the start of class. 
Pilates 50+-ONLINE
Taught by Aileen Brady
Thursday, January 7th - January 28th

This class will be taught online via Zoom. Pilates will improve your posture as well as breathing and strength. Using slow, controlled movements you will improve your core strength, tone your muscles and reshape your body. You will be on the floor on a mat the entire time. Modifications will be given so that all fitness levels can succeed. A mat and small ball are recommended for the class. Each class ends in meditation and deep relaxation. This class will be offered via Zoom and login instructions will be emailed prior to the start of class. 
Yoga for Every Body-ONLINE
Taught by Skila Ramirez

Tuesday #35435 9:30-10:30am, January 5th - January 26th $60 Register Here
Tuesday #35436 9:30-10:30am, February 2nd - February 23rd $60 Register Here

Traditional Yoga meets Western Culture in this total body & mind conditioning class. Created for individuals who are looking to optimize functional movement in everyday life, build strength, and manage stress. Class will be offered via Zoom and login instructions will be emailed prior to the start of class. 
Looking for 2021 Tax Assistance? AARP Is Offering Free Online Tax Services

AARP Foundation is providing free year-round, online tax prep assistance through its Tax-Aide program.

If you would like to submit a request for Online Tax Assistance, fill out the form HERE.
Can You Find The Hidden Animals in These Photos?
1) Find the Leopard before it finds You!
2) Can you see the Snake?
3) Where's the Mountain Lion?
Answers will be displayed at the bottom of the e-Trendsetter!
A History of the Times Square Ball!

Every year, millions of eyes all over the world are watching the sparkling Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball.

Check out the video to hear a history of the Times Square Ball and see all seven versions of this iconic piece of history!

Fun Fact: Did you know the Ball is illuminated by 32,256 LED's?
Happy New Year Puzzle!

Click the link below to start the puzzle.

See if you can beat our time of 13:24!

Click Here to Play the Puzzle:
All About New Year's Word Scramble
1) OKLCC____________________________
2) DUCWONTON______________________
3) TRAILUV LABL PROD_____ _____ ____
4) DIMTHING_________________________
5) CLANEOTRIBE_____________________
6) FORKWIRES_______________________
7) SCHERE__________________________
8) FITCOTEN_________________________
9) EWN NEARCLAD___________________
10) NOTLORISEUS____________________
11) LAGOS___________________________
12) IMESMORE_______________________
13) PSHOE___________________________
14) SESWHI__________________________   
15) REDDYSAAM______________________  
Answers are displayed at the bottom of the e-Trendsetter.  
Lucky Black-Eyed Pea Soup with Collard Greens and Sausage
Total Cooking Time: 45 Minutes
Makes 6 Servings

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped yellow onion
1 cup peeled and sliced carrots
1/2 cup sliced celery
1 tablespoon minced fresh garlic
1 (14 ounce) package smoked sausage, sliced
1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
4 cups chicken broth
1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes
6 cups tightly packed chopped collard greens, tough stems removed
1 (15.5-ounce) can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed
1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper (or to taste)

1)In a dutch oven or large soup pot, heat oil over medium heat. Add sausage slices, onions, carrots and celery and cook for approximately 7 to 8 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring frequently. Add garlic and thyme and stir to combine.

2)Add chicken broth and tomatoes with juice. Increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Add chopped collards and stir well to combine. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer, cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until collard greens are tender.

3)Stir in rinsed black-eyes peas, season with salt and pepper and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Enjoy!
Come grab your rock Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm from the black chest right outside the east entry doors. It's on a cart beside the doors, you can't miss it!

Take the rock home and put your name and/or a meaningful word, phrase or picture of something positive on your rock using a permanent marker or outdoor paint! Return your rock to the cart when you are done.

Please only take one rock per person. Only for adults 50+.
Print & Color!
Senior Care Calls

Do you know a senior who would benefit from our Bi-Weekly Senior Care Calls? You can sign up yourself or someone you know at Bi-weekly Senior Care Calls. Plano staff calls to see how you are doing, answer your questions and help connect you to community resources if needed. If you have questions, concerns or a need for community resources, contact our call center at 972-941-5922 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. You don’t have to wait for us to call you if you need help now. 
Quote of The Week
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant."
-Robert Louis Stevenson
We Want To Hear From You!
How are you staying happy and healthy at home? We would love to hear from you and see how you are staying positive and active during these challenging times.

If you would like to share an inspirational story, a quote, or something that made your day, please email Kelly Fernandez at [email protected]. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Raney Krev at [email protected].