I'd like to take this moment to thank each of you for your incredible work as foster, adoptive, or kinship families! I hope you consider taking advantage of one of our 50 National Foster Parent Association virtual conference scholarships! Click on this link to register for this conference while we still have conference scholarships still available. 

Our registration code is jfsanthem. This is just a small thank you from JFS Connecting Hearts and Anthem Healthkeepers - we appreciate all you do to help provide safe, nurturing homes for children in foster care!

NOTE: The conference is also available to watch anytime between June 24 and September 30!
This month is “National Reunification Month for Foster Care." I recently had a chance to sit down with VDSS Commissioner Duke Storen to chat about the ways VDSS is supporting children in foster care reunite with birth parents or kinship caregivers. We hope you will learn as much as I did!