
November 2022

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

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"This Just In..."

 “The house was very quiet, and the fog we are in November now pressed against the windows like an excluded ghost.” E.M. Forster


Maybe it’s the golden hues of the forest, or the frost on the pile of leaves in the yard, but November is surely here and with it comes reflection, anticipation and maybe a yearning for just one more sweetly-scented summer day.


Alas, all you get today is the newest epistle from Daniels.

Oh, the sorrows of autumn.

Those Were The Days

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Looking For News - 1916

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Denham Springs News, Louisiana April 1916


This is NOT a misprint. Just an incentive to buy a really efficient Energy Kinetics System 2000 boiler!

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Natural Gas Prices up 80% 

Energy Kinetics System 2000

Can Save You up to 40%!

Finance - 0.99% apr - 10 Years*

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

The Energy Kinetics System 2000 Challenge

Here's an actual customer example.

Customer uses an average of

1,000 gallons a season (Sept-May)

For 2022-23 Season Avg  cost:

$4.75. = $4,750 est.

EK2K System cut useage by

35% = 350 gallons = $1,622.50 in savings

REPLACE the numbers with YOUR useage - 

See how much you can save this year!

Get 0.99% apr - 10 Yr. Financing*

Become A New Daniels Energy Automatic Delivery Customer and Get $500 Off Your Fuel Oil or Propane Account*

PLUS EK2K Offers

Whisper Quite Operation

Virtually Unlimited Hot Water

Made in the USA

Available for Oil or Propane


860 813 9122

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

*Clearly, you need to purchase a new Energy Kinetics System 2000 by November 30,2022 in order to receive the $500 fuel offer. Further you also agree to become automatic delivery customers for home heating furl( fuel oil or propane) for 18 - mos. beginning with the installation of the new system. You will receive a credit of $500 on your account effective with your second delivery. Should you decide to cancel delivery within the first year, the $500 bonus will charged at the end of your last billing cycle. o.99% for 120 months through EnergizeCT. Size of down payment necessary for financing rate - 10-20% - is dependent on zip code and size of home. Limitations apply. Customer example is for illustration only. Your savings me higher or lower. See Daniels representative for complete details. CT License S1-385517 HOD#19 / Daniels Propane. LLC: CT License S1-302857

Quiz #1

Den Den. This is the hard one. Tell us here who this lovely actress is and you may win…Den Den…a $25 Amazon gift card. The “Den Den” is meant to be a hint, not a typo.

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Whom Do You Trust?

As you enter the voting both this fall it might be interesting to reflect on who it is that you trust for your information. We think you’ll be surprised by the results

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Little Help

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

With the onset of winter we get less light. Morning deliveries are often before sunrise and the late fall light fades so quickly that it makes it quite difficult to find house numbers. Please make sure that we can see your house number on the house or the mailbox. It will make a real difference to our drivers this winter. Thanks.

Corny Piece

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

This is pre-colonization Glass Gem Corn, indigenous to North America, regrown by a Cherokee farmer in Oklahoma. This particular corn is a mix of ancient Pawnee, Osage and Cherokee varieties. Keep this in mind when you pass the corn pudding at Thanksgiving.

Save Your Fingers –

Get A Propane Fireplace - Installed

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Think of the splinters you won’t have to remove. Stay warm and toasty this winter. Daniels is ready to install your new propane-powered fireplace log sets. One call and we’ll be there.

860 813 9122

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Quiz #2

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

This is the easy one. Afterall 317 – 317!!!! – people got correct answers. (This is why we don’t send a note to everyone who guesses correctly. 317 “thank you for entering you got it right, good luck emails???”)

Anyway tell us here who these four young dude are and you may win a lovely gift card. Last month Terry R and Agatha F and 200+ correctly identified Jeff Goldblum, while Fred T and Maureen M and more than 100+ others correctly identified singer Usher. But the best part of last month was the 64 of you that correctly solved the 9:50 – 10 TO 10 quiz. Dave A and Dean B were the winners.

Thanks all of you for playing and good luck this month.

Feeling Special, Are We?

"You and the tree in your backyard come from a common ancestor. A billion and a half years ago, the two of you parted ways...

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News
Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

But even now, after an immense journey in separate directions, that tree and you still share a quarter of your genes." - Richard Powers

Autumn Art

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Harald Sohlberg, “Autumn Landscape.” Sohlberg attended the Royal School of Art and Design of Christiania in Norway. He later trained under the graphic artist and painter Johan Nordhagen.

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Harald’s self portrait.

He is particularly known for his depictions of the mountains of Rondane and the town of Røros.

Perhaps his most widely recognized paintings is Winter's Night in Rondane, presently featured at the National Gallery

More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Sohlberg

Give A Listen

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

We’re baaaaack.

David and John give you the latest on the energy market and what you can expect this fall.

From inflation to Russia ending nat. gas sales to…the impact on prices in Europe and right here in CT.

This is our third effort – we want this to be of value to you …

So click here to hear our latest effort - and here to tell us what you think about it.

Tell us what other topics we might address in future episodes. And, as always, thank you.

Is This True?

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News
Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

“Desire makes everything blossom;

Possession makes everything wither and fade.”

-      Marcel Proust Pleasures and Days 1896

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this one!

Food For Thoughts

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

Sometimes you just stumble over amazing things….


A dozen years ago, Robin Wall Kimmerer submitted an unsolicited manuscript to Milkweed, a nonprofit independent press in Minneapolis. It was a brick of about 750 pages. “I sent it out without any confidence that anyone would want to read such a thing,” says Kimmerer, 69. “I didn’t have an agent. I’m not a professional writer. I’m a botanist. But it was something that I felt I really wanted to say.

The book is a word-of-mouth publishing wonder, with more than 1.4 million copies in print and audio, and it’s been translated into nearly 20 languages. Kimmerer was named a MacArthur fellow, a recipient of the “genius grant.”


More than six years after initial publication, for which the book had been whittled down to about 400 pages, the paperback edition of “Braiding Sweetgrass” reached the New York Times bestseller list. It’s resided there for 129 weeks


This Thanksgiving you might consider this notion:

“Honorable Harvest"


"The guidelines for the Honorable Harvest are not written down, or even consistently spoken of as a whole - they are reinforced in small acts of daily life. But if you were to list them, they might look something like this..."


Know the ways of the ones who take care of you, so that you may take care of them.

Introduce yourself. Be accountable as the one who comes asking for life.

Ask permission before taking. Abide by the answer.

Never take the first. Never take the last.

Take only what you need.

Take only that which is given.

Never take more than half. Leave some for others.

Harvest in a way that minimizes harm.

Use it respectfully. Never waste what you have taken.


Give thanks for what you have been given.

Give a gift, in reciprocity for what you have taken.

Sustain the ones who sustain you and the earth will last forever.  

Mystery Video



The Gift Quiz

OK, so these are the opening lines to famous movies. Match any one with the correct movie and you’re entered to win – yet again – a shiny new Amazon gift card. Tell us here. Also – tell us your favorite line from any movie!

  • "Hunger strike, eh? How long has this been going on?"
  • "Last night, I dreamt I went to Manderley again."
  • Senator Samuel Foley - dead, yeah, died a minute ago- here at St. Vincent's."
  • "I never knew the old Vienna before the war, with it's Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm - Constantinople suited me better. I really got to know it in the classic period of the Black Market. We'd run anything, if people wanted it enough and had the money to pay..."
  • "I beg your pardon, but aren't you Guy Haines?"
  • "You never did eat your lunch did you?" "I'd better get back to the office. These extended lunch hours give my boss excess acid."
  • "He was the most extraordinary man I ever knew."
  • "Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932 when I first new it. Somehow, it was hotter then. Men's collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon after their three o'clock naps. And by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frosting from sweating and sweet talcum. The day was twenty-four hours long, but it seemed longer..."
  • "Don't tell me, you didn't know it was loaded."
  • "As in every stone of this size, there is a flaw."
  • "Hey boy, what you doin' with my Mama's car? Wait there!"
  • "Please, sir, I want some more."
  • "Here you are, sir. Main Level D."
  • "All right, Curly, enough's enough. You can't eat venetian blinds. I just had 'em installed on Wednesday."
  • "Will you just watch the hair? You know, I work on my hair a long time and you hit it. He hits my hair."
  • "He even took the gramophone on safari."
  • "On the 23rd Day of the Month of September in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence, and this terrifying enemy surfaced, as such enemies often do, in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places..."

Art or Photography?

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

This is the work of Danish artist Peder Mork Monsted called, “Stream” in 1897. But how much does it look like a photo taken a week or so ago? More about Monsted here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peder_Mørk_Mønsted

Still Like Ike?

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.

It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sculpture by Fiona Banner

Leave em' Laughing

Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News
Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News
Daniels Energy Special Customer Savings News


Daniels Energy: CT License S1-385517 HOD#19 /

Daniels Propane. LLC: #846 CT License S1-302857
