July 2020
This Month: Virtual Trainings Continue for Explore+
Rochester RHIO continues to move forward with Explore+, Your Patient Information Connection. Explore+ is scheduled to be released later this summer, which is good news for RHIO participants. Explore+ advances patient search technology, enhances the end user experience, and displays a redesigned, clean interface.

For July, Rochester RHIO is adding more virtual trainings where our Regional Account Managers will introduce you to the new system. And if those times don't work for you, the Explore+ webinar is also available on-demand for users who work overnights and varied shifts. Authorized users can also request a custom training time for their office. Contact your Regional Account Manager for more information on virtual trainings for your team.

Stay tuned to your email for updates on Explore+. If you haven't yet taken an Explore+ training, sign up today!
Job Openings

Rochester RHIO is always on the lookout for innovative people. Send your inquiry and résumé to hr@grrhio.org.

Check Out Our Award-Winning Annual Report!
Rochester RHIO's 2019 Annual Report won award accolades at the 2020 PRism Awards Ceremony in June. Rochester’s PRism Awards, an Anvil Awards Program, recognize complete public relations programs and tactical elements. They must meet the highest standards of performance in public relations to be considered for a PRism Award (Source: https://prsarochester.org/).

Using COVID-19 Alerts to Streamline Your Workflow
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to march across the United States. While local public health data shows that hospitalizations in the Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions remain lower than other parts of the country, testing for the coronavirus remains steady, and Rochester RHIO continues to deliver hundreds of COVID-19 lab results to participating providers in our region.

Health screening tool to help prevent further spread of COVID-19
Residents are encouraged to sign up for ROC COVID, a health screening tool that could help prevent further spread of COVID-19 throughout Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes Region.

Available at ROCCOVID.org, the online survey tool takes only seconds to complete. It consists of a few questions that residents are encouraged to answer daily. (Source: https://www.commongroundhealth.org/)

In honor of National
System Administrator
Appreciation Day on July 31:

Thank you for keeping our healthcare IT systems up and running!
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