This email is intended to keep the Sarah Heinz House community - especially our

adult members - informed about special activities and events at the House!

Pool Reopen!

Our pool maintenance and resurfacing project is complete, and the pool is officially open! The pool is open to adult members Monday-Friday from 10 AM-1:30 PM (please note that there is no lane access from 11-11:45 AM on Mondays and Thursdays while our Water Aerobics class is taking place).

Daily Lunch for Senior Members!

Lunch is now available Monday-Friday at noon for our senior members! These lunches are offered at no charge (although we do encourage a $2 donation per meal!), and we request that you reserve your spot at least two business days prior to the day(s) you plan to join us. You can reserve your spot via email to, calling the House, or signing up in the lobby!

Email to RSVP

Line Dancing Class on January 10 from 1-2 PM

Email to Reserve Your Spot!

January Art Classes with Ivy

Email us at to reserve your spot at one (or both!) of our January art classes with Ivy! Classes are Tuesday, January 14 and Tuesday, January 28 at 12:30 PM.

Email to Reserve Your Spot!

Tea for the Soul Grieving Class

Email us at to reserve your spot at our "Tea for the Soul" grieving class on Friday, January 24 at 10 AM.

Email to Reserve Your Spot!

Basic Chromebook Classes

There are still some openings in our Basic Chromebook Classes starting Wednesday, January 29 and continuing every Wednesday through April 2 from 11 AM - 1:30 PM (includes a 30-minute break for lunch). Email us at to learn more and reserve your spot. Friday classes are full.

Email to Reserve Your Spot!

Game Room Open Daily

Our game room is open Monday-Fridays from 10:45-11:45 AM. Join us for pool, ping pong, foosball, and other fun games!

What's Coming Up?

  • January 8-31: Lunch served Monday-Friday at noon (please make reservations at least two days prior via email)
  • January 10 at 1 PM: Line Dancing Class
  • January 14 at 12:30 PM: Art Class with Ivy
  • January 20: Building Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • January 24 at 10 AM: Tea for the Soul Grieving Class
  • January 28 at 12:30 PM: Art Class with Ivy