Dec. 2-3: Mount Airy Restoration Foundation's Holiday House Tour
*Sunday, December 3: 1st Sunday of Advent
- Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
- Worship Leader: Margaret Cockerell
- Scripture Reader: Margaret Cockerell
- Advent Candle: Barry Brown, Beth Pequeno
- Head Usher: Mark Brown
- Side Usher: Mike Branch
- Pennies for Hunger collected
Tuesday, December 5: noon: Bible Study
Wednesday, Dec. 6: Candy Houses: 6pm
*Sunday, December 10: 2nd Sunday of Advent
- Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
- Worship Leader: Derek Higgs
- Scripture Reader: Derek Higgs
- Advent Candles: The O'Connell family
- Head Usher: Mark Brown
- Side Usher: Mike Branch
Tuesday, December 12: noon: Bible Study
*Sunday, December 17: 3rd Sunday of Advent
Lessons and Carols Service
- Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
Worship Leader: Peter Pequeno
Scripture Reader: Peter Pequeno
- Advent Candles: Gary and Lori Stout
- Head Usher: Mark Brown
- Side Usher: Mike Branch
Tuesday, December 19: noon: Bible Study
*Sunday, December 24: Christmas Eve
- Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch and Children's pageant
- Worship Leader: Will Sheppard
- Scripture Reader: Will Sheppard
- Advent Candles: Beacons and Faith Friends
- Head Usher: Mark Brown
- Side Usher: Mike Branch
- 5pm: Candlelight Service
- Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
- Worship Leader: needed
- Scripture Reader: needed
- Advent Candles: needed
- Head Usher: Mark Brown
- Side Usher: Mike Branch
- Communion Served
December 25-26: church offices closed
*Sunday, December 31: First Sunday of Christmas
- Sermon: Rev. Dr. Vicki Jones-Johnson
- Worship Leader: Shevaun O'Connell
- Scripture Reader: Shevaun O'Connell
- Head Usher: Mark Brown
- Side Usher: Mike Branch
January 1: church offices closed
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*Doors will be locked when service begins for security reasons. Please knock on ramp door to be let in. | |
Pennies For Hunger: Dec. 3
The first Sunday of the month we pass around yellow buckets for our Pennies for Hunger offering. You can also give to this fund through the Realm app.(click here) Just go to the giving tab and select the fund "HUNGER"
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Prayer List
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
Frances Cook, Lydia Taylor, Andy Snyder, Sheila Gifford, Larry Watson, Melissa Wilkins, McKenzie Brinegar, Ann Yokeley, Jordan Tucker, Bill Rountree, Jean Arrington, Pam Church, Kathryn Benfer, Wendy Byrd, Mariah Tate, Katherine Heath
If you have a prayer request, contact Anna in the church office or email office@fpcma.com.
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The Beacons served free hot chocolate at the city's tree lighting on Thursday, Nov. 30. | | |
Amy Heath created a beautiful advent wreath at our workshop on Nov. 30. | | |
The church offices will be closed on December 25 and 26 as well as January 1 for the holidays. If anyone needs immediate assistance on these days, email the office at office@fpcma.com, Anna at anna@fpcma.com or Fritz at fritz@fpcma.com.
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2023 Financial Giving Update:
In November, our total income came to $8,000 while our expenses totaled $12,081.56. To date, we have received $130,030.50 in pledges, which is 73% of our total pledged receipts for 2023. In the coming weeks, you will receive pledge balance statements in the mail. Please review your giving for the year and make any final donations to go towards your pledge for 2023, which must be postmarked by December 31, 2023. We also continue to receive 2024 Generosity campaign pledges. If you have not turned yours in, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for all your generous giving. Your offerings allow us to continue programs and ministries in the life of the church and within our community!
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Generosity Campaign 2024
Please turn in your pledge cards today so we can plan for the 2024 budget! Though the budget represents an 18% increase over this year's to cover salary increases and possible expenses in the search for the pastor, we are only asking that you prayerfully consider a 5% increase in your giving.
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Worship Volunteers Needed:
There are lots of ways to get involved during Sunday morning worship. We need scripture readers, flowers for the sanctuary, greeters, nursery helpers and Little Church helpers. There are sign-up sheets in the foyer, click the button below, or contact Anna at office@fpcma.com
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Children meet with Loida Slate in the Scout Hut every Tuesday for an hour of Bible stories, games, crafts, and a snack.
The Godly Play group (ages 3 to 1st grade) will meet from 4-5pm.
Faith Friends (2nd to 5th grade) will meet from 5-6pm.
Dec. 5: No children's activities on this Tuesday, because of Candy houses on Dec. 6. Please RSVP to attend candy house making event and supper.
Dec. 21: 5:30 Rehearsal for Christmas Pageant
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For more information about our Children's Ministry, contact Loida Slate at loida@fpcma.com | |
Beacon News:
Youth in middle school and high school meet on Sundays from 5-7pm, in the Scout Hut for Bible study and fellowship. A light supper will be provided.
Sunday, December 3rd- Beacons will meet from 2-5 in the sanctuary to help with the Tour of Homes.
Sunday, December 10th- Trip to Tanglewood lights and Dairy-O.
Friday, December 22nd- Holiday party and lock-in movie night at the church.
Please consider providing a meal for the Beacons one Sunday this month.
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First Presbyterian Church College Scholarships Available:
Current college freshmen (or sophomores who have not previously been awarded a FPCMA scholarship) are eligible to apply for scholarships no later than 12/10/23. You must be a member of First Presbyterian Church of Mount Airy. Other first year or second year college attendees will also be considered. Interested applicants will have to submit a full application and provide proof of college enrollment. Contact the church office or an Endowment Team member for additional details.
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Support Our Area Charities
Baskets are located inside the Blessings Box located in the foyer for donations for these agencies.
December's special requests are:
Yokefellow: Rice, Macaroni and cheese
Shepherd's House: Laundry Detergent
Helping Hands: Non-perishable food items, paper products and toiletries.
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Coat Drive:
Do you have any coats that you no longer need in adult and/or children’s sizes? Bring them to church between now and December 13 to make donations to be distributed in the community.
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Provide Dinner for the Shepherd's House: Dec. 27
On Wednesday, Dec. 27 we will be providing dinner for the Shepherd's House residents (40 adults, 9 kids). We already have plenty of ham and are looking for some sides and desserts. Please click the button to sign up to help.
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Thanksgiving Meal Kits
The Missions Team would like thank everyone for volunteering for the Autumn Leaves Festival parking fundraiser and for making donations for Thanksgiving Meal kits. Because of your generosity, we were able to provide 130 meal kits for Thanksgiving! We would also like to thank the many volunteers who helped assemble and distribute the kits.
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The Transition Team:
Lee Daniels, Amy Heath, Linda Gatchel, David Rives, Blanton Youell
Advisor: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
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The Transition Team hosted a Heritage Event and Thanksgiving meal after worship on Nov. 19. We heard about our history and shared stories from our past. | | |
The adult choir met on Saturday, November 18th at the church for their annual fall retreat! They practiced in the sanctuary with guest clinician, Ellen Brown.
Plese mark your calendar and plan to attend our Lessons and Carols service on December 17th at 11am for this special music service.
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The First Steps teachers have created an Amazon wish list for requested items for the school year and are asking for the church's help with purchasing those items. Additionally, they could use donations of essential items such as Clorox wipes, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, Kleenex and small individual travel size tissues for the teachers. Thank you for helping to support this important ministry of First Presbyterian Church!
Substitutes Needed! Would you like to spend time with the sweetest kids on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday? We would love to have you! Please contact Mary Alice Leonard or Nicole Harrison.
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December Birthdays
12/07 Lola Rivera
12/08 Chase Kniskern
12/09 Catherine Beal
12/10 Gray Parker
12/12 Mike Beal and AJ Clabough
12/13 Wayne Barlow and Ann Yokeley 12/15 Cathy Cloukey
12/17 Gavin Bush
12/19 Robert Moody
12/20 Jillian Roach
12/21 Liam Barlow
12/24 April Horton, Nina Bowers
12/27 Bettsee McPhail and Anne Rachel Sheppard
12/30 Libby Pell and Meris Roach
12/31 Jane Tesh
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December Anniversaries
12/12 Mark and Jennifer Brown
12/22 Mike and Legh Beal
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Congregational Care & Outreach
Church member Kim Branch is participating in congregational outreach by sending birthday, anniversary, and care cards to members and friends on our prayer list. Please contact her if you have someone in particular that you would like to have a card sent to on behalf of the church. Email krhbtexan@yahoo.com or call 336-401-0733.
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To Receive Realm Messages by Text:
Never miss a message on Realm! Text the word "START" (in all caps) to 910-469-4825 to Opt-In to receive text notifications when we post communications on Realm. You should already be getting emails and push notifications from the app whenever we post something, but this will also allow you to receive the message by text.
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Adult Sunday School:
Odds and Ends: This is our longest established class and it meets every Sunday at 10am in the classroom located at the end of the long hallway upstairs.
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Lunchtime Bible Study
Every Tuesday, Dr Ritsch offers an hour long Bible study starting at noon.
We are currently studying the Gospel of Mark.
Bring a lunch if you’d like as we discuss what both scholarship and our hearts tell us as we study God’s word.
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Women's Fellowship Luncheon Sunday, Jan. 7
We'll get together for a covered dish lunch after our worship service on Jan.7 in the Fellowship Hall. Details and sign up sheet will be sent out later.
To order the Horizons Magazine and/or devotions book for 2024, CLICK HERE.
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This is a new section so members can help other members and people in our community. If you want to put something in the January 2024 Grapevine, contact Beth at beth.pequeno@gmail.com by Jan. 25. | | |
Cats Need a New Home
Carla Majure's mother has been placed in the Hospice home and Carla needs to find homes for her two cats. Both are long hair Siamese with blue eyes, and have had their front claws removed. They are 9 years old and can be adopted together or separately.
If you are interested, please contact Carla at 336-401-0789
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Johnny has a silver face, is male and neutered | | |
Frankie has the black face, is female and spayed. | | |
For Sale: Singer Overlock $100 OBO
New in Box/ never used. Sells on eBay for $300+
This was donated for our yard sale and so the money will go towards improvements to the Scout Hut. If interested, contact Beth at beth.pequeno@gmail.com
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Find Local Services by Calling 2-1-1
NC 211 is a free, confidential, and multilingual health and human services information and referral system, available 24 hours a day in all 100 North Carolina counties. Managed by United Way of North Carolina and supported by many local United Ways across the state, NC 211 has continuously gained recognition as a trusted resource in the State and serves as a key member of the State Emergency Response Team.
North Carolinians can find help by dialing 2-1-1 (or 1-888-892-1162) or by visiting nc211.org.
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
9-8-8 is the new three-digit dialing code to reach help for suicide and crisis help across the United States. Please help to spread the word about this very important topic, and encourage anyone you know who may need help to dial 9-8-8. Texting is also an option.
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Session Members
Moderator: Dr. Rev. Frederick "Fritz" Ritsch
Clerk of the Session: Bob Keck
Class of 2023:
Margaret Cockerell, Beth Pequeno, Mike Branch, Mark Brown, and Taylor Pike (youth elder)
Class of 2024:
Lydia Taylor, David Rives, Gene Rees and Steve Yokely
Class of 2025:
Kelley Jackson, Thomas Reisinger, Laura East and Jane Tesh
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326 S Main St
Mt Airy, NC 27030
(336) 786-2803
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A direct and compelling headline | | | | |