This Shabbat
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30 Av | Re'eh | Rosh Hodesh Elul | View Yahrzeits
Shabbat Message about Parshat Re'eh
from Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz
Re'eh means "look" or "see." As Jews, we are a people taught to listen. After all, our Shema prayer is all about listening and understanding. As the saying goes, looks can often be deceiving. The Torah warns us this week that we need to see the choice before us. Don't choose attraction; choose love. Don't choose the popular; choose the eternal. Don't make decisions with our eyes; decide with our hearts. We close our eyes as we light the Shabbat candles and we open up our souls. Shabbat Shalom!
One Month Until the High Holidays
Erev Rosh Hashanah is exactly one month from today, September 25! We cannot wait to welcome you back in person for all of our High Holiday offerings. Be sure to join us as we usher in Or Hadash: A New Light.

Visit VBS.ORG/HIGHHOLIDAYS for our full list of service offerings and additional programming.
Celebrate Shabbat with VBS
Next Week
Tuesday, August 30 at 9:00am

Morning Meditation
with Cantor Phil Baron and
special guest Rabbi Dr. Joel Zeff

 Rabbi Zeff will explore how our mind, emotions and actions in the world can powerfully unite us with the Divine through the lens of Jewish spirituality. Via zoom ONLY, link below.
Tuesday, August 30 at 6:00pm

High Holiday Melody Workshop with Cantor Jacqueline Rafii

Come schmooze, sip and sing while learning exciting new music for the High Holidays!