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July 28, 2024


Constant Contact newsletter

337 S. ORANGE ST, NEWARK NJ 07103 ~ 973-623-0258

What's happening at St Antoninus?

This Sunday, July 28, 2024

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  • 8 am Mass- in the Rectory Chapel
  • 10 am Mass- in Lower Church

Holy Hour with Confessions at 9am

Note: During the hot months in the summer, our 10am Mass will be in the a Lower Church. Entrance is on S. Orange Ave.

This Sunday, our 8am Mass will be also be held in the Lower Church while the Rectory Chapel is under renovation.

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 28, 2024

8 am- Holy Mass in the Rectory Chapel

10 am- Holy Mass in Church Hall

9 am- Holy Hour

Confessions available

For those who truly cannot come to Mass on Sunday, livestream of the 10am Mass is available. Livestream does not fulfill one’s obligation, but when a person is truly unable to come to Mass, it does provide spiritual benefits.

To watch the 10am livestream on our YouTube Channel: go to

Or go directly to the links below:

This Sunday's Mass Readings.

Read and download by clicking on image.

This week's Bulletin.

Read and download by clicking on image.

This month's St. Antoninews

Read and download by clicking on image.


√ Next Friday, Aug. 2 - and every first Friday of the month:

First Friday monthly Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 


12 Noon in the rectory chapel. (Enter thru front door on S. Orange Ave)

  •    2:00- 5:00pm: After a quick simple lunch, we will proceed to the Alliance of Two Hearts-Communion of Reparation with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Confessions will be available.



√ Next Saturday, Aug. 3- and every first Saturday of the month:

First Saturday Charismatic Healing Mass

  •  2pm- Holy Hour: First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart & Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  •  3pm- Holy Mass & healing service

Fr Joseph and the healing team will be praying over everyone who needs healing in Jesus. We will be using the oil of St Charbel of Lebanon, and asking his special intercession.

Come for our Lord's extravagant healing & consolation

The National Eucharistic Congress Is Over — Now What?

We praise and thank the Lord for the recently concluded National Eucharistic Congress in Indiana, with 60,000 pilgrims coming together to welcome and worship Jesus in the Eucharist. 

The 5 day event was not man-made. All of heaven hosted it and everyone was there to receive. As one of the speakers, Msgr. James Shea put it: “This is not for God; it is from God.”


There were seven of us in the parish who attended the Eucharistic Congress with Fr. Joseph, 6 traveling by car and 3 by plane.


The talks and singing were anointed and soul-piercing . The

highlight of each day were the Mass, the evening Benediction with praise &

worship, and a most joyous Eucharistic street procession on Saturday. 

So now we have returned home. What next”


The National Eucharistic Congress Is Over — Now What?

National Catholic Register


The pilgrims have returned home, the stage in Lucas Oil Stadium has been dismantled, and the Blessed Sacrament has been reposed in the tabernacle.

Now what?

It’s a fair question. And it’s likely on the minds of many following the conclusion of the 10th National Eucharistic Congress last week and over the weekend.

After all, the congress, which follo.

After all, the congress, which followed a 6,000-mile-long, cross-country National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and drew more than 50,000 Catholics to Indianapolis, was the apex of the National Eucharistic Revival that has been renewing the Eucharistic belief and devotion of Catholics across the country for the past two years.

As those who attended could tell you, the congress was a high point in the spiritual lives of so many — a truly life-changing event. 

But after such a colossally high mountaintop experience, it’s fair to ask what we all are supposed to do now — or if a letdown is about to occur.

Not to worry. Because even though the congress has concluded, the National Eucharistic Revival is far from over. 

In fact, the question of what comes next can be answered with a single word: mission.

Sharing the love we have received from our Eucharistic Lord, really and truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, will be the focus of the Revival’s concluding “Year of Mission.” The goal of this year will be to send “on-fire Catholics out to share Christ’s love ‘for the life of the world,’” through service, evangelization and catechesis.

This connection between the Eucharist and mission isn’t something the Revival’s organizers cooked up. Instead, it’s at the heart of the very logic of the Eucharist. As St. Augustine teaches us, “If we receive the Eucharist worthily, we become what we receive” — namely, self-giving love that longs to pour itself out, just as Christ did on the cross.

In fact, so central is this connection that Pope Benedict XVI taught in Deus Caritas Estthat “a Eucharist which does not pass over into the concrete practice of love is intrinsically fragmented.” This love, he writes, can be commanded precisely because it has first been given.

The connection between receiving the Lord’s love and going out on mission is also at the heart of Pope Francis’ call for each member of the faithful to become “missionary disciples.” Issued in Evangelii Gaudium, the spiritual blueprint of his papacy, Francis describes an unbreakable, reinforcing dynamism between drawing close to Jesus and sharing his love with others. Called to be “Spirit-filled evangelizers,” this “joy of evangelizing always arises from grateful remembrance” — a remembrance that occurs most powerfully in the Eucharist, the memorial of Our Lord’s sacrifice for us.

Our pastors teach about the connection between the Eucharist and mission because it is how the first disciples of Christ experienced it. To see this, we can look to the Gospel scene that served as the inspiration for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage: the Road to Emmaus.

On that journey, the Risen Lord walks with two disciples, explaining the Scriptures and sharing his presence, their hearts “burning within” them, before sitting down for a meal. And what did his disciples do after Jesus revealed his identity to them and vanished from their midst? “They set out at once and returned to Jerusalem,” recounting what had taken place and how Jesus “was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”

Our local Catholic Church has walked with Christ along the pilgrimage routes and has sat down to spend time in his presence at the Congress. And now, we too are called to return to our own Jerusalems and share his Eucharistic love through word and deed.

Of course, the National Eucharistic Revival has been demonstrating this connection between Eucharistic discipleship and mission since it started in 2022. Pilgrimage stops included service to the poor and visits to the imprisoned and infirm, while the Revival inspired everything from catechetical resources on the Eucharistic basis of Catholic social teaching to evangelizing musicals.

But now we’re invited to be even more intentional: to engage in those “concrete practices of love” that Benedict XVI spoke of and to ask the question, “How will we live out this call to Eucharistic mission?” 

The opportunities are boundless. Perhaps we will be drawn to step out in faith and share what Jesus has done in our own lives with a non-Catholic friend. Or perhaps we will be motivated by the Lord’s love to serve the poor and the marginalized in a new way. Or maybe we will simply rededicate ourselves to loving our families more selflessly and completely. 

The most important thing is to do something — to let the love received through the Eucharist have a place to go.

But, of course, just as Eucharistic devotion blossoms into mission, so too is our ability to share Christ’s love dependent on constantly abiding in him, especially in the Eucharist. The Revival has not been a one-and-done moment. It is a call to revitalize our Eucharistic faith and live it out each and every day: to participate in Mass more fully and faithfully, to prioritize spending time with the Lord in Eucharistic adoration, and to confess Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist with more clarity and conviction.

As the Second Vatican Council taught, the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. And the National Eucharistic Revival has been — and will continue to be — an invitation to place this great sacrament at the center of our lives, so that we can more fully receive Christ’s love and more completely share it with others. All that’s left for us to do is respond.

Below: featuring some of speakers of the National Eucharistic Congress (VIDEO section )


You are invited to come to YOUTH DAY 2023 on Saturday, August 3 from 10am to 7pm in Marycrest, Monroe NY.

The cost $50 per participant with possible scholarship. This includes 2 meals, snacks and a T-shirt. This is a place where you can meet other young people and share faith and friendship together. There will be Scripture lessons, Eucharistic Adoration, Mass and other prayers. At the end of the day, you will be commissioned to go out to the world as missionary disciples.

Email to register.

Mark your calendar!
Sunday, Oct 6, 2024
This year, we will celebrate our Thanksgiving Harvest early in the fall- on Sunday Oct 6!

Family Harvest Offering is open to all families and individuals.

Our Thanksgiving Harvest is not a one day event.

In fact, this begins with the Family Harvest Offering during the 10am Mass.

All Sundays leading to our big event on October 6 are open for your Family Harvest Offering.

This is the time when a family or individual comes before the altar of God to thank the Lord for all His bountiful gifts and provisons. And the blessings do not end there.

This is a great opportunity for evangelization for you to invite your family, friends and office colleagues to your family offering .


 Dr. Christina Ikwuegbu @ 908-436-7042

Dr. Adaora Madubuko @ 973-609-6884

Sr Mary Genevieve Okoro, DMMM @ 862-215-2198

More info:  

Thank you for your generosity in supporting the mission and the maintenance of our parish!

Around the Archdiocese Click here

Video Lessons for
the Heart & Mind


Cardinal Luis Tagle's homily at the Closing Mass of the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress

Fr. Mike Schmitz's full speech at the National Eucharistic Congress

Sister Josephine Garrett's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress

Mother Adela Galindo's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress

Mother Adela Galindo's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress

The Year of Parish Revival began on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 11, 2023 . As we have entered this new season of grace, Bishop Cozzens has composed a beautiful prayer for the Revival and the Church. We pray in particular for our beloved St Antoninus Church....

Prayer for the Eucharistic Revival of the Church

Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb.

Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist.

Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me.

Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me.

Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me.

Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me.

Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me.

Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world.

Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.

Interested in becoming Catholic ?

Or maybe you still need to receive any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation or Holy Communion)?

Classes are on Tuesdays .

Call the rectory to sign up ( Tues- Fri, 9am- 3pm)

This class part of what is called RCIA.   RCIA stands for: “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.”
This program is for:
- Those adults 17 years old and older who are not baptized and want to inquire about becoming Catholic OR
- Those who are baptized non-Catholic Christians who want to consider becoming Catholic. OR
- Adult Catholics (17 years or older) who have not received Confirmation or Holy Communion.

Extend this invitation to your family and friends.

Sacramental Preparations at St. Antoninus
To register, call the church office 973-623-0258 
Tuesday - Fridays 9-3pm
or email us at 

WEDDINGS. Contact the parish office one year in advance of the proposed marriage date.
INFANT BAPTISM. Expectant parents should call the office to register for the baptism of your baby. and for baptism classes with Fr Joseph. Baptisms at St Antoninus Church are celebrated during Sunday 10am Mass..
CATECHISM CLASSES FOR CHILDREN - take place on Sundays, from 8:15am to 9:15am.
ADULT BAPTISM & other Sacraments of Initiation – call to register.

RCIA Class is every Tuesday. Call to register.

Join our Rosary on Zoom
- every night
@ 7pm

Tuesday nights!
For those who can only join via Zoom, here is the link:
(Same link for Rosary & Prayer Meeting)

Meeting ID: 823 8386 9993

Passcode: Rosary

One tap mobile
+13126266799,82383869993# US

For audio only - phones +1 929 205 6099 US
Especially this Lent!
Visit JESUS in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

Tuesday thru Saturday
9am to 8pm 
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel.
Could you not watch with me one hour?
Mark 14: 40b
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open for personal visits with our Eucharistic Lord. Spend precious time alone with Jesus!
To obtain the chapel door code, you will need to register simply by emailing us at:
Give your full name, tel #, and your address. 
Then we will email you back to arrange a time to show you around and give you a simple orientation on making use of the chapel. 
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
Daily Mass at 12 Noon in Our Lady of Guadalupe chapel - Tuesday to Saturday.
Petitions for Daily Mass are available. Note: One petition offering per Mass. Call or email to schedule petition offering. Please provide the name of the person and reason for petition and indicate if living or deceased.

Monthly Charismatic Healing Mass at 3pm every First Saturday of the Month. Come earlier at 2pm for Eucharistic Adoration and the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confessions from 2pm- 3pm.

Daily Rosary at 7 pm on Zoom
Zoom link: Click here

Men's Praise & Fellowship every Saturday in the rectory at 8am. Praise & Worship, men-to-men sharing and breakfast.

Come to our two weekly Prayer Meetings:

  • Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 8pm in the Rectory Chapel

  • Divine Adoration Prayer Meeting at 3pm every Saturday.

Monthly Prayer Meeting with Real Love Ministries every last Saturday of the month. In person & Zoom. Enjoy inspirational preaching & fellowship.

Young Adults of St Antoninus meet every last Wednesday of the Month at pm.

See more below:
Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!

We are accepting Zelle for online contributions. 
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.

Other options for Offering:
You can click below to choose other convenient online options.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)