This Sunday,
Feb 2nd, is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also called Candlemas.
(See link below on brief teaching regarding this feast )
During this Mass, Fr Joseph will be blessing the candles we will be using at all our liturgies for the year. The candle represent the light of Christ who came to restore us to God. (Refer to Luke 2:29-32)
If you would like to have blessed Candlemas candles for your altar at home, please bring your own candles which Father can bless at our Mass. God desires that the light of Christ burn brightly within us and that our families.
Total Consecration to Jesus thru Mary
The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus is very much a part of our Jubilee celebration. We had been praying the 33 day preparation for total consecration to Jesus thru Mary, based on Fr Boniface Hick's book “Fruit of Her Womb”. We began this daily 33 days of prayer and reflection on New Year’s Eve, the start of our 2025 Jubilee Year, and we will end this on Sunday, on the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus.
This was our first step: to entrust our Triple Jubilee to Mary.
As we make an offering of our lives to God on the Feast of the Presentation, we consecrate our lives to Jesus thru Mary.
May we, like Simeon and Anna, patiently await God’s word in the silence of our hearts and respond in faith and obedience.
What is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord all about? Read here.