A Transforming Force for Good in the World in the Name of Jesus Christ

Prayer Requests

Contact Romelda Guglielmo to share your prayer requests in our weekly emails and bulletins. Prayers remain on our list for up to one month, and you are encouraged to update them as needed.

Wilderness Theme by Lauren Wright Pittman ©A Sanctified Art | sanctifiedart.org

First Sunday of Lent

February 18, 2024

9:30 am


Education Wing

Godly Play

"Faces of Easter 1"

with Heather Rao & Ashley Gormley

Godly Play Room

Christian Basics Adult Class

Ch. 7: Salvation

with Elder Jim Moser


10:30 am

Worship Livestreamed on

Website, Facebook & Vimeo

"Wilderness: Start with Surrendering "

Mark 10:17-31

Rev. Juli Wilson-Black

Liturgist: Elder Norman Kim-Senior

Special Music from the Children's Ensemble

Dedication of New Sanctuary Banners

11:30 am



Children's Choir

Lower Level Common Area

We welcome you to worship this Sunday! For those unable to attend worship in person, please use one of the links above to join the livestream of the service. Hymns are printed in the back of the bulletin that is linked above. If you would like to support our ministry with an online gift, please click HERE.  

Dedication of New Sanctuary Banners

Last Sunday we unveiled our new sanctuary banners, and this Sunday we will dedicate them. To learn more about the banners, click HERE to read Pastor Juli's February eNews column. Many thanks to our Worship Planning Team as well as Shannon Robinson of Purple Leaf Quilters who created these works of art.

Souper Bowl of Caring Success

Many thanks to all who donated cash and food to the Souper Bowl of Caring last Sunday to benefit our Little Free Pantry! We received 100 food items and $82 cash. Since the DMV didn't have a team in the Super Bowl this year, the most "votes" went to Taylor Swift & the Nats!

Words for the Wilderness: 

Daily Emailed Devotions for Lent

One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

This Lent, journey through the wilderness with words to sustain you every step of the way. We will email you a word or short phrase at 6am each day of Lent through Easter Sunday. Contemplate how the word speaks to you that day. Then read the short scripture verse and prayer that accompanies the word. Join our private Facebook group, where the words will be posted daily, to share your reactions. Sign up below to receive these daily devotions, and join our community in this simple daily Lenten practice. ("Words for the Wilderness: Sustenance for the Wilderness of Lent" written by Sarah Are. © A Sanctified Art)

Sign Up for Daily Lenten Devotions

Study books may be picked up in the Narthex this Sunday!


Enjoy dinner and games with First Presbyterian Church Arlington and their neighbors at The Springs, an Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) property across from the church. Sign up below if you'd like to help cook or bring/lead table games.


ALIVE! Empty Bowls on March 1

Join ALIVE! for the 7th annual Empty Bowls Alexandria fundraiser on Friday, March 1st. The event raises funds and awareness for people facing food insecurity in the City of Alexandria. Your ticket buys you a night of delicious food, local music, a handcrafted bowl to take home, and the chance to win fabulous prizes – all while directly providing support for those who need it most. Space is limited to 150. Registration will close when we reach the maximum number of attendees.

Friday, March 1st

Virginia Theological Seminary

Coffield Refectory Room (3737 Seminary Rd)

6:30pm Doors

7:00pm – 9:00pm Event


Sign Up for ALIVE! Furniture

Delivery on March 2

ALIVE! is seeking help from faith communities and community organizations to staff our furniture delivery truck on Saturdays or Sundays during 2024. ALIVE! has operated a furniture donation program for many years. Prior to COVID-19,they operated two trucks each weekend to pick up good-condition used furniture from Alexandria residents and deliver it to people who needed it. Right now ALIVE! is only operating one truck most weekends because they do not have enough volunteers. We can help solve this problem!

FPC is looking for 4-6 people to help deliver furniture on the morning of Saturday, March 2 (8a-1p). Volunteers must be aged 15 or older. ALIVE! provides a person to drive the delivery truck and volunteers follow the truck in their cars and help move the furniture from the donors' homes to the homes of the people who need the furniture. It's a great team effort!

If you would like to sign up to help, please reach out to Elder Beth McFarland who is coordinating our effort.

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FPC Feb 2024 Calendar