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January 12, 2025


Constant Contact newsletter

337 S. ORANGE ST, NEWARK NJ 07103 ~ 973-623-0258

St Antoninus is a Catholic Charismatic parish in Newark NJ.

Boldly Catholic, Sprit-filled & ethnically diverse.


What's happening at St Antoninus?

This Sunday,

The Baptism of the Lord

8 am Mass

in the Rectory Chapel

10 am Mass

in the Main Church

9 am Holy Hour (Confessions available)

1:30 pm

Spanish Mass

in the Rectory Chapel

Entrance to Church & Rectory Chapel is from S. Orange Ave

For those who truly cannot come to Mass on Sunday, livestream of the 10am Mass is available. Livestream does not fulfill one’s obligation, but when a person is truly unable to come to Mass, it does provide spiritual benefits.

To watch the 10am livestream on our YouTube Channel: go to

Or go directly to this link.

Below, read this Sunday's bulletin.

Jesus' Baptism, an Act of Love and Liberation

A reflection for the Baptism of the Lord, Year C

by Fr. Peter Skudra

 Dear friends, let’s reflect together on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. This is one of the so-called “theophanies” – God’s self-revelation to man. In this event the whole Trinity reveals itself. God the Son makes himself known, the Father speaks, and the Holy Spirit descends.By celebrating this feast, we can reflect on our own baptism.

Pope Francis from time to time reminds us how important baptism is to us. He has asked us questions like: When was your baptism? Do you know the date of your baptism? Do you celebrate your baptism as much as your birthday? These are good questions to ask. If you do not know when you were baptized, look for the parish where you were baptized and ask them to look into their registers

Most of us know that through baptism we become children of God and it cleanses us from all sin.

Then we might ask why Jesus had to be baptized since he is the Son of God from all eternity without any sin.First of all, we have to know that the baptism we receive in church is different from the one done by John the Baptist.

More :


Monthly Healing Mass in Spanish (every 2nd Friday of the month)

Celebrant is Fr John Wassell.

Invite your Spanish speaking friends!

We have begun our Jubilee Year in the parish- our triple jubilee year:

our 150th Anniversary as a parish, 50th anniversary as a charismatic parish and by God’s providence the entire Universal Catholic Church is celebrating a Jubilee Year – “The Jubilee of Pilgrims of Hope”. 

We will have a town hall meeting on Sunday, January 19th immediately after the 10am Mass to set up a Jubilee Committee and gather ideas on how to make this a truly memorable year of  celebrations.

Please plan on coming to this gathering.



(The 150th  Anniversary of St. Antoninus & the 50th Anniversary as a Charismatic Parish)

Our preparation begins with prayers!

The purpose for this is to discern and to follow the Lord's continuing direction for St Antoninus Church and for her mission.

First, we completed a 9 day Novena to Mary, Mother of God, culminating on her Solemnity on Jan 1st.

Part 2 is a process of surrender to God's plans for St. Antoninus as a parish community and for you.

We are currently doing a 33 day "retreat", based on the teachings and prayers from the book, "The Fruit of Her Womb: 33 Day Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus"

by Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB.

We began with Day 1 last Tuesday December 31, on the eve of the Solemnity of Mother of God (New Year's Eve) and will complete the 33 days by Sunday, Feb 2, on the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus.

We are currently praying this together at our 7pm daily Zoom Rosary where the Rosary. Click here for the Zoom link Or you can do it on your own with the book.

It takes 10 minutes each day to go through the prayers and reflections.

On the final day, the day of our Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, on Sunday, Feb 2, we will pray the consecration prayer during our 10am Mass.

Additionally, at the end of each week during the 33 day preparation, you are invited to join Fr Joseph in person or on Zoom for reflections and brief discussions. This is during our Wednesday night prayer meetings at 8pm. The dates for this are Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29, & Feb 5. (Use same Zoom link as the Rosary link)

You can purchase the book from Sophia Institute Press

here or from Amazon here.

More about the book, Fruit of Her Womb below:

“What this consecration teaches us is that we have a sweet, loving, perfect Mother who actually wants to live in this intense relationship with us,” Fr. Boniface reflects. “And so, if we accept Mary’s invitation to this relationship, we will find all the healing and happiness we have always longed for.

This book affirms what St. Louis teaches us: that Mary’s womb is the best place to be formed perfectly into saints and into Christ Himself. By contemplating Jesus through Mary, the first tabernacle of the Lord, your love of the Holy Eucharist will become more fervent, and your heart will be inflamed as you pray the Rosary and reflect on the mysteries of her Son.

This Sunday's Bulletin.

Read and download by clicking on image.

This Month's Saint Antoninews.

Read and download by clicking on image.

Around the Archdiocese

Spiritually nurturing


Jubilee Year of Hope - Living Divine Mercy (EWTN) Ep. 174 w/ Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

Jesus Wants to Save You From Your Sins | Sr. Mary Grace, S.V. 

Interested in becoming Catholic ?

Or maybe you still need to receive any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation or Holy Communion)?

Classes are on Tuesdays .

Call the rectory to sign up ( Every Sunday at 12:30pm)

This class part of what is called RCIA.   RCIA stands for: “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.”

This program is for:

- Those adults 17 years old and older who are not baptized and want to inquire about becoming Catholic OR

- Those who are baptized non-Catholic Christians who want to consider becoming Catholic. OR

- Adult Catholics (17 years or older) who have not received Confirmation or Holy Communion.

Extend this invitation to your family and friends.

Sacramental Preparations at St. Antoninus


To register, call the church office 973-623-0258 

Tuesday - Fridays 9-3pm

or email us at


WEDDINGS. Contact the parish office one year in advance of the proposed marriage date.


INFANT BAPTISM. Expectant parents should call the office to register for the baptism of your baby. and for baptism classes with Fr Joseph. Baptisms at St Antoninus Church are celebrated during Sunday 10am Mass.. DOWNLOAD form needed before scheduling any meetings with the pastor.


CATECHISM CLASSES FOR CHILDREN - take place on Sundays, from 8:00am to 9:45am. (new hours)


ADULT BAPTISM & other Sacraments of Initiation – call to register.

RCIA Class is every Sunday at 12:30pm. Call to register.



Tuesday nights!
For those who can only join via Zoom, here is the link:
(Same link for Rosary & Prayer Meeting)

Meeting ID: 823 8386 9993

Passcode: Rosary

One tap mobile
+13126266799,82383869993# US

For audio only - phones +1 929 205 6099 US
Especially this Lent!
Visit JESUS in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

Tuesday thru Saturday
9am to 8pm 
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel.
Could you not watch with me one hour?
Mark 14: 40b
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open for personal visits with our Eucharistic Lord. Spend precious time alone with Jesus!
To obtain the chapel door code, you will need to register simply by emailing us at:
Give your full name, tel #, and your address. 
Then we will email you back to arrange a time to show you around and give you a simple orientation on making use of the chapel. 
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!


Sunday Masses:

8 am Mass in the Rectory Chapel

10 am Mass in the Main Church

9 am Holy Hour (Confessions available)

1:30 pm - Spanish Mass in the Rectory Chapel



Daily Mass at 12 Noon in Our Lady of Guadalupe chapel - Tuesday to Saturday.

Petitions for Daily Mass are available. Note: One petition offering per Mass. Call or email to schedule petition offering. Please provide the name of the person and reason for petition and indicate if living or deceased.


Monthly Charismatic Healing Mass at 3pm every First Saturday of the Month. Come earlier at 2pm for Eucharistic Adoration and the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confessions from 2pm- 3pm.

Monthly Charismatic Healing Mass in Spanish at 7:30pm every 2nd Friday of the Month.


Daily Rosary at 7 pm on Zoom

Zoom link: Click here



Men's Praise & Fellowship every Saturday in the rectory at 8am. Praise & Worship, men-to-men sharing and breakfast.


Come to our two weekly Prayer Meetings:

  • Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 8pm in the Rectory Chapel

  • Divine Adoration Prayer Meeting at 3pm every Saturday.


Monthly Prayer Meeting with Real Love Ministries every last Saturday of the month. In person & Zoom. Enjoy inspirational preaching & fellowship.

Young Adults of St Antoninus meet every last Wednesday of the Month at pm.

See more below:

Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!

We are accepting Zelle for online contributions. 

All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:

Name: St. Antoninus Church



This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.

If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:


When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.

Other options for Offering:

You can click below to choose other convenient online options.

You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!



337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 

Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)

Click here to visit our website

Click here for our YouTube Channel