• From the Rev. Amity 
  • End-of-summer cookout at the Wilson's - another fun time!
  • Centering Prayer is moving to TUESDAYS
  • Grace Women's group meets this Saturday
  • Grace's own Deirdre McCloskey in the New York Times
  • GIVE TO GRACE to support its mission and operations
  • Please keep the Grace community in your prayers

From the Rev. Amity   
As I continue to settle into my new office at Grace, I am making some changes... moving furniture, adding art, bringing in my books... perhaps the biggest change is that I'm not alone in the office. Most days during the week I bring Dillinger, my 6-month old puppy, to Grace with me.

Although I am a dog person, I understand not everyone is and that some are allergic. Please let me know if this is the case for you and he will stay at home as needed.

With your help, Dillinger will grow into a good 'church dog.' He is already a cheerful greeter and calm presence around the office. St. Francis of Assisi said: "Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." Dillinger might have something to teach us all about ministry.

In faith, 


End-of-summer cookout at the Wilson's - another fun time!
Scenes from the annual Grace BBQ! Lots of food and lots of fun were the order of the day as Grace folks enjoyed the annual end-of-summer event at the home of Dan Wilson and Kit Mailman.
Thanks to all who shared rides, brought food and beverages, or participated in this wonderful Grace tradition which has been going on for nearly 20 years. Most of all, thanks to our wonderful hosts Dan and Kit!

Centering Prayer moves to Tuesday
Beginning on Tuesday, September 13, the weekly gathering for this contemplative prayer practice will move to Tuesday evenings. Every Tuesday from 6 - 6:55pm, gather in the sanctuary for a chance to rest in God beyond thoughts and words.

Grace Women meet this Saturday
Saturday, September 10 is the second Saturday of the month, and that means it is time for Grace women to meet to listen to each other, learn from each other and connect with each other. Christine Wenderoth will host this month's gathering; the Rev. Amity Carrubba will lead the session. Watch for an email this week from Andrea Billhardt with the particulars. Email Andrea if you have questions about this Saturday's gathering, or about the women's group.

Grace's own Deirdre McCloskey in the New York Times 
Grace member and noted economist Deirdre McCloskey penned a column that appeared in the Sunday New York Times and on "The Upshot," the Times' online venture featuring data-driven pieces on politics, policy and economic analysis. The column, "The Formula for a Richer World? Equality, Liberty, Justice," is a distillation of themes from McCloskey's latest book, The Bourgeois Equality.
GIVE TO GRACE to support its mission and operations
Grace Church is a vibrant and lively community of committed  Christians who volunteer their time, talents and treasures to ensure the mission and ministry of Grace continue to flourish. Especially during the summer, giving to Grace keeps the physical plant operations in good shape and supports the staff in their work in this wonderful urban parish. Giving to Grace to ensure that the mission and ministry of this church continue is easy--just click on this link to go to the Vanco giving site that Grace uses for online donations. 

Please keep the Grace community in your prayers
Email your prayer requests to [email protected] . 
For the Rev. Amity Carrubba, Grace's new rector; for Gia Interlandi, wife of Tom Healy; for Tom Haverly, husband of Christine Wenderoth, undergoing chemotherapy; for Pearl Kondla; for Jim McKnight; for Terrie McComb's sister, Jenny; for Donald Boston, fiancĂ© of Sharon Vaughn, who died early Saturday morning; for  the birthdays in September of Sharon Novickas (9), Kate Eakin (10), Deirdre McCloskey (11), Tami Phillips (12) Glen Pierce (12), Jan Jankowski (13), Dan Felten (19) Cherina Cyborski (20), Ron Masi (21), Hannah Wilson (22), Lisa Shorney (23), Al Walls (25), Sharon Vaughn (25), Wendy Manning (27), Sherise Ferguson (27), Evelyn Ren Felten (30); and for  the wedding anniversaries in September of Tim Ressmeyer and Keri Cech (6), Christina and Ariel Gamino (24), and Sunny and Frank Lopez (30).
Grace's homepage at lists our latest events.
Centering prayer is offered most Tuesday evenings at 6pm. Worship for Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is on Saturday evenings at 5pm.

The Rev. Amity Carrubba, Editor, and Gail Purkey, Asst. Editor 
(Please email items for the newsletter to  the Rev. Amity and Gail. Deadline for inclusion is the Saturday before the weekly issue is emailed Tuesday.)
Mission of Grace Place Episcopal Church  
Live in Community | Grow in Christ | Serve the World

Mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
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 Grace Episcopal Church | 312.922.1426| Email |