December 2, 2024

Worship Service Times

9:00 AM - Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Sanctuary & Livestream

Baby & Toddler Nursery is available during both services

Podcast December Raleigh Court Herald

Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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Weekly Devotional

Trust in the Lord and do good;

    live in the land and enjoy security.

 Take delight in the Lord,

    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

 Commit your way to the Lord;

    trust in him, and he will act.

 He will make your vindication shine like the light

    and the justice of your cause like the noonday.

 Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him;

    do not fret over those who prosper in their way,

    over those who carry out evil devices.

-Psalm 37:3-7

How often have you been told to, “wait” or to “be patient?” It’s probably too many times to count. Wait, look both ways before crossing the street. Wait, let the hot cocoa cool down. Wait and see just how good college will be. Be patient, eventually you’ll find the right person to date. Be patient, the right job will come along. Be patient, eventually time will heal this pain. It’s no wonder then, that when we read scripture passages that ask us to wait and be patient, we might let out a big sigh. Haven’t we done enough waiting yet?!

Outside of knowing that a cup of cocoa will inevitably cool down, we don’t always trust that in the waiting everything will be sorted out. Yet, this Psalm reminds us that waiting on the Lord does come with a guarantee: “trust in him, and he will act.” 

And unlike waiting to cross the street, waiting on God does not mean we have to simply stand there. God gives us guidance on how to live in the meantime. We are to be faithful, righteous, and devoted. We are to keep pursuing the things that further God’s purposes – we are to worship, to pray, to be in Christian fellowship, to keep on trusting God. 

But, in certain seasons of life, this can still feel like a big ask. Trusting, even now? God will act, even now? If this is where you find yourself in this season, come on out to church on Thursday night at 7pm for our Contemplative Advent Service. We each come to this season carrying different worries, burdens, and grief. While we might struggle with being still before God, like this Psalmist instructs, this service will allow us to actively wait on God as we pause together in prayer, song, and scripture. And in this pause, we might just become more aware of God’s action among us, even in this season. 

-The Rev. Isabella Fagiani, Associate Pastor

Generosity Campaign: Renewing the Covenant

"There is a great task before us. Shall we go into it half-heartedly and reluctantly? I know that we will not. But all pulling together as one, with a sincere desire to do the Lord's work, we will go on and on from one great accomplishment to another and carry with us the blessing of God.”

- Dr. G.M. Maxwell, May 1925


As we began October, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church (October 4, 1924). Since that day, we have sought to follow the ways of Jesus Christ within our community and beyond. This means that the fall of 2024 is the beginning of our second century of witness to the Gospel! This summer we have conducted Centennial Conversations to strengthen our connection and listen for God together. We anticipate a deepening of faith as a result of these endeavors. As we continue this process of listening for God, we ask you to be in prayer for how you can support our church's witness in 2025.

Renewing the Covenant Brochure
2025 Financial Comment - Pledge

Fellowship & Community

Fellowship Dinners - Wednesdays at 6:15 PM

Layers of deliciousness will be found in next week’s dinner entrée (Wednesday, December 4)– either with meat or without. Your lasagna will be accompanied by green beans and garlic bread; be sure to leave room for chocolate cake! Sign up online at or in the Gathering Area: suggested donation of $25 for the whole family or $8/person. If you need a take-home container, please bring your own.

Menu 12/4 - Lasagna, Italian Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Chocolate Cake, Veggie Lasagna

Takeout Meals: In our efforts to become an Earth Care Church, the Fellowship Committee asks you to please bring your own container if you would like a takeout meal on Wednesday nights. We thank you for your help with this.

Volunteers are always needed to help with various tasks including set-up, clean-up, serving, check-in,

and transporting leftovers to RAM House. Details and dates at the link below.

Fellowship Dinner Registration
Fellowship Dinner Volunteers Sign-Up

Poinsettias for Advent

If you would like to dedicate a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone special, please complete the form in the This Week @ RCPC with name(s) for dedication or complete the envelope in the pews and place the envelope in the offering plate. Please note on the memo line of the check “Poinsettia” or the notes field if paying online. The deadline to order is December 15. A list will be included in the bulletin on December 22. The cost per dedication is $12. Online ordering available at

Poinsettia Dedications

RCPC Preschool Amazon Wishlist


Are you looking for other ways to support RCPC Preschool? We have created an Amazon wishlist for anyone looking to purchase something for the classrooms this holiday season (or anytime of year!)

RCPC Ornament

To continue with our celebration of 100 years of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church, we have created a pewter ornament that is a replica of the Celtic cross that hangs in our sanctuary! The ornaments will be for sale on Sundays starting November 24. They are $20. Hang one on your tree! Buy one for someone you know who loves RCPC! Any questions, reach out to Emily Jarrett at 662-610-2705.

Christian Education & Worship

Contemplative Advent Service: What Are You Carrying?

Thursday, December 5 at 7:00 PM – RCPC Chapel

December is almost here! And with it there are many things we are carrying. Some are carrying lists of presents to buy and parties to plan, Nutcracker costumes to sew, and tickets to purchase. The exhaustion of making Christmas "perfect" weighs us down. Others carry sorrow and loneliness in this season as grief grips hearts. We mourn for those who have died, those from whom we are estranged, and for those who are struggling. Some of us carry large weights of worry about the world, the planet, our community. Whatever you carry this Advent, this worship service is an opportunity to lay it down before Christ, to trust that Christ actually comes in our waiting. Come and find a center, a peace, a hope to guide us through this season of darkness and light.

Adult Small Groups

The Small Group lessons are based on the Sunday sermons and scripture. Being part of a Small Group is an experience rich in personal connection and spiritual growth. Small Groups discuss what is shared in worship, therefore the experience of worship is more deeply ingrained in our minds and hearts. As we contemplate it all together, the concepts take root and our faith grows!

  • Sermon Reflections: Mondays 12:30 PM-2:00 PM - Andrew Whaley, Room 102
  • The Fools: Tuesdays 4:00 PM-5:30 PM - David Dixon, Room 102
  • Soul Sisters: Tuesdays 8:00 PM-9:30 PM - Emilie Biddle, Rotating Houses
  • The After Dinner Crowd: Wednesdays 7:00 PM-8:30 PM - Leigh Sackett, Room 102
  • Thursday Theology: Thursdays 10:30 AM-12:00 PM - Elise Hansard, Room 101

Intergenerational Sunday School

Advent Creation

Led by Leigh Sackett, Fellowship Hall.

Parents and children come, join us for a hands-on exploration of creating some memorable Advent traditions that you can continue year to year. We will create an Advent wreath, we will make ornaments to give as presents to grandparents or other family members, we will frost cookies for our neighbors, and we will create a Tree of Hope for friends in need.

Class descriptions and full schedules are available online at 

Sermon Series: Christmas Can Happen

 Manufactured Christmas is everywhere now. Old and new films, carols and jingles and pop anthems are in our air pods and speakers. Cards are sent and gifts are purchased and parties are planned. We act as though Christmas can be created through our effort to produce it. Such is modern life. But Christmas as the incarnate God entering the world is nothing we can create, produce, or manufacture. It is gift, and it is surprise. An Advent people, then, become a people who know the light, resist the light, await the light, and celebrate the light. And within those waiting people, Christmas Can Happen.

December 1—Light Always—John 1:1-4

December 8—I’m Baaaaa-aaaack!!—Luke 1:5-25 & John 1:6-8; 19-28

December 15—Thirsting for Light—Luke 1:26-38 & John 1:9-13

December 33—Light in the Darkness—Luke 1:39-45 & John 1:5, 16-18

December 24—Shining—Luke 2:1-20

Music Ministry Updates

Christmas Concert ...And Glory Shone Around

Sunday, December 15 at 7:00 PM. Join us for our annual Christmas Concert at RCPC presented by the Sanctuary Choir and orchestra and organ. This year’s theme titled “... And Glory Shone Around” features images of light and angel song throughout moments of the Nativity story. Selections include music by Egil Hovland, Craig Courtney, René Clausen, Felix Mendelssohn, and more! You won’t want to miss this special annual RCPC tradition.

Rehearsal Schedules

  • Youth Choir: Sundays at 5:00 PM
  • Genesis Ringers: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
  • Raleigh Court Ringers: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
  • God Alive Choir: Wednesdays during God Alive
  • Christmas Choir: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
  • Sanctuary Choir: Wednesdays at 7:45 PM

Youth Ministry Updates

Progressive Dinner

Sunday, December 8

6:00 PM—8:30 PM

It's time for one of our youth's favorite Christmas festivities! Don't forget on Sunday, December 8 that Youth Group is on the go. Drop-off is at the Whaley's at 6:00 PM and pick-up is at the Swanner's at 8:30 PM. Addresses will be in the weekly e-newsletter. Be sure to wear something festive. 

Advent Youth Sunday School

 Film & Theology: The Muppet Christmas Carol

Each week we'll watch 30 minutes of this Christmas Classic and then discuss connections between the film and our faith! Film will begin at 10:05 AM on the dot giving students time to make their cups of hot cocoa and to provide time for conversation at the end. You won't want to miss it! 

Meals Needed for Youth Group 

Over 30 youth and 8 advisors gather at the church most Sunday nights for a meal, recreation, a mini lesson and time exploring scripture through small groups. While our leaders plan and carry out most of youth group, we rely on the wider congregation to support us by providing a meal during the year. Providing a meal gives you a chance to spend time with our youth and to live into the baptismal vows you made for them to continue raising them in their faith. Please take a look at this sign up to see all the dates available for dinner and consider signing up for a meal. Popular dinners are: Baked potato bar, stews/soups, Tacos, Spaghetti and Meatballs. 

Youth Dinners Sign-Up

Opportunity for Generosity & Mission Updates

Alternative Giving 2024

While the mainstream narrative of Christmas these days requires us to do more and spend more money, the amazing biblical narrative of Christmas tells a different story. Christ enters the world. Christ comes to us all as a gift, regardless to what we do, make, or purchase in this season. As a way of honoring the gift we are given in Christ, we invite you to celebrate Christmas in an alternative way to the mainstream narrative by participating in Alternative Giving. Alternative Giving encompasses a variety of ways to give to others this Christmas season and allows your whole family, no matter one’s age, to participate. Read below for all the ways you might honor the gift we’re given in Christ.

• You can donate a gently used stuffed animal to the Rescue Mission to be given out to kids in need by placing your stuffed animal in the stable in the Gathering Area by Christmas Eve.

• You can participate in the West End Center collection of socks and underwear aiding in each child at the West End Center receiving a full outfit with the efforts of other local churches. Sign up to give using the link found in This Week @ RCPC. You’ll sign up to provide a specific size of socks and underwear for a specific student. Drop off the Socks and Underwear in the appropriate box in the Gathering Area by Sunday, December 15.

• You can give a gift by donating to our mission partners in honor of a loved one. Stop by the tree in the Gathering Area, scan the QR code below, or use the Link in the This Week @ RCPC. Whether by physical form or an online sign up, let us know the gift you wish to give to support mission partners (Family Promise, House of Bread, RAM, Hunger Mission Team, Haiti Mission Group, Presbyterian Community Center, Rescue Mission, Care Portal, Sudanese Mission Group, and West End Center) in honor of your loved one. Submit your gift online or submit the form and payment via check or cash to the church office to the attention of Julie Satterwhite. Whichever way you donate to our mission partners in honor of a loved one, the Deacons will collect the submitted information to mail a card of thanksgiving to your loved ones. All Forms must be submitted by Wednesday, December 18. Here’s how a monetary gift to a mission partner can help their mission:

$20 funds the flour for one bake day at House of Bread

$25 supports an overnight stay through the Rescue Mission

$25 gifts a complete uniform to a student at the Abukloi School supported by the Sudanese Mission Group

$35 pays for a family's tuition for one week at the West End Center

$40 supports one week of services for a client a RAM

$40 covers diapers and wipes for a financially struggling mom through Care Portal

$56 will provide a monthly bus pass for one adult at Family Promise

$85 covers an average food order picked up at PCC food pantry

$100 equals 20 bags packed for a hungry kid through the Hunger Mission Team

$150 pays for 404 meals served in a single day at St. Timothee’s School in Larivoire, Haiti

West End Center Socks & Underwear Collection - 2024
Alternative Giving Form 2024

Mission Partner Support 

Each month, we are designating all cash and coin to one of our local mission partners. For the month of December, we are supporting the Haiti Mission Group. You can place your money in the offering plate or make an online gift using the QR code, noting that it is for Mission and making a note for the Haiti Mission Group in the text box.

Earth Care - Tree Planting

The Earth Care Team at RCPC is excited to join the Roanoke Tree Stewards for their December planting on Saturday, December 7 at 9:00 AM at Raleigh Court Park. Roanoke City declared 2024 to be the Year of the Tree. In addition to the beauty and importance to wildlife, our city's trees have tangible value in many ways, including reducing stormwater runoff and providing canopy cover and shade which helps reduce the heat island effect. Planting trees in our yards and in our neighborhood is a simple way we can help mitigate the effects of climate change and strengthen our communities. Come learn more! If you're interested in joining us, please text Chris Bryant at 540-314-9977.

Sudanese Student Sponsorship

Dear Members of Raleigh Court Presbyterian:

We are so delighted that you are sponsoring two students at the Abukloi Secondary School for the 2025 school year that begins in February, 2025.

I have attached additional information of what you can expect in the upcoming months.

Raleigh Court has made such an impact on life within the school compound and beyond at the Makerdit Farm with the successful completion of the borehole.

With warm gratitude,

Beth Broschart

Student Sponsorship Coordinator

Sponsorship Welcome Letter

Together in Prayer

Prayer Requests

Marvin & Roena Barbre, Dawn Blakeman, Jackie Blakeman, Mayuen Chice, Beverly Day and family (friend of Camilla and Johnsey Cabaniss), Susan Lindstrom, Megan Mallare (friend of Kathy Grove), Melissa Martin (friend of Lisa Boylan), Rusty McCown, Jon Nance (Bill and Betty Nance's son/stepson), Steve Pottinger (Bob & India Atkinson’s son-in-law), and all caregivers.

Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with Andy Corbin and his family following the passing of his brother on Tuesday, November 26.

(Prayers request as of Friday, November 29. Names in bold indicate an addition to the prayer list this week.)

This Week @ RCPC

Birthdays: December 2-8

12/4 Christopher Bowes, Milee Hoffman

12/5 Adria Fox

12/6 Jennifer Bryant

12/7 Joe Kennedy

12/8 Matt Arnold 

Monday, December 2

10:00 AM - Monday Morning Prayer Group

12:30 AM - Small Group: Whaley

7:00 PM - Roanoke Valley Choral Society Concert

Tuesday, December 3

9:00 AM - Staff Meeting

9:30 AM - PW Coordinating Team

4:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon

6:30 PM - Genesis Ringers

7:30 PM - Raleigh Court Ringers

7:30 PM - Small Group: Biddle

Wednesday, December 4

4:00 PM - God Alive: Pageant Rehearsal

6:15 PM - Fellowship Dinner

7:00 PM - Christmas Choir Rehearsal

7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett

7:45 PM - Sanctuary Choir

Thursday, December 5

9:00 AM - Hunger Mission Packing

10:30 AM - Small Group: Hansard

7:00 PM - Contemplative Advent Service - Chapel

Friday, December 6

Saturday, December 7

9:00 AM - Earth Care Committee - Tree Planting

Sunday, December 8


9:00 AM - Worship – Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Worship - Sanctuary

12:!5 PM - Earth Care Committee

6:00 PM - Youth Group - Progressive Dinner


  • Preschool: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Centering Prayer at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church: Monday, 10:00 AM
  • Cub Scouts: Monday, 6:30 PM
  • BSA Troop 2: Monday, 7:00 PM
  • Roanoke Valley Choral Society, Monday, 7:00 PM
  • AA-Primary Purpose: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30 AM
  • AA-Seeds of Hope: Tuesday, 5:30 PM
  • Tai Chi: Tuesday & Thursday, 5:30 PM
  • Hip Sober Chicks: Thursday, 6:30 PM
  • Al-Anon: Friday, 11:45 AM
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The Herald - Deadline for Articles: 10th of each month

This Week @ RCPC - Deadline for Articles: Wednesday of each week

Send submissions for The Herald and This Week @ RCPC to Julie Satterwhite 

Video Board in the Gathering Area - Send Information to Carole Banks