January 6, 2025

Worship Service Times

9:00 AM - Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Sanctuary & Livestream

Baby & Toddler Nursery is available during both services

Podcast January Raleigh Court Herald

Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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2025 Financial Comment - Pledge

Weekly Devotional

Arise, shine; for your light has


and the glory of the Lord has

risen upon you.

For darkness shall cover the earth, 

and thick darkness the peoples;

but the Lord will arise upon you, 

and his glory will appear over you. 

Nations shall come to your light, 

and kings to the brightness of your 


Isaiah 60:1-3

Epiphany might just be my favorite church season. It’s certainly my favorite underrated church season.  It’s when we take the hope, peace, joy, and love we know in Christ and carry it into our ordinary every day life. Too often we can forget this work and tuck it away with the Christmas tree. But when we attend to this work, we notice the light of Christ stays with us, for our light has come even as winter carries on (and snow maybe continues to fall?!) With this in mind here are two poems that speak to this work. May you find a reminder of the light of Christ within Madeline & Ann’s words and encouragement for the work of Christmas in the year ahead. 

Epiphany by Madeline L’Engle 

Unclench your fists. 

Hold out your hands. 

Take mine. 

Let us hold each other. 

Thus is his Glory


Boxed by Ann Weems 

I must admit to a certain guilt

   about stuffing the Holy Family into a box

      in the aftermath of Christmas. 

It’s frankly a time of personal triumph when,

   each Advent’s Eve, I free them (and the others)

     from a year’s imprisonment 

        boxed in the dark of our basement. 

Out they come, one by one,

   struggling through the straw,

     last year’s tinsel still clinging to their robes. 

Nevertheless, they appear,

   ready to take their place again 

     in the light of another Christmas. 

The Child is first

   because he’s the one I’m most reluctant to box. 

Attached forever to his cradle, he emerges,

   apparently unscathed from the time spent upside down

     to avoid the crush of the lid. 

His mother, dressed eternally in blue, 

   still gazes adoringly,

     in spite of the fact that

       her features are somewhat smudged. 

Joseph has stood for eleven months,

   holding valiantly what’s left of his staff,

     broken twenty Christmases ago

       by a child who hugged a little too tightly. 

The Wise Ones still travel,

   though not quite so elegantly,

     the standing camel having lost its back leg

       and sitting camel having lost one ear. 

However, gifts intact, they are ready to move. 

The shepherds, walking or kneeling,

   sometimes confused with Joseph

     (who wears the same dull brown),

       tumble forth, followed by three sheep

         in very bad repair. 

There they are again,

   not a grand set surely,

     but one the children (and now the grandchildren)

       can touch and move about and reenact that silent night. 

When the others return,

   we will wind the music box on the back of the stable

     and light the Advent candles

       and go once more to Bethlehem. 

And this year, when it’s time to pack the figure away,

   we’ll be more careful that the Peace and Goodwill

      aren’t also boxed for another year!

-The Rev. Isabella Fagiani, Associate Pastor

Fellowship & Community

Congregational Retreat: Unplugged

March 14-16, 2025 at Massanetta Springs

"....and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Doesn't it feel like life gets faster and faster? The promises of contemporary society, technology, and convenience have not led us to spend more time in contemplation, recreation, and relationships. Instead, they have driven us to increase our capacity to produce and accomplish more. It feels like we are in an accelerated age and everything from the planet to our own lives is "burning out." Besides eternity with God, there is no way out of this modern malaise, but as Christians we are given moments of resonance, where the Good News of God interrupts the speeding up of life, surprises us, breaks in, and gives us a moment of rest. Such is our retreat in March—a moment of reflection, recreation, and rest—two days of resonance. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Join us this spring as we explore a life a little more "Unplugged" from the pressures, expectations, and envy of modern life. Register online at rcpres.org/retreat before January 31.

Congregational Retreat Registration

Fellowship Dinners - Wednesdays at 6:15 PM

Are you ready to make good choices for the New Year? Begin with Fellowship Dinner on Wednesday, January 8. We’ll have baked potato, and you can choose to top it with or without chili, AND you can choose meat or vegetarian! Feel really healthy with a salad bar, and then indulge in homemade bread and Pop Tarts Cake! Suggested donation of $8 per person and a max suggested donation of $25 per family. If you need to take your meal home, please bring your own container. The sign-up paper is in the gathering area, or you may do it online by Tuesday, 1/7/25.

Menu 1/8 - Chili and Baked Potato, Salad Bar, Homemade Bread, Pop Tarts Cake,

Vegetarian Chili

Takeout Meals: In our efforts to become an Earth Care Church, the Fellowship Committee asks you to please bring your own container if you would like a takeout meal on Wednesday nights. We thank you for your help with this.

Volunteers are always needed to help with various tasks including set-up, clean-up, serving, check-in,

and transporting leftovers to RAM House. Details and dates at the link below.

Fellowship Dinner Registration
Fellowship Dinner Volunteers Sign-Up

Children's Ministry:

Hot Cocoa Fundraiser

Sunday, January 12

Support our God Alive ministry and join us for hot cocoa after the 11:00 AM worship service on Sunday, January 12.

Winter VBS:

The Grandparent Effect

Saturday, February 8 – 9:00 AM–12:00 PM

Grandparents are one of the best support systems. They hold a lot of wisdom. Listening to their stories enriches our lives and guides us! Through their stories, grandparents pass on the legacy of our families from generation to generation. This means we will never forget where we came from … not just within our own families, but within the family of God! Grandparents encourage us and help us to grow in our faith and you can be sure they pray for us! This Winter VBS, we ask that each child participating either bring a grandparent or an older adult that serves that type of role in their life (this could be a neighbor, a church member, another family member, like an aunt or uncle). If you are not sure who your child can bring along, contact Leigh Sackett. She knows many people in the church who would want to spend the morning with your child at Winter VBS! During our morning together we will share stories of our faith, play fun games together, and create matching timelines as a way to learn more about each other! Registration: January 6-27 at tinyurl.com/WinterVBS2025

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Worship Service

January 20 at 7:00 PM—Hill Street Baptist Church (111 Madison Ave NW)

“The Dream is Alive in Us!”

Dr. Kenneth Wright, Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Gainsboro will deliver the Keynote Sermon and the Rev. Andrew Whaley of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church will provide the Inspirational Message. This service will take the place of the January Third Thursday Evening Prayer Service.

Youth Ministry:

Parents Night Out Fundraiser

Friday, January 17 - 6:00 PM—9:00 PM

Parents of little ones 2-years-old and up (and potty trained) are invited to enjoy a night out while the Youth Group watches your kids. We invite you to pay what you want in order to generously support our Youth summer trips to Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference and Montreat Youth Conference. The youth (with adults) will watch kids on Friday, January 17 from 6:00 PM— 9:00 PM providing dinner, a craft, games, and a movie. We will watch up to 30 kids. Sign up using the link in the This Week @ RCPC or by visiting


Christian Education & Worship

Sermon Series: Find Your People

Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors came out with a song in 2023 called “Find Your People.” In the lyrics, they talk about the kind of people we each need in our lives in order to know fullness, wholeness, and joy. From the beginning, the Church has been the community in which we “find our people,” and the Apostle Paul mentions many fellow travelers and co-laborers in the ministry who have enriched his life and enabled the Church to flourish. In these weeks, we will look at some of the people you find in the Christian community and how we might continue to nurture those relationships of grace and so manifest God’s purposes today.

January 12 - They Pick You Up and Don’t Put You Down - Proverbs 17:17; 18:24 & Galatians 2:1-10

January 19 - That’ll Call Your Bluff - Proverbs 27:6-10 & Galatians 2:11-14

January 26—Youth Sunday - Who’ll Ride Along When the Road is Tough - Philippians 4:1-3

February 2 - Help You Find Your Way in the Lost and Found - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

February 9 - The One that Won’t Let You Lose Your Soul - Luke 11:5-8 & 2 Corinthians 7:6-16

February 16 - Who Understands What You’re Saying Before a Word is Spoke - John 15:14-17 & 1 Corinthians 4:14-21; 16:10-11

Adult Sunday School - January Classes

The Seekers—Room 201

Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine

In this wise, entertaining, and educational book, Amy-Jill Levine offers a fresh, timely reinterpretation of Jesus’ narratives. In Short Stories by Jesus, she analyzes these “problems with parables,” taking readers back in time to understand how their original Jewish audience understood them. Levine reveals the parables’ connections to first-century economic and agricultural life, social customs and morality, Jewish scriptures and Roman culture. With this revitalized understanding, she interprets these moving stories for the contemporary reader, showing how the parables are not just about Jesus, but are also about us—and when read rightly, still challenge and provoke us two thousand years later.


Parents as a Verb—Room 102

The Anxious Generation

(continued from the fall)

After more than a decade of stability or improvement, the mental health of adolescents plunged in the early 2010s. Rates of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide rose sharply, more than doubling on many measures. Why?

In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt lays out the facts about the epidemic of teen mental illness that hit many countries at the same time. He then investigates the nature of childhood, including why children need play and independent exploration to mature into competent, thriving adults. Haidt shows how the “play-based childhood” began to decline in the 1980s, and how it was finally wiped out by the arrival of the “phone-based childhood” in the early 2010s. He presents more than a dozen mechanisms by which this “great rewiring of childhood” has interfered with children’s social and neurological development, covering everything from sleep deprivation to attention fragmentation, addiction, loneliness, social contagion, social comparison, and perfectionism. He explains why social media damages girls more than boys and why boys have been withdrawing from the real world into the virtual world, with disastrous consequences for themselves, their families, and their societies.


Exploring Christian Theology—Room 101

Led by Mike Lockaby

As we continue our exploration of the history of how Christians think and talk about God, we'll be looking at the way we talk about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit throughout the winter/spring semester. And as we conclude our studies in the spring, we'll be discussing a question that early Christians did not actually talk about much -- what it might feel like to be a person (a fraught word, incidentally) who is both a human being and God.


Discover RCPC—Room 202 (January 5-19 during Sunday School)

Led by Andrew Whaley

Discover RCPC is a way to learn more about our life together as followers of Jesus. In these gatherings, we will get to know one another better. We will learn about how and why we worship and what is distinctive about being a Reformed Church. We will learn about how Presbyterians practice their life in covenant with each other, and we will learn the story specifically of the Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church: The Church of the Open Door. 

Music Ministry Updates

Rehearsal Schedules

  • Youth Choir: Sundays at 5:00 PM
  • Genesis Ringers: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
  • Raleigh Court Ringers: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
  • God Alive Choir: Wednesdays during God Alive
  • Christmas Choir: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
  • Sanctuary Choir: Wednesdays at 7:45 PM

Youth Ministry Updates

Parents Night Out Fundraiser

Friday, January 17 - 6:00 PM—9:00 PM

Parents of little ones 2-years-old and up (and potty trained) are invited to enjoy a night out while the Youth Group watches your kids. We invite you to pay what you want in order to generously support our Youth summer trips to Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference and Montreat Youth Conference. The youth (with adults) will watch kids on Friday, January 17 from 6:00 PM—9:00 PM providing dinner, a craft, games, and a movie. We will watch up to 30 kids. Sign up using the link in the This Week @ RCPC or by visiting


Meals Needed for Youth Group 

Over 30 youth and 8 advisors gather at the church most Sunday nights for a meal, recreation, a mini lesson and time exploring scripture through small groups. While our leaders plan and carry out most of youth group, we rely on the wider congregation to support us by providing a meal during the year. Providing a meal gives you a chance to spend time with our youth and to live into the baptismal vows you made for them to continue raising them in their faith. Please take a look at this sign up to see all the dates available for dinner and consider signing up for a meal. Popular dinners are: Baked potato bar, stews/soups, Tacos, Spaghetti and Meatballs. 

Youth Dinners Sign-Up

Opportunity for Generosity & Mission Updates

Mission Partner Support 

Each month, we designate all cash and coin to one of our local mission partners. For the month of January, we are supporting the emergency support given by Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) and the Presbyterian Community Center (PCC). This emergency support aids neighbors with rent, mortgage and utility payments. All money raised this month will be split between the two organizations so we can aid neighbors throughout the city. You can place your money in the offering plate or make an online gift using the QR code, noting that it is for Mission and making a note for the RAM & PCC in the text box.

Together in Prayer

Prayer Requests

Ginger Barbour (friend of Elise Hansard), Marvin & Roena Barbre, Dawn Blakeman, Jackie Blakeman, David-Charles Campbell, Mayuen Chice, Beverly Day and family (friend of Camilla and Johnsey Cabaniss), Jimmy Hunziker (cousin of Stella Snead), Cameron & Susie HuttoSusan Lindstrom, Megan Mallare (friend of Kathy Grove), Melissa Martin (friend of Lisa Boylan), Rusty McCown, Jon Nance (Bill and Betty Nance's son/stepson), Steve Pottinger (Bob & India Atkinson’s son-in-law), Cameron Stanley (Grandson of Betty Nance), Caroline Suess (elementary teacher to Eleanor Lockaby, Joanna Whaley, and Nora Chapman), and all caregivers.

(Prayers request as of Friday, January 3. Names in bold indicate an addition to the prayer list this week.)

This Week @ RCPC

Birthdays: January 6-12

6 Michelle Johnson

8 Bob Rutherford, Anna Sganga, Andy Travers

9 Caroline Stephenson

10 Richard Fishwick, Becky Rhodes

12 Sophia Cundiff

Monday, January 6

10:00 AM - Monday Morning Prayer Group

12:30 PM - Small Group: Whaley

Tuesday, January 7

9:00 AM - Staff Meeting

9:30 AM - PW Coordinating Team

4:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon

5:00 PM - Mission Committee

6:30 PM - Genesis Ringers

7:00 PM - Youth Committee

7:30 PM - Raleigh Court Ringers

7:30 PM - Small Group: Biddle

Wednesday, January 8

4:00 PM - God Alive

6:15 PM - Fellowship Dinner

7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett

7:15 PM - Sanctuary Choir

Thursday, January 9

9:00 AM - Hunger Mission Packing

10:30 AM - Small Group: Hansard

5:30 PM - Justice, Equity, & Belonging Committee

Friday, January 10

Confirmation Camp Out

Saturday, January 11

Confirmation Camp Out

9:00 AM - Un-hanging of the Greens

Sunday, January 12

9:00 AM - Worship - Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School & Discover RCPC

11:00 AM - Worship - Sanctuary

12:15 PM - Children's Ministry Hot Cocoa Fundraiser

12:15 PM - Earth Care Committee

12:15 PM - Youth Reps

5:00 PM - Youth Choir

6:00 PM - Youth Group


  • Preschool: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Centering Prayer at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church: Monday, 10:00 AM
  • Cub Scouts: Monday, 6:30 PM
  • BSA Troop 2: Monday, 7:00 PM
  • Roanoke Valley Choral Society, Monday, 7:00 PM
  • AA-Primary Purpose: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30 AM
  • AA-Seeds of Hope: Tuesday, 5:30 PM
  • Tai Chi: Tuesday & Thursday, 5:30 PM
  • Hip Sober Chicks: Thursday, 6:30 PM
  • Al-Anon: Friday, 11:45 AM
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The Herald - Deadline for Articles: 10th of each month

This Week @ RCPC - Deadline for Articles: Wednesday of each week

Send submissions for The Herald and This Week @ RCPC to Julie Satterwhite 

Video Board in the Gathering Area - Send Information to Carole Banks