September 30, 2024

Worship Service Times

9:00 AM - Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Sanctuary & Livestream

Baby & Toddler Nursery is available during both services

Podcast October Raleigh Court Herald

Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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Weekly Devotional

Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

ou may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.”

-Deuteronomy 8:11-14, 17

We live in a country that believes in the American Dream - that we can be anything we want to be, if we just work hard enough and seize the opportunities. Steeped in this ethos, we may come to believe that we are the masters of our own destinies. Societally, we celebrate people who accomplish amazing feats, seemingly by their own power, through diligence and hard work: the daring routines of Olympic athletes; soaring skyscrapers by brilliant architects; the technological advancements that have allowed humans to explore the depths of the oceans and the expanse of our solar system.

Many of us work hard and make personal sacrifices to reach our goals, which may not be as lofty as the Olympics but are nevertheless important to us. Our goals might be completing an important project at work, or getting all of the kids out the door on time with everything they need for the day, or staying on top of a loved one’s medical needs, or fulfilling a volunteer need for a community organization. When we are successful, it is natural to feel a glow of pride and think, “I did it!” I confess that after a long day of juggling competing obligations, I sometimes find myself thinking, “Where is my medal?!”

But as it turns out, putting in the hard work doesn’t mean that our achievements are any less a manifestation of God’s grace. I owe thanks to God for the time and space to focus on my work; for the patience and forethought that allows us to get out the door on time; and for my good health that provides me with the energy to offer my gifts to others. Remembering that humbles me and changes my whole outlook, lifting my heart in gratitude for how He has blessed me, and giving rest to the part of my mind that is anxious to work through my task list like a game of Whack-A-Mole.

What do you thank God for this morning as you start your week? If your heart is heavy or your mind is weary with the tasks before you, are there small blessings like a cup of hot coffee that you are grateful for today?

-Kaitlin Swanner, Deacon

Fellowship & Community

Fellowship Dinners - Wednesdays at 6:15 PM

Who doesn’t love a birthday party? Join us at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, October 2 for our first Fellowship dinner of the year and combine our church’s birthday celebration with a Taco Fiesta! EVERYONE can celebrate the birthday of RCPC with cupcakes! Sign up in the Gathering Area or at the link below before noon on Tuesday. Meals are $8.00/person or $25.00 for the entire family. Fellowship with your church family is no charge! If you need to take a meal home to a family member, please bring your own container.

Menu for October 2: Taco Fiesta & Birthday Cupcakes

Takeout Meals: In our efforts to become an Earth Care Church, the Fellowship Committee asks you to please bring your own container if you would like a takeout meal on Wednesday nights. We thank you for your help with this.

Volunteers are always needed to help with various tasks including set-up, clean-up, serving, check-in,

and transporting leftovers to RAM House. Details and dates at the link below.

Fellowship Dinner Registration
Fellowship Dinner Volunteers Sign-Up

RCPC Meal Train Ministry

The Meal Train group drops off dinners to church members when new babies are born or in the event of illnesses, surgeries, or other hardships. Sign-ups are handled online, and notices of meal train needs are sent to group members using an email list. If you are not already on the Meal Train email list and want to join, email Katelyn Burton at She will get you added to the Meal Train group! Thank you for supporting church members in this way.

All RCPC Presbyterian Women

October 19 Walk, Talk, and Taste: Join the women of RCPC for ice cream at Blue Cow Ice Cream Co. at 1:30 pm, followed by a walk around the Roanoke Greenway. Children and pets are welcome! RSVP to Kaitlin Swanner at

Save the date for future PW events:

  • November 22: Line Dancing and Lots of Food
  • January 24: Game Night
  • February 21: Women, Wine, and the Word
  • March 29: Walk, Talk, and Taste at Mill Mountain Gardens
  • April 26: Paint and Praise
  • May 25: Taste, Talk, and Walk on the Roanoke Greenway (lunch at Wasena Tap and Grill)

Please reach out to Ellen Austin ( with any questions.

From the RCPC Maintenance Office

We are currently updating our fob system information. We would appreciate everyone that no longer needs their assigned fob, to turn it in to us so it can be reassigned. You may place the fob in the maintenance mailbox outside of the main office.

Do you like to paint? With the cooler weather comes the need for some outside maintenance. We have 6 metal doors that need to be painted along with some outside railing. If you are interested, let us know. Supplies are provided, however if you want to use your own, that is fine.

Lastly, if there anyone who would like to pressure wash an area of the building, we will provide the gas operated power washer. Thanks to all who give their time to keep the church running smoothly.

Linda Marshall

540-343-5541 ext. 105

Christian Education & Worship

World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday is October 6 and we need your help. We will come to the Lord’s Supper with a visual arrangement of breads from around the world. We are asking for world globes to use at this service as well as different types of natural fabrics such as silk, linen, batik, Indian cotton, and the link. Please bring your fabric and globes to the church by Thursday, October 3 labeled with your name so that you can reclaim your items. Please plan on picking up your items after worship on October 6.

Adult Small Groups

The Small Group lessons are based on the Sunday sermons and scripture. Being part of a Small Group is an experience rich in personal connection and spiritual growth. Small Groups discuss what is shared in worship, therefore the experience of worship is more deeply ingrained in our minds and hearts. As we contemplate it all together, the concepts take root and our faith grows!

  • Sermon Reflections: Mondays 12:30 PM-2:00 PM - Andrew Whaley, Room 102
  • The Fools: Tuesdays 4:00 PM-5:30 PM - David Dixon, Room 102
  • Soul Sisters: Tuesdays 8:00 PM-9:30 PM - Emilie Biddle, Parlor
  • The After Dinner Crowd: Wednesdays 7:00 PM-8:30 PM - Leigh Sackett, Room 102
  • Thursday Theology: Thursdays 10:30 AM-12:00 PM - Elise Hansard, Room 101

Adult Sunday School—September Classes

The New Testament World: Making Sense of Where Jesus and the Apostles Lived. Led by Mike Lockaby, Room 101

October 6: The Eastern Kingdoms—Parthia and Armenia

October 13: Life on the Margins—the Hasmoneans and Herods

October 20: Life on the Margins—the Colonial Experience in the First Century

The Seekers, Room 201

September 22—October 6: Faces of Christ

October 13—November 3: PBS Video Series—God in America: How Religious Liberty Shaped America

Parents as a Verb, Room 102

September 15—October 20: The Anxious Generation (book study)

October 27—November 24: Spirituality and Children’s Literature, led by Charles Richards

Discover RCPC, Led by Andrew Whaley, Room 202

October 6 and 13: Following the 11:00 worship service (12:15 PM—1:30 PM)

Class descriptions and full schedules available online at 

Sermon Series: Remembering the Future, Expecting the Past

September 8—October 20

As we move toward the 100th birthday of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church, on October 2, we are going to explore what it means for Christian people to remember God’s faithfulness. Memory gives life meaning, but memory can also become nostalgia which leads to destruction and paralysis. Hope drives us forward to the promises of God, but hope that forgets the past is amnesia which brings us to ideology and eventually idolatry. So how do we remember and how do we hope so that the purposes and promises of God are lived out as we begin our next hundred years? 

October 6 - Do Not Remember - Isaiah 43:16-21

October 13 - The Risk of Amnesia - Deuteronomy 15:7-15 & Hosea 4:1-6

October 20 - Generative Hope - Lamentations 3:22-24 & Micah 4:1-5 

The Bible in Black & White

This fall, Drs. Bill Lee and George Anderson will lead this growing study in a discussion of Walter Brueggemann's book, Delivered into Covenant: Pivotal Moments in the Book of Exodus, and will focus on the last half of the book which was not covered in April’s session. The group meets on the first four Wednesdays of October at noon in the Fellowship Hall of Second Presbyterian Church. 

Isabel Thornton, Executive Director of Restoration Housing

Wednesday, October 30, 7:00 PM - RCPC Chapel

Are you new to Roanoke? Are you a resident of the Roanoke Valley who lacks knowledge about the historical formation of different neighborhoods? Are you curious to learn the ways government/urban design policies shaped our neighborhoods in radically different ways? 

If so, you are in for a treat! Isabel Thornton, Executive Director of Restoration Housing, will answer your questions when she speaks in the Chapel on Wednesday, October 30 at 7:00 PM. Isabel will address the formation of Raleigh Court neighborhood, as well as South Roanoke and Gainesboro. Restoration Housing’s Mission is to foster a strong, safe, and dignified community for low-to middle-income people, one house at a time. How does Isabel work through Restoration to increase justice and equity for people in all neighborhoods in the Roanoke Valley? Come and see. Please join us for this important event!  

Maureen Guelzow - Justice, Equity, and Belonging Committee

Music Ministry Updates

Christmas Concert Choir

Those interested in participating in the Christmas Concert Choir for this event may contact Director of Music Ministries, Dillon J. Swanson at for more information prior to rehearsals beginning on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00 PM.

Rehearsal Schedules

  • Youth Choir: Sundays at 5:00 PM
  • Genesis Ringers: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
  • Raleigh Court Ringers: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
  • God Alive Choir: Wednesdays during God Alive
  • Sanctuary Choir: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Youth Ministry Updates

Meals Needed for Youth Group 

Over 30 youth and 8 advisors gather at the church most Sunday nights for a meal, recreation, a mini lesson and time exploring scripture through small groups. While our leaders plan and carry out most of youth group, we rely on the wider congregation to support us by providing a meal during the year. Providing a meal gives you a chance to spend time with our youth and to live into the baptismal vows you made for them to continue raising them in their faith. Please take a look at this sign up to see all the dates available for dinner and consider signing up for a meal. Popular dinners are: Baked potato bar, stews/soups, Tacos, Spaghetti and Meatballs. 

Youth Dinners Sign-Up

Opportunity for Generosity & Mission Updates

Opportunity for Generosity: Hunger Mission Group

The Hunger Mission Group is a ministry both fully funded and staffed by the congregation. Each week, congregants put together food bags for the weekend for children at Hurt Park and Lincoln Terrace Elementary Schools. Additionally, other volunteers make food purchases, restock the pantry at the church, and bring in grocery bags. The Hunger Mission Group has also helped start a sustainable food pantry at Woodrow Wilson Middle School in partnership with other local churches.

Here are ways you may consider helping us in the upcoming school year:

  1. We need more food bag packers! This rewarding job takes place each Thursday morning at 9:00 AM at RCPC for Lincoln Terrace (contact Paula Derbyshire). For Hurt Park, the team meets at 10:00 AM at the Hurt Park Elementary School cafeteria (contact Nancy Trussell).
  2. Our monthly volunteer team that picks up canned and boxed food from the Food Bank one morning per month is outstanding. If you would like to join this group contact Henry Schaefer.
  3. Join the Hunger Mission Leadership Team. We are looking for people with a talent for numbers, those who love to help with P.R. and advertising, and those who are creative thinkers.
  4. Consider giving a financial donation to the Hunger Mission (and small jars of peanut butter are always appreciated)!

Mission Partner Support 

Each month, we are designating all cash and coin to one of our local mission partners. For the month of September, we are supporting Hunger Mission Group. In 2023, the Hunger Mission Group received $8,500 in support from our church. Your generosity will encourage us to meet that amount in 2024. You can place your money in the offering plate or make an online gift using the QR code, noting that it is for Mission and making a note for Hunger Mission Group in the text box. As of September 22, we have collected $2,407.72 for the Hunger Mission Group.

Presbyterian Community Center

The Presbyterian Community Center is collecting gently worn and used sneakers for recycling and as a fundraiser. PCC will take used sneakers in ANY condition between now and September 30. The better the condition the more they will get from your donation. But you can donate any used sneakers. Bring your sneakers to 1228 Jamison Ave, SE between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM Monday through Thursday or 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Fridays.

There is a collection box for sneakers in the Gathering Area to transport to PCC.

Sudanese/South Sudanese Mission Group

Ater is settling into his own apartment. He needs just about anything you can imagine except a crockpot.

Margaret is asking for room size rugs.

Achol needs a twin bed or bunk bed and a queen size headboard/ footboard.

Contact Sandra if you have any of these items to donate. (540-330-3451;

Thank you!

Pump-A-Pint Fall Blood Drive

RCPC’s Fall Blood Drive is scheduled for October 1 from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Sign-ups are available on the Red Cross website at REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG. You are welcome to schedule your appointment, or you can contact Lillian at 540-632-8921 or and she will gladly get you on the schedule! The sign-up sheet will also be available in the Gathering Area before and after Sunday worship services starting September 15. The Pump-a-Pint Mission Group would love to have you join the ranks of faithful donors here at RCPC. Come for the snacks and fellowship, and leave knowing you have saved three lives! Thank you for your continued support of this vital mission!

Spooky Sprint 5K

Come support a good cause and have some family fun with West End Center at the Spooky Sprint 5K on Saturday, October 26 at 9:00 AM at Wasena Park. Hurry, today is the last day to register for $30, price goes up to $40 tomorrow (October 1). Whether you're sprinting, strolling, or joining with your furry friend, the Spooky Sprint promises ghoulish fun for all ages. Costumes, creatures, and chills await—along with a spine-tingling race-day experience you won’t forget!

Register online at

Together in Prayer

Prayer Requests

George Baldwin, Marvin & Roena Barbre, Rex Bell (Kerry Bossert’s father), Dawn Blakeman, Jackie Blakeman, Brendan Brown (Kathy and Les Brown’s grandson), Mayuen Chice, Beverly Day and family (friend of Camilla and Johnsey Cabaniss), Nancy Farthing, Betty Garner, Susan Lindstrom, Megan Mallare (friend of Kathy Grove), Melissa Martin (friend of Lisa Boylan), Rusty McCown, Debbie Miller, Billie Murphree (Dawn Long's mother), Jon Nance (Bill and Betty Nance's son/stepson), Garland Parry, Hugh Wellons, and all caregivers.

Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with Kerry Bossert and her father Rex Bell after the passing of Kerry’s stepmother, Jennie Bell, on Tuesday, September 24.

(Prayers request as of Friday, September 27. Names in bold indicate an addition to the prayer list this week.)

This Week @ RCPC

Birthdays: September 30-October 6

9/30 Amelia Wiegard

10/1 Compton Biddle Jr., Janet Davis, Sarah Stephenson

10/2 Marinne Williams

10/3 Mike Lockaby, Joseph Mallory, Henry Ward

10/4 Katelyn Burton

10/5 Courtney Cronin, Joe Gray

10/6 Camilla Cabaniss 

Monday, September 30

10:00 AM - Monday Morning Prayer Group

12:30 AM - Small Group: Whaley

7:00 PM - Session

Tuesday, October 1

9:00 AM - Staff Meeting

1:30 PM - Pump-A-Pint Blood Drive

4:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon

5:00 PM - PW Coordinating Team

6:30 PM - Genesis Ringers

7:30 PM - Raleigh Court Ringers

7:30 PM - Small Group: Biddle

Wednesday, October 2

12:00 PM - Bible in Black & White at Second Pres.

4:00 PM - God Alive

6:15 PM - Fellowship Dinner

7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett

7:00 PM - Christmas Choir

7:45 PM - Sanctuary Choir

Thursday, October 3

9:00 AM - Hunger Mission Packing

10:30 AM - Small Group: Hansard

7:00 PM - RCNA Board Meeting

Friday, October 4

Saturday, October 5

Sunday, October 6

World Communion Sunday

9:00 AM - Worship – Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

10:00 AM - Session Meeting for New Members

11:00 AM - Worship - Sanctuary

12:15 PM - Discover RCPC

5:00 PM - Youth Choir

6:00 PM - Youth Group


  • Preschool: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Centering Prayer at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church: Monday, 10:00 AM
  • Cub Scouts: Monday, 6:30 PM
  • BSA Troop 2: Monday, 7:00 PM
  • Roanoke Valley Choral Society, Monday, 7:00 PM
  • AA-Primary Purpose: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30 AM
  • AA-Seeds of Hope: Tuesday, 5:30 PM
  • Tai Chi: Tuesday & Thursday, 5:30 PM
  • Hip Sober Chicks: Thursday, 6:30 PM
  • Al-Anon: Friday, 11:45 AM
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The Herald - Deadline for Articles: 10th of each month

This Week @ RCPC - Deadline for Articles: Wednesday of each week

Send submissions for The Herald and This Week @ RCPC to Julie Satterwhite 

Video Board in the Gathering Area - Send Information to Carole Banks