Blessings, Rhema fam!

Here's what's in store for us ahead:

  • Bible Study - NO SESSION
  • Communion Service - Within Service | This Sun
  • Rhema Morning Prayer - 7 to 9 am | This Sat
  • Volunteers Needed - Rhema Transition/Moving
  • Album Promo - Jennifer Lewin | Hail the King

If you missed our Sunday message or need a recap, follow us online, via YouTubeFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Weekly Meditation

1 Kings 8: 22-61

And may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.”

~1 Kings 8:61 [NIV]

October 29th, 2023

This Sunday, we will continue our new series on HIDING PLACES SERIES – Part 1B:

  • The Secret Place

You can download sermon notes here ahead.

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Studies in the Bible with Orim Meikle


No Session For This Week

See You Again Soon!

 You can watch the previous session here.

Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


Rhema Morning Prayer

A time to experience His Glory

as we pray for the church, our families & nations.


This Saturday

October 28th, 2023

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM


Join us In-Person at Rhema Toronto Campus:

49-40 Carl Hall Rd, North York, ON M3K 2C1


Want a Reminder for Prayer or do you need a Prayer request?

Send a text message to (437) 755-5339


Communion Service


This Sunday

October 29th, 2023


Join us In-Person at Rhema Toronto Campus:

49-40 Carl Hall Rd, North York, ON M3K 2C1


*Emblems will be provided*

  If you're joining us online, be ready with a piece of bread or cracker and a glass of grape juice or your choice of beverage to Break Bread together.

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We're Looking for Volunteers

to help us with our Toronto Campus Transition


Mon-Fri | 10 am - 10 pm

Saturday | 10 am - 6 pm

Sunday | after service

Our Toronto Campus will be moving from 40 Carl Hall Road at the end of October. Many of our staff will take part in this process.

If you'd like to assist us with our transition, you can pick your schedule to come and help based on the above date and time.

We need as many men with steeled-toed boots to help tear down assets and load up the truck. Ladies are welcome to show up with working boots and gloves if you have them.

Your helping hands will be much appreciated!

For those available in the week,

please use the sign-up form below so we can get a sense of the schedule and pair you up with a team lead who will be on site:

Sign-Up Form
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Check it out
To Get Connected...
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Women's Ministry -
Youth Ministry -
Men's Ministry -

Got any questions about anything at all?

Our inbox is always open at Communications. 

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