Our Mission Statement: Temple Rodeph Torah seeks to build an active and engaged Jewish community, one person at a time. We cherish our time-honored traditions to make them ever more relevant and precious in our modern lives. These traditions will help to enrich and ensure a Jewish future through worship, spirituality, education, celebration and acts of loving-kindness.
This Week @ TRT January 1 - 10, 2021
All services, programs and meetings are now online.
Please check the updates on trt.org as more programs are updated.
Friday, January 1, 6:30pm
Shabbat Service
Led by Rabbi Disick with Sharon Aptaker & her guitar
Candle Lighting 4:24pm
Saturday, January 2, 10:00am
Shabbat Morning Minyan
Led by Neal Finkelstein
Friday, January 8, 7:30pm
Shabbat Service
Led by Rabbi Disick and Cantor Levine
Candle Lighting 4:30pm
Saturday, January 9, 9:00am
Tot Shabbat with Cantor Levine and Jen Herzog
Tu B'Shvat: Happy Birthday, Trees!
Saturday, January 9, 10:00am
Shabbat Morning Minyan
Led by Rabbi Disick with Sharon Aptaker & her guitar
Yoga Shalom with Cantor Levine
Open your heart, quiet your mind, and restore your spirit! Join Cantor Lisa in her Zoom room for the next Yoga Shalom session. The next session is on Monday 1/4 at 11am.
Calling all Mah Jongg Players
The new 2021 card can now be ordered through TRT Sisterhood. Please see the flyer for details. Orders must be received by January 20th, to be included. For additional info email Jodi here.
Afternoon Book Discussion
Please join TRT Sisterhood Book Club on Wednesday 1/27 @ 12:30pm via Zoom. We will be reading The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. The author was recently on The Trevor Noah show and this book is one of The New York Times 10 Books of the Year Please RSVP by email to Marla Bucher.
Back by popular demand is our 50/50 Calendar Raffle.
Our raffle drawings began in July and run through April of 2021. There are 16 chances to win! The drawings will be held prior to each Board meeting. The next drawing is January 27th. To buy tickets for all four remaining months the cost is $40. Proceeds will benefit our Temple and student-related activities. You have to be in it to win it! December raffle winners: Marc Willner, Elyse Langner, Jeff Weiss, Judy Borell.
All of TRT's youth groups are coming together on Saturday 1/9 from 5-7pm, for a game of Family Feud! Click here for more info. You can BYOD (bring your own dinner) and eat it with the group! Join us and share your random knowledge with others! Zoom link will be emailed as we get closer to the event.
The JCC of Middlesex is offering an Anne Frank program on Tuesday 1/26/21 @ 1:30pm. The program is FREE, in recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Gillian Perry will be speaking about and reading from her book "The Legacy of Anne Frank" which explores Anne Frank's story through a new lens. Ms. Perry is an exceptional speaker and her presentation is inspirational, given the incredible important of Ms. Perry's message - combating hatred and discrimination and anti-semitism. Click on the box below to register, after which you will receive a zoom invite from Esther Fendrick (efendrick@jccmc.org).
TRT Bereavement group is open to the entire community and led by Jen Herzog, MSW, LSW. Those who have experienced a loss, whether it be a spouse, partner, parent or child, and would benefit from a supportive group experience is welcome to join. The groups are held on the first & third Wednesday of each month; the next groups are Wednesday 1/6 & 1/20 at 10am. Click here for information, and call the TRT office at 732.308.0055 with any questions.
Spotlight on TRT's Program Funds
There are many times in our lives when we want to share our simchas, honor the memory of a loved one, and/or acknowledge someone special. A great way to show the love is by making a tax-free donation to one of TRT's special program funds. Each week in this column we will highlight a different program fund with the hope that you will feel inspired to support those who will benefit from the fund.
This week's spotlight is on the Bolender Leadership Development Fund. This fund is used to encourage and develop Jewish leadership at TRT by providing financial subsidies to lay leaders for attendance at leadership development programs. This fund is in memory and in honor of those who perished in or survived the Holocaust.
15 Mohawk Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746
Phone: (732) 308-0055
Fax: (732) 294-0232