This Week
July 27, 2014
The Joy of the Kingdom
Dear Friend
Welcome to our new edition of 'This Week'. 
This new format includes links to the website and allows us to provide you with more information.  The format will evolve over time - we would really value your feedback!

The Joy of the Kingdom


Cornwall is not just the home of my in-laws but the home of the Cornish Pasty.  In my opinion simply the best food on the planet.


There are many substitutes to the pasty, they are made all across the UK and the Spanish even have something similar in the Empanada, but nothing compares to the pure Cornish Pasty and in European law it has to be made in Cornwall to be called a Cornish Pasty! It is simple, it is delicious and the authentic ones are a meal in themselves - they need no accompaniment and they satisfy completely.  I have been looking forward to my mother in-law's pasties for many months!


Jesus said:  "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matthew 13:44


There is no comparison, there is no substitute.  Once you have tasted heaven, you can accept no second rate kingdom.  This is both a joy and a passion in the true sense; it will drive you to always strive for more and for the best that Christ has to offer.


'For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.' Romans 8:38


The good news is that this is a promise - nothing can separate us from Christ's love, His Kingdom is prepared for us and us for His Kingdom.  Christ brings fullness and total satisfaction.


God bless



Rev Stuart Huntley, Rector


If you would like to hear any of the recent sermons click here

Upcoming Events
Summer Schedule
We are in our Summer Schedule!  
With coffee hour in the St Cecilia room and a slighter shorter service.

Service times  8 am and 10 am
27 July   Morning Prayer with Summer Sunday School
3 Aug     Family Eucharist with Summer Sunday School
10 Aug   Morning Prayer with Summer Sunday School
17 Aug   Family Eucharist with Summer Sunday School
24 Aug   Family Eucharist
31 Aug   Family Eucharist
Wardens' Corner - July
"Summertime, and the livin' is easy..." to quote George Gershwin.  And we hope your summertime has been easy, too -- relaxed and full of family and fun.


We have had a lovely summer so far at St. Stephen's with worship led by Jim Neville, Alan Dinn and our guest, the Rev. Mark Liddicoat. (See brief biography in this issue.)  Further enhancing our services has been the talented piantist Jonathan Bley.  We are truly blessed.


The Consignment Shop volunteers will be working this coming week to put the shop back in order for its September 2 opening.  Additional volunteers are welcome July 28, 29, and 30 to work 10 am - 2 pm with Ellie and our new Consignment Shop Supervisor, Diana.  Interested in volunteering?  Contact them at


Erika has spearheaded the effort to redo the floors in the shop and will be refinishing the halls in the Parish Hall later in August.  Many thanks for a job well done.


Tiffany has done a wonderful job of holding things together and spotting areas of concern for remediation ASAP.  If you can help in the office or on the grounds, please contact her Monday - Thursday 10 am - 1 pm in the office at 516-767-0363.


We hope to see you on Sunday.


In Peace,

Donna and Todd, Wardens

Welcome Our Visiting Priest
We are pleased to welcome the Rev. Mark Liddicoat and his family to St. Stephen's this summer.  Father Mark will be leading services again this Sunday, July 27.  Join us!

The Reverend Mark Liddicoat
Mark Liddicoat is a Minister with the Methodist Church in Ireland and is currently appointed to serve with the Methodist Church in Britain.  He has worked as a teacher of science and also in agricultural research.  He was the Cereal Trials Manager for the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland prior to candidating for the Methodist Ministry.  He trained for his Master of Divinity at Edgehill Theological College, Belfast and was appointed to serve in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.  In 2012 he and his family moved to Cornwall where Mark was appointed to Falmouth and Gwennap Methodist Circuit.  The circuit covers an area of both coastal towns and rural villages and consists of 16 churches and one Methodist Nursing Home.  Mark has pastoral responsibility for six of the churches and leads worship across the entire Circuit.  Mark is married to Jacqueline and they have one son, Simon.
Mission Focus   -    Hope for Youth

Very nice story in Hope For Youth's June newsletter! Congratulations to our Youth Group, leaders, and members of the parish who were instrumental in making this a reality..."One of the most successful youth-organized donation drives in Hope for Youth's history!" 


For more information please see the  Hope for Youth Article 
For Our Prayers:
Please pray for Stephanie Miller, who lost her mother, Henrietta, last week; Morty; Dick and Jean; Virginia, Peter, and Pat; Bob and RuthLee, Carol, Jo, Bobbi and Bob, Tom and Grace.  For those fighting cancer: Chris; Gerry, Nancy and June.  Also Rick, Chuck, John, Bill, Tina, Christine, Joseph, Cindy, Virginia, and Sherman.

 'listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God... for I am the Lord who heals you.' 
Exodus 15:26
Thank you to all who made our new floors in the St. Cecilia room possible!
Special thanks to Maria Whisenand for her instrumental help in the renovation plans.
The Parables of Jesus
27th July
For more details, contact Robin Schroeder.
Message from the Lay leaders
A few weeks ago we celebrated Peter May who graduates this year, after having served as Acolyte, Crucifer and LEM Lay Eucharistic Minister. It could be you one day!

If you want to volunteer to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lector (reader), Altar Guild, Acolyte or Crucifer please contact Alan Dinn or Gail Grossman

For the current schedules see the website here
 Please feel free to contact:    
RectorRev. Stuart HuntleyO:
  C: 516-761-6204 
Music DirectorMarc van
Youth & ChildrenRhonda 
Consignment Shop SupervisorDiana Gendron516-944-8829
Office ManagerTiffany
To find out more about what is happening
in the Diocese of Long Island see 

St. Stephen's Church
9 Carlton Avenue | Port Washington, New York  11050

An Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Long Island