Thursday, December 15 , 2022


Check out the Events Calendar for upcoming events, classes, and opportunities to help keep yourself organized for the Holidays and beyond.

For all things related to Christmas and Advent visit the Christmas Page Here

This week: Sign-up to serve as an usher or greeter at one of the Christmas Eve Services at the Reception Desk.

or you can click here to email Patrick Henning directly!

Remember to get your Estimated Giving Forms in!

The forms are available in print in Carlson Hall and near Sanctuary entrances, by download on the Giving Page.

or you can Click the red button below to fill out your Estimated Giving form online right now! 

REMEMBER: if you plan on continuing your pledge from last year with electronic giving, PLEASE let us know this. You can always call Brian Seim (612.435.1302) to make your pledge over the phone.


Homeless Memorial March & Vigil

Thursday December 15th, 5pm

Plymouth Congregational Church

Every year, people experiencing homelessness in Minneapolis perish due to lack of shelter. Join the Align congregations of downtown at this year’s Homeless Memorial March on Thursday, December 15th. The march will begin and end at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Ave. S., starting at 5pm.

A service of remembrance will be held at 6 pm, followed by a social gathering with refreshments and cookies.

The service will also be live-streamed here

You can submit names of friends/loved ones who passed away for next year’s memorial anytime by using the form here.

Remember to drop off your Cookies!

Cookie Table

December 18

Carlson Hall, Before and After Worship

In the spirit of Christmas cheer, bring a covered plate of Christmas cookies to be enjoyed after worship on December 18th during coffee hour. Drop off your plate of cookies (disposable plates only please) on one of the tables set up in Carlson Hall before worship.

 This is a great way to practice Radical Hospitality!

Holiday Festivities: Advent at Hennepin

Join us this advent season for Christmas worship:

God with Us.

Christmas Eve Worship at 4pm, 8pm, and 10pm in the Sanctuary.

Christmas Day Worship - 10am in the Art Gallery -a relaxed and warm experience (no message, plenty of singing, and an invitation to share Christmas stories) on Christmas Day. This will not be live-streamed but a special pre-recorded worship service will also be available.

You can find all things related to the Christmas season at

or look for events on Facebook.

This Year's Christmas Offering: ELIMINATING HOMELESSNESS

On Christmas Eve, just mark your offering as “Christmas Offering”

Is this an audacious goal? Maybe, but this season we are reminded that miracles do happen and that love is the greatest of all, so why not be a little audacious...or radical in your hospitality...or extravagant in your generosity?

HAUMC is a proud member of Align Minneapolis, an amazing collaboration between 17 churches, synagogues, mosques, and people with lived experience to address homelessness together.

Each congregation plays an important role in this effort!

We’ll highlight the various programs each week during the season of Advent:

And of course:

Adult backpacks, Bedding & Kitchen items are collected and distributed by Hennepin Avenue Methodist Church at the Dignity Center.

The Story of Advent as told through the Art Collection

The Fine Arts Team is celebrating the return of Nativity with Adoration of the Shepherds and Magi just in time for Christmas! The mid-16th Century painting and its ornate frame have been away for nearly a year of conservation treatment.

Nativity with Adoration of the Shepherds and Magi can be seen as part of the current exhibit in Carlson Hall, art that helps tell the Advent and Christmas story from the HAUMC collection.

Other works featured are works by Watanabe, Pinkham, Bohlig, and several pieces of Roberts' Lithographs of the Holy Land and Egypt.

(Photo caption: Fine Arts Team chair Beth Arel, along with team members Ingrid Bloom & Marcia Sullivan celebrate the return of a collection favorite.)

From the Archives

Let us Bake Bread Together - Church Cookbooks

On View, Carlson Hall

Church cookbooks have long been a good way to raise funds for special projects and a delightful way to share traditions across the community!

Church members went through their recipe boxes and clippings searching for that one recipe that would be special enough to be in their church cookbook. [And would show their cooking skills to best advantage.]

The cookbook committee designed the book, selected recipes, and household hints, and sold advertisements to help pay for the book.

With devotion and dedication and hours of work, a church cookbook is born! See our collection of cookbooks from the 1920s to the early 2000s in Carlson Hall.

5 Creation Justice Movement Gift giving tips for December!

  1. Christmas-shop without plastic bags. We’ve been learning to take our own reusable bags to the grocery store. The same principle works in retail stores. Carry in your own bags, politely decline the store’s plastic ones, and tell the clerks you are cutting down on single-use plastic. It’s your gift to the planet.
  2. Give Fair Trade presents this Christmas. Buying Fair Trade provides the creators—farmers, laborers, and artisans—fair prices and stable incomes, reduces poverty, betters working conditions, and promotes environmentally sustainable practices. It’s a just and good deal for all! If you like coffee, explore the Velasquez Family Coffee website ( There is a United Methodist connection there!
  3. And speaking of coffee- In the U.S. alone, coffee drinkers throw away 50 billion coffee cups every year! The Zero Waste Store has a sustainable solution—a reusable glass coffee cup with a grab-band of natural cork upcycled from wine corks.
  4. Support a company that cares for the earth and give the recipients of your gift something to think about and talk about. Give a JeltBelt. Stylish and stretchy, the belts are made from recycled plastic bottles. Check out Green Toys- made from recycled plastics, or check out these other recycled and zero-waste gift options!
  5. Give presence, not just presents. Give an adventure, a self-care day, an experience that can be shared, talked about, and remembered long after the usual “stuff“ has been covered over in the landfill.
Passionate Worship

Advent : God With Us

November 27-December 25

Wherever you are, God will meet you there.

In the season of Advent, we prepare to welcome Jesus, the Messiah, Emmanuel- God With Us. This year, as are filled with the anticipation that is Advent, we will put ourselves in the place of the first people who experienced Jesus and his birth. Through their stories, we will learn what it means for God to be with them, and we will open ourselves to experience God with us too.

This Sunday's Message

God with Us: God with the Shepherds

Scripture: Luke 2:8-20

Worship at 10am

Daily Prayer Fellowship: Coffee Time

8–8:30am Monday–Friday Mornings


Morning Coffee is a chance to check in, engage in a lively discussion about a short scripture passage or topic, and then pray our way into the day. All are welcome!

Join Zoom Meeting by Video Here or

Join by phone

‪Dial: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 842 8341 6140

Passcode: 975868

Daily Prayer Fellowship: Closings

8–8:30pm Mon, Tues, & Thurs Evenings


Are you looking for a warm way to end your day? Drop into Closings and share a conversation with friends. This open, lay-led group is a place for conversation, connection, and community.

Join Zoom Meeting by Video Here


Join by phone

‪Dial: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 892 5043 5902

Passcode: 113680


Monthly Virtual Book Club

Thursday, December 15, 7pm


Skipping Christmas by John Grisham

For a light-hearted holiday read, join us for John Grisham's Skipping Christmas, a comedic novel first published in 2001 and on the NYT #1 best-seller list.

No crime, just fun and fun to see a departure from his usual thrillers!

If you enjoy reading, please join the Hennepin Avenue UMC community for an hour-long discussion via Zoom about this book!

The books can be read online through local libraries or inexpensive websites like

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 898 0983 7941

Passcode: 496102

To share this event with your friends and family, click here

Email Jane Mylrea if you are interested to get on the mailing list! (

UWF Monthly Circle: Laura Dirks Honored!

December 8, 2022, the Combined Monthly Circle awarded the Special Mission Recognition Pin to Laura Dirks.

We believe love in action can change the world.

The Special Mission Recognition Pin honors someone who has generously dedicated their time, effort, and expertise to service for women, children, and youth.

Laura Dirks is an individual who repeatedly and consistently demonstrates this love in action.

She has been an organizing and driving force, either behind the scenes or has stepped up to assume a leadership role. She is willing to help anyone with anything at any time.

This woman has been an enthusiastic participant in Lydia Circle for many years, eventually assuming the role of leader and now serves as a co-coordinator of Hennepin’s circles. 

Congratulations to Laura Dirks for this well-deserved award!

  • Our next hybrid meeting in the Longfellow Room will be on Thursday, January 12 @ 1:00 p.m.

United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

If you are interested to learn more or join the local branch of this national organization Click Here

Or email: Susanne Mattison at and Laura Dirks at

New Bishop Lanette Plambeck at HAUMC!

We were so pleased to welcome Bishop Plambeck for a series of meetings at HAUMC!

She also took time to film a video that you can look out for in January!

Bishop Plambeck was one of three new bishops elected at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on Nov. 5 “I love our God, and I love the United Methodist Church,” Bishop Plambeck said after her election. “I wasn’t born in it but was called to it, and I believe to the very depth of who I am and that our very best years are ahead of us, right here, right now.” 

Click Here to watch the video interview with Bishop Plambeck.

Read "10 things to help you get to know Bishop Lanette Plambeck" here

HAUMC Update on Koinonia Legacy Funds

The strategic council has formed a task force to follow-up on the questions raised in our two information sessions. 

Bill Tipping, Maren Jensen, James Narr, John Carroll, and Ginger Sisco welcome any additional comments you might have. You can email to share your thoughts.

This is a rare and joy-filled opportunity. We are excited to bring the final recommendation to the congregation for a vote.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Scroll to the bottom of your email and click the link titled "VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE" to see the whole newsletter

Family Ministries

Hey Kids! It Time to SING!

Children's Choirs are starting!

Altar Choir (grades 1-5) led by Darin Riedel, starts Sundays at 11:30 am in Border Chapel.

Cherub Choir (pre-K & K) led by Patricia Rice starts Sundays at 11:30 am in Room 105.

For the fun of singing together AND for sharing our songs in worship!

Can't make the first gathering? That's OK, join in as soon as you are able! Our first time to share our songs will be on Christmas Eve at the 4 pm service! Questions or concerns?

Contact Darin ( or Patricia ( )

Confirmation and Youth Group Schedule

Attached is the schedule for the year. Click here to open.

Radical Hospitality

Contact Patrick Henning to find the myriad of service opportunities we have available to suit any schedule and tailored to particular skills and experiences.

Right now is a good time to sign up to serve in worship or volunteer for childcare slots! But as spring approaches we will have more and more fun service projects to work on!

Dignity Center

Volunteer at the Dignity Center

The Dignity Center will be closed for the Holidays

December 19- January 4.

If you are looking to join the volunteer team in the new year please contact Kevin Schill, Interim Director of The Dignity Center, at

The main areas of volunteering that can be tailored to your schedule include:

Hospitality, Intake, Advocacy, and Reception.

Extravagant Generosity

End-of-Year Giving Tax Tips!

From Jack Fistler 

Celebrate this Advent season with a tax-smart gift to support Hennepin!

Whether you still need to fulfill your 2022 giving commitment (ahem), pre-pay on your 2023 pledge (ahem, ahem), make an additional gift, or fund a Legacy Gift. You can BOTH ensure our ministries and be strategic with your own financial goals with these quick tips.

(Note: The CARES Act giving incentives have expired.)

·      If you itemize, Gifts of cash are deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

·      If you do not itemize, bundle your gifts in a given year so you qualify for deductions

·      Contribute appreciated stock, to deduct your gift value and avoid capital gains taxes

·      Give from your donor-advised fund

·      Make a qualified charitable distribution of IRA assets directly to Hennepin, if you are 70 ½ or older    


For more information, contact Jack Fistler at 612-435-1321 or, and contact your personal financial advisor.

Act promptly to ensure Hennepin receives your gift before December 30.

Are You ready to be All In? Get your Estimated Giving Forms in!

The forms are available in print in Carlson Hall and near Sanctuary entrances, by download on the Giving Page, or by clicking here.

You can always call Brian Seim (612.435.1302) to make your pledge over the phone.

REMEMBER: if you plan on continuing your pledge from last year with electronic giving, PLEASE let us know this. Thank you for giving!

State of the Church 2022 Recap

The State of the Church 2022 was held on November 6th.

The PowerPoint from the meeting can be found here:

Here are some of the highlights:

God is doing great things at Hennepin!

  • We supported teachers during the Minneapolis Teacher's Strike by providing support for their bodies (lunch) and their spirits (encouragement and kindness).
  • We voted to offer weddings to all people and we celebrated our first same-sex wedding in October. All are welcome here! Always.
  • We host ten AA groups each week and over 2500 events in our building.
  • We signed a new five-year contract with MNIC.
  • Our trustees completed several projects.
  • Financially, we are in the black and if everyone continues to give as they have been in 2022, we will end the year in the black.
  • Our budget projections for 2023 reflect an 15% increase due to increasing utility costs and the desire to retain our staff by paying competitive wages and giving them raises to cover inflation.
  • The Trustees are planning for three new large projects.
  • Questions and discussion

Hennepin Scholars 2023

Call for Applications

Deadline January 20, 2023

Looking for support to continue your education? Whether a little extra money for college or that one class that is just out of reach, we invite you to apply for a Hennepin Scholars award for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Scholarships are awarded in modest amounts to students pursuing seminary, college or

university degree programs, or other post-secondary degree or certificate programs.

Applicants may be Hennepin members or employees or others.

Application deadline is January 20, 2023

Award notices by February 6, 2023.

More information and application forms at, or contact Jack Fistler or by phone 612.435-1321. 

Old School is Hiring!

We are looking for the perfect person to complete our small but mighty team! This is a day-time position (11am. - 6pm. range) with a wage of $15 an hour, for up to 20 hours per week (mainly weekends). The position is a mix of front-end and back-room work. And you'll receive a 10% employee discount on purchases when you work.

Full job description can be found HERE

Please send your resume and a brief description of why you’d be a great fit to

Store Manager, Morgan Stemberger at

Store hours: Wednesday through Sunday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Donations accepted 11:00 noon – 4:00 pm, and by appointment

  • Must be in bags or closed boxes and labeled “clothes”, “books”, or “hard goods”
  • If donating clothing: clean and in-season only, please
  • Maximum 3 bags, boxes as we have limited storage
  • No electronics, please


Do you have news to share in Hennepin Happenings?

Please email

The deadline to request an announcement is 12 Noon on the preceding Monday for announcements that may be included in the following Thursday's newsletter. Submissions are subject to approval, editing for content and space, as well as for publication frequency and timing.

Thanks for sharing your news!

511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis MN, 55403 | 612-871-5303
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