Faculty Events, November 6-12 | Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED)
Call for Proposals:
Spring Development Day
We are seeking presenters for workshops that pertain to areas of student success, faculty development, active and collaborative learning, customer service, equity and cultural competence, technology utilization, leadership, staff development and supervisory skills development.
Proposals are due Wednesday, November 29
November 6-12, 2017
Learn more about the FCAG & see the current membership list by clicking "apply now."
Applications Due Today :
Faculty Center Advisory Group
The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) is a grass-roots group developed by the Adjunct Faculty Association and Full-Time Faculty Senate. The FCTL is led by the FCAG (Faculty Center Advisory Group), a collaborative and friendly work group that enjoys providing opportunities for faculty to share best practices (such as Computerside Chats, Lilly Conference Scholarships, and more). 

Currently, the FCAG has five open spaces for adjunct faculty members. The advisory group is looking to add adjunct faculty from varied campuses and disciplines. Apply by November 6 to get involved with this engaged group.
Chalk Talk: A Meetup for Faculty
Hays Campus
Campus-based, faculty-led monthly meetings (with snacks) for faculty across all disciplines to have creative discussions about their teaching.

Monday, November 6, 10:00am-11:00am
Hays Room 1132.04
Led by Michelle Redepenning
Batlab Makerspace Meetup
Eastview Library
November 6 & 7, 10:00am-2:00pm

The ACC Library BatLab is a pop-up makerspace for all faculty interested in doing hands-on, real-world, multidisciplinary projects in an informal, co-curricular setting at ACC Library locations alongside ACC students.

Registration is not required, just drop by!
Campus Conversations for Equity & Inclusion
South Austin Room 1130 : Monday, November 6, 10:00am-11:30am  Register Now

Eastview Room 8500 : Wednesday, November 8, 1:30pm-3:00pm  Register Now

Pinnacle Room 1013 : Thursday, November 9, 12:00pm-1:30pm  Register Now
These important conversations are held at each campus throughout the semester to facilitate dialogue between faculty, staff, students, and community members. The dialogues are meant to enhance relationships and share strategies for addressing how to increase student success, especially for our underserved populations.
Co mputerside Chats
These interactive, pedagogy-focused, online web-chats are led twice a month by Dr. Missi Patterson, one of our very own ACC Psychology Professors!

This week's session will cover Building Community, Synthesis and Creative Thinking, AND Problem Solving.

Tuesday, November 7, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Learn more about this series at austincc.edu/computersidechats
ACC TLED Updates is a monthly series where faculty can hear about ongoing initiatives that support their teaching & learning experience at ACC.
ACC TLED Updates: Office of Distance & Alternative Learning
Available Wednesday, November 8, 10:30am

Tune in for a comprehensive update from the Office of Distance & Alternative Learning, part of the newly formed Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED). Learn about how TLED is contributing to ACC's growth of distance learning, upcoming professional development opportunities, and more.
Distance Learning Symposium
Highland Campus
Friday, November 10, 9:00am-12:00pm

As part of the activities marking National Distance Learning Week (November 6-10), the Office of Distance and Alternative Learning invites faculty who teach distance learning courses, or who are interested in distance learning possibilities, to attend what will become their annual symposium at the Highland Campus.
Adjuncts who attend this event and others in this series will receive a  stipend of $25 per hour  of attendance.  Learn more  at  austincc.edu/nfs.
New Faculty Seminar Series
HBC 301.0
Friday, November 10, 8:30am-12:00pm

New adjunct and full-time faculty are invited to an introduction on ACC's portfolio process. This interactive session will get faculty members thinking about their syllabi, teaching philosophies, and future growth as educators.

Breakfast is provided & a book on teaching will be raffled off to those in attendance.
Featured Online Workshops
Thanks for your feedback!

From now on, you'll find that this events digest will be organized by:

  1. Featured item
  2. Chronological events
  3. Featured online workshops
  4. Continual opportunities & resources

Want to see your faculty event in our weekly events emails? Contact Us!
Teaching & Learning Excellence Division | TLED@austincc.edu | tled.austincc.edu