Here comes Open House Chicago!
See more below. 

The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
The Unjust Judge, Eugène Burnand  
7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer

8:00 a.m. Low Mass (Rite I)

Nursery available, 8:45 a.m.

9:00 a.m. Sung Mass

11:00 a.m. 
Solemn High Mass

This Week at Ascension + October 16, 2019

From the Junior Warden
From the Rector
Last Sunday's Sermon
Society of Mary - Fall Gathering
Upcoming Mass Commemorations
Zucchini Soup (Sharing Lunch, Sharing Blessings)
This Sunday at Ascension
The Parish Prayer List
Approved Vestry Minutes Online
The Last Word

Belonging and Giving

We all are one in mission, we all are one in call, 
our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all.
A single, great commission compels us from above
to plan and work together that all may know Christ's love.

   - From the hymnal supplement, ' Wonder, love and praise ,' 1997
      Text: Rusty Edwards (b. 1955), Sung to the tune  Nyland

Dear People of Ascension,
    Think of the signs of our forward movement over the past year: the major restorations of the pipe organ and sanctuary arch; the recent uptick in attendance and participation by young adults; the gracious welcoming of women clergy at the altar. The outpouring of appreciation at our recent Michaelmas celebration seemed emblematic of a positive sea change and more good to come.
    Fellow Vestry member David Reeves and I recently met to plan our 2020 stewardship appeal. We began by reflecting on these and other blessings over the past year. Then our focus shifted. We began to wonder why you, our Ascension family, make this place your spiritual home. And, we wondered about the ways we express our commitment to Ascension through our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
     We developed a list of questions and have asked some of you to respond to one or two. We'll feature those responses in upcoming newsletters. In the meantime, David and I would like to share the entire list of questions with you, below. We hope that reflecting on them will inspire you as you consider how you will contribute to Church of the Ascension in the coming year. Thank you for your faithful answers.
Gary Alexander, Junior Warden


Stewardship materials will be mailed to all households on our parish mailing list in the coming week or so. Feel free to click here if you want to view our 2020 pledge card (with invitations to give of your time and talent as well as treasure). As Junior Warden Gary Alexander mentions above, you'll be hearing more in weeks to come.

We had a good run at the 2019 Chicago Marathon
... even though no one from Ascension that I know of actually ran the race. Vestry members Amber Zelazny and Ken Kelling set up a free coffee and cookie station on LaSalle near the church front door. All who took part seemed grateful. We also took notes for an even more positive-impact effort next year! Meanwhile, due to the cold morning and our place at MILE 4 on the marathon route, hundreds of runners shed outer layers near the church. Thanks to parishioner Jim Lenz (and others) who, thinking 'on their feet,' collected and washed dozens of the items, now on their way to benefit residents at St. Leonard's House, one of our Episcopal Charities.
Here comes Open House Chicago ! My thanks to Kelly Columberti, Jay Jacot, Carol Noren, Cynthia Perrizo, Mother Judith Marie, OSA, and others who have been steadily working for weeks to make the event a hospitable, educational and evangelistic success for all. Jay Jacot has placed many informational signs around the church. Carol Noren helped Cynthia Perrizo with a time line now installed in St. Michael Hall. It occurs to me we all may have something to learn this weekend! In any event, thanks in advance to all who will extend a warm welcome to our guest.
Also This Sunday: Young Adults Connections, at the Rectory, following the Solemn High Mass. As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, this will be an opportunity for some initial, more intentional contact among young adults, including the several who are new(er) to Ascension. Lunch provided! We'll start as close to 12:45 p.m. as possible and try to end by 2:00 p.m., though lingerers will be welcomed to linger. For those who don't know, the rectory is two doors south of the church proper, at 1119 N. LaSalle Drive.
An invitation to share names to be read at our All Souls Requiem Mass was mailed to all on our mailing list last Thursday. If you are not on the list or haven't received the card and would like to view, print and return it, you may view the card here. Instructions about other means of responding are also on the card. The All Souls Mass will take place Saturday, November 2, at 10 a.m.

[email protected]


What :     Society of Mary Fall Prayer & Reflection Session
               and SOM Membership Meeting
When:    Saturday, October 26 - following the 10AM Mass (10:45AM-1:30PM)
Where:   Wheeler Hall
Who:      All who share or are curious about devotion to Mary,  Mother of our  Lord.
              Current Society of Mary members
              Potential SOM Members.
Food:     Brunch will be served
Preparation:    For the sake of preparing brunch,
please inform George Pineda of your intention to participate:
in person, or [email protected] or (312) 203-9494
Read Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 in the Gospel of Luke.
Contact George with any related questions.

The Martyrdom of Thomas Cranmer,
from Foxes  Book of Martyrs

Wednesday, October 16th
Commemoration of  Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley  and Thomas Cranmer
6:10 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:30 p.m. Said Mass
Luke's symbol is an ox, because his Gospel begins with Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, offering sacrifice in the temple at Jerusalem.

Saturday, October 19th
St. Luke the Evangelist ( tr.)
9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer
10:00 a.m. Healing Mass

Because many were asking for it, Cheryl Peterson has provided the recipe for  Zucchini Soup that she served on Wednesday, October 9th, for Sharing Lunch, Sharing Blessings.

Zucchini Soup
Ingredients:  1 yellow onion; 3-4 medium zucchini squash; 1 Tbsp. butter; 1 chicken bouillon cube (Knorr).
Instructions:  Melt the butter, add slices of onion and saute for 1-2 minutes on medium heat.  Wash and slice the zucchini and add to the pot; sprinkle with a little salt and pepper and saute for 4-5 minutes.  Add water to cover the squash and add 1/2 bouillon cube.  Cook until zucchini is soft, about 15-20 minutes.  Use a blender to make a creamy soup.  Add water if needed; adjust seasonings as desired.  Serve with grated Parmesan cheese.  Makes 6-8 portions.  

The schedule of Sunday Readings, Celebrants, Preachers, Lectors, Acolytes, Ushers, Hymnody, Choral and Organ Repertoire for  Sunday, October 20, 2019  may be found by clicking here . More information on the Choral repertoire may be found by clicking here .


Please remember these people in your daily prayers
Geoffrey Wainwright, Fr. John Graham, Dorothy Murray, Mary Lou Devens, Michael Milano, Charley Taylor, August 'Augie' Alonzo, Ted Long, Jim Berger, Ethel Martin, Yuka Asai, Dean Pineda, Bazelais Suy, Carnola Malone, Charlene MacDougal, Pablo Illás, Doreen Finn, Don Wilber, Jacob Potter, Nathan, Monica, Jim, Donnie Richmond, Jim Walsh, Jack Johnston, Patricia Johnston, George

Prayers for the departed

Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Sr. Olga Gonzalez OSA.

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


The Approved Minutes of Vestry meetings are now available online to parishioners who request the link. If you would like Internet access to the Approved Vestry Minutes, please email the  Church Office and request the link. 
Once you access the web page, you can read all recent Approved Vestry Minutes. In addition, if you click on the subscribe button at the top right, you will be given email notice whenever a new set of Approved Minutes is added. 


I gather I've shared this favorite prayer before, but it seems particularly apt as we open our doors this coming weekend for Open House Chicago ...      - Fr. Raymond +
O God,
make the door of this house wide enough
to receive all who need human love and
fellowship, and a heavenly father's care;
and narrow enough to shut out
all envy, pride and hate.

Make its threshold smooth enough
to be no stumbling block to children,
nor to straying feet,
but rugged enough to turn back
the temptor's power:
make it a gateway
to thine eternal kingdom.

Bishop Thomas Ken, 1637-1711

 A wonderful little serendipity ... When I typed 'church with open door' into a Google search, this image popped up, and though from decades ago (probably the 1940s, judging from the partial car to the left), I immediately recognized it as Mendocino (CA) Presbyterian Church, where I grew up and where my mother's memorial service was held a few weeks ago. (Fr. Raymond +)

Fr. Patrick Raymond,         [email protected]

Susan Schlough,                [email protected]

Parish Office                      [email protected]